(v1) Text Formatting in Rich Text Fields
Rich Text Fields
Any text field containing the above buttons indicates that the field allows for more User formatting than average. These fields are usually used to control externally facing data within '(v1) CustomerCenter'. Examples of this field include the 'Description' field on 'Catalogs', and 'Footer' text within CustomerCenter.
The 'Cut' button will allow a User to duplicate and remove a section of text, so that it can be moved elsewhere.
The 'Copy' button will allow a User to duplicate a section of text, so that it can be used again elsewhere.
The 'Paste' button will allow a User to place a section of text that has been duplicated by either Cut or Copy actions.
Paste as Plain Text
The 'Paste as Plain Text' button will allow a User to place a section of text that has been duplicated by either Cut or Copy actions. Using this Paste action will remove any formatting or styles used in the text.
Paste from Word
The 'Paste from Word' button will allow a User to place a section of text that has been duplicated by either Cut or Copy actions. Using this Paste action will maintain any formatting or style used in the text.
Undo / Redo
The 'Undo' button will revert the last action done, while the 'Redo' button will revert the previous Undo action.
Spell Checker
The 'Spell Checker' button will check the selection of text for spelling errors.
Link / Unlink
The 'Link' button will allow a User to convert a selection into a link to a specific web URL or to an Anchor that has been placed. The 'Unlink' button will remove a link contained within the selection.
The 'Anchor' button will place an Anchor in the current cursor location. This Anchor can be used to create Links directly to that location.
The 'Image' button will allow the User to insert pictures into the field. Users who use Firefox for accessing PCR-360 may also use the native operating system's capabilities to Paste Images into the field.
The 'Table' button will allow the User to create a Table within the field.
Insert Horizontal Line
The 'Insert Horizontal Line' button will allow the User to create a Horizontal line across the text location. This allows for visual separations of sections of text.
Insert Special Character
The 'Insert Special Character' button will allow the User to insert any visible ASCII character.
Maximize / Minimize
The 'Maximize' / 'Minimize' button will increase or decrease the size of the field, to allow for ease of editing large entries. Maximize will take up the entire screen, while Minimize will revert the field back to normal.
The 'Bold' button will make text appear in bold letters.
The 'Italic' button will make text appear in italicized letters.
The 'Strikethrough' button will place a line through all typed characters (like this).
Remove Format
The 'Remove Format' button will remove formatting from selected text.
Numbered List
The 'Numbered List' button will allow the User to create a numeric list of items.
- example one
- example two
Bullet List
The 'Bullet List' button will allow the User to create a bullet-ed list of items.
- example one
- example two
The 'Indent' buttons will allow the User to take a line of text and either cause it to to be "tabbed" in or out by approximately six (6) spaces (example: " ").
Block Quote
The 'Block Quote' button will allow the User to format text suitable for making a quote from another location.
Formatting Style
The 'Formatting Style' button will allow the User to modify how the text appears.
Paragraph Format
The 'Paragraph Format' button will allow the User to modify how the text is formatted.
The 'About' button will enable the User to learn more about 'ckEditor', the plugin PCR-360 uses for Rich Text Editing.
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