Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Any time an existing item is altered in the data entry form, the User must click the SaveImage Removed image-20240430-124710.pngImage Added button at the bottom of the form in order to make the changes permanent. If a User attempts to exit the form without saving, the User is prompted to either return to the form to save the changes or to proceed without saving.

Likewise, an item can be deleted by clicking the DeleteImage Removed image-20240430-124745.pngImage Added button at the bottom of the data entry form. Whenever the 'Delete' icon is selected, the User is presented with the option to confirm the Delete process or to cancel and return to the data entry form.

Located beside the Save and Delete buttons is the ClearImage Removed image-20240430-124801.pngImage Added  button. Selecting this function clears the data entry form of all information and prepares it to add a new item.


Whenever a red asterisk accompanies a data field or box, this field must contain data in order for the item to be saved successfully. If a User attempts to save the data entry form without addressing each Required field, the User is prompted to do so before proceeding.

Prev and Next

The Previous ArrowImage Removed image-20240430-124829.pngImage Added  button  is short-hand for 'Previous'. Clicking this button steps the User on Record on Grid from the current record. This is based on the current sort in the Grid. For example, if the Grid is sorted numerically and the User is on "5" then clicking the Prev button moves the form to the data held on "4". The Next ArrowImage Removedimage-20240430-124849.pngImage Added  button  steps in the opposite direction. In the previous example, clicking 'Next' would step the open form to the "6".


The appearance of a 'Search Icon' (Magnifying Glass IconImage Removedimage-20240430-124909.pngImage Added ) inside the left margin of a data field or box allows the User to select an input from a list of relevant defaults. By clicking on the icon, the User is presented with a list of possible inputs specific to the nature of the data requested.

Typing in this field and then pressing the 'Enter' or 'Tab' key, clicking the icon, or clicking elsewhere presents the list with a search by the text entered. If there is only one matching result, the field is populated with the matching item.

Options Menu

The OptionsImage Removed image-20240430-124944.pngImage Added  menu button  is placed in the upper right corner of every Form that opens in PCR-360.


This Option creates a form with a link for the Users to copy. This link can then be sent to other Users and acts as a way to share forms easily. Not every form has a link associated with it. For instance, forms that are purely for data entry or selection does not have a link. Get Link form exampleImage Removed


Permission Builders


This Option allows the User to utilize Permission Builders without leaving the current form.


If the User clicks the 'Save Perspective' menu option, they open the 'Perspective' form.Save Perspectives in Options MenuImage Removed


From here, the User can name their current Perspective, choose to overwrite an Existing Perspective (if any exist), and choose to Set as the Default Perspective. This functionality extends the capabilities of the Perspectives to make it easy to create them.

Additionally, there is a Menu option to 'View Perspectives' that opens the 'View Saved Perspectives' form.View Perspective in Options MenuImage Removed


Note: This form can also be opened by clicking on the Perspectives button.

Form Layout


The Form Layout menu has several options.

  • Save Layout - After adjusting the size of a form, the User can click Save Layout. The form is always that size from then on.

  • Restore Defaults - Resets the size of the form to its original size.

  • Titlebar Color - Allows the User to change the Color of a form's title bar.

    • Default - This is the Default color of the title bars.

      Default Form Header stylingImage RemovedDefault Form Header stylingImage Added
    • Apply - The ApplyImage Removed ApplyImage Added button lets the User select a custom color on the title bar. The color is specific to the form being viewed and can help visually distinguish one important form from another.


Once the color desired is chosen, the User can now click the ApplyImage RemovedApplyImage Added  button to change the color of the title bar:


If a given form in the above example 'Service Order' has a Wiki associated with it, a User can navigate to that Wiki using this option. The Wiki page/section opens in a new tab and serves as a quick point of reference for potentially confusing materials.

Reports Menu

The ReportsImage Removed image-20240430-125509.pngImage Added  menu button only appears on the form once a Report has been associated with a form.
