(v1) Service Desk Equipment Import
This Import allows the User to INSERT or UPDATE existing Equipment on Service Desk Items.
Import Fields mapped via Column Mappings or Conditional Logic will constantly update values (when applicable). If a field is mapped and the value is left blank, the record will save that field as empty. This is especially important to remember when updating records. This behavior can be circumvented with the use of Conditional Logic.
Important Notes
When a Column Mapping or Conditional Logic maps a field, the value for that field will be used regardless of value. This means that if the value is left blank in the file, the value will be blank on the record. If you need to map a column but ignore blanks, conditional logic may be used; see the example below.
if (trim([<COLUMN_INDEX>]) !== '') [<FIELD_IDENTIFIER>] = [<COLUMN_INDEX>];
Matches On Criteria
Currently, only new Service Desk Equipment can be created. Updating existing records is not supported.
Datatype is String
Required for adding a new record
Allowed Values: "INSERT"
Denotes the Import should INSERT a record.
Service Desk Fields
Required for adding a new record
Multiple fields can be used for the Service Desk Item.
Only valid for Service Orders, Work Orders, and Incidents.
Service Desk Number
The Service Desk Number of a Service Desk item.
Datatype is String
Special Values:
PREVIOUS The last saved Service Desk item from an applicable Service Desk Import Record Format (Service/Work Order) is used.
Service Desk RECID
The RECID of a Service Desk item.
Datatype is Number
Special Values:
PREVIOUS The last saved Service Desk item from an applicable Service Desk Import Record Format (Service/Work Order) is used.
Service Desk Action Fields
Multiple fields can be used for the Service Desk Action Item.
Service Desk Action Number
The Number of a Service Desk Action item.
Datatype is String
Special Values:
PREVIOUS The last saved Service Desk item from an applicable Service Desk Import Record Format (Service Order) is used.
Service Desk Action RECID
The RECID of a Service Desk Action item.
Datatype is Number
Special Values:
PREVIOUS The last saved Service Desk item from an applicable Service Desk Import Record Format (Service Order) is used.
Action Fields
Multiple fields can be used for the Equipment Action.
Required for adding a new record
A List Value or code for the List Type "SD_EQP_ACTIONS."
Datatype is String
Action RECID
The RECID of a List Value with the List Type "SD_EQP_ACTIONS."
Datatype is Number
Datatype is Number
Required for adding a new record
Must be a positive integer value.
Status Fields
Multiple fields can be used for the Equipment Status.
Required for adding a new record
A List Value or code for the List Type "SD_EQP_STATUS."
Datatype is String
Status RECID
The RECID of a List Value with the List Type "SD_EQP_STATUS."
Datatype is Number
Datatype is Boolean
Default: False
Equipment Catalog Fields
Multiple fields can be used to for the Equipment Status.
Conditionally Required for adding a new record, and the Equipment field is not provided
Equipment Catalog
The Path of an Equipment Catalog item.
Datatype is Hierarchical String
Equipment Catalog RECID
The RECID of an Equipment Catalog item.
Datatype is Number
Replaced Equipment Fields
Multiple fields can be used for the Replaced Equipment item.
Multiple fields may be used to match an Equipment record.
Replaced Equipment Asset Tag
Datatype is String
Replaced Equipment Equipment ID
Datatype is String
Replaced Equipment Serial Number
Datatype is String
Replaced Equipment MAC Address
Datatype is String
Replaced Equipment RECID
Datatype is Number
Equipment Fields
Multiple fields can be used for the Equipment item.
Multiple fields may be used to match an Equipment record.
Equipment Asset Tag
Datatype is String
Equipment Equipment ID
Datatype is String
Equipment Serial Number
Datatype is String
Equipment MAC Address
Datatype is String
Equipment RECID
Datatype is Number
Special Value
PREVIOUS The last saved Service Desk item from an applicable Service Desk import record format (Service Order) is used.
Expense Type Fields
Multiple fields can be used for the Expense Type.
Special Values:
PREVIOUS The last saved Equipment item from an Equipment Import Record Format is used.
Expense Type
A List Value or code for the List Type "EXPENSE_TYPE."
Datatype is String
Expense Type RECID
The RECID of a list item with the list type "EXPENSE_TYPE."
Datatype is Number
From Location Fields
Multiple fields can be used for the From Location.
Conditionally Required when inserting a new record and the Equipment Action is "ADD."
From Location
The path of a Location item.
Datatype is a Hierarchical String
From Location RECID
The RECID of a Location item.
Datatype is Number
From Location Type Fields
Multiple fields can be used for the From Location.
From Location Type
A List Value or code for the List Type "LOCATION_TYPE."
Datatype is String
From Location Type RECID
The RECID of a List Value with the List Type "LOCATION_TYPE."
Datatype is Number
To Location Fields
Multiple fields can be used for the To Location.
Conditionally Required when inserting a new record and one of the following conditional are met.
- The Equipment Action is "REMOVE"
- The Equipment Action is "ADD," and the Service Desk record is not a Service Desk Action.
To Location
Datatype is a Hierarchical String
The path of a Location item.
To Location RECID
Datatype is Number
The RECID of a Location item.
To Location Type Fields
Multiple fields can be used for the To Location.
To Location Type
A List Value or code for the List Type "LOCATION_TYPE."
Datatype is String
To Location Type RECID
The RECID of a List Value with the List Type "LOCATION_TYPE."
Datatype is Number
Override GLA Fields
Multiple fields can be used for the Override GLA.
Override GLA
The fully concatenated GLA path.
Datatype is a Hierarchical String
Override GLA RECID
The RECID of a GLA item.
Datatype is Number
Advanced Examples
How do I use Equipment created by another Record Format within the same Import?
The Record Formats needed
Service Desk Equipment
Scenario: The Equipment Record Format created/modified an Equipment record. How do we match that exact Equipment record to be added as Service Desk Equipment?
Fields: The following Service Desk Equipment fields and values can be used.
(v1) .Service Desk Equipment Import v2023.1
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