(v1) Adding Additional SDC Workflow
- Provide the capability to add SDC Workflow to a Service Desk item after creation.
Background and strategic fit
A larger, more complicated version of this enhancement won Voting List 003 in 2017. At that time, the idea was to allow the user to change the SDC and reapply all the SDC details (Equipment, Charges, etc.) to the Service Desk item. However, the proposed has been scaled back and the changes will only apply additional SDC Workflow via a button on the Workflow tab.
Voting List: https://forums.pcr.com/t/voting-list-003-2017-07-05/219/3
Follow Up: https://forums.pcr.com/t/applying-an-sdc-after-action-is-added/644
Related: https://forums.pcr.com/t/can-we-change-action-sdcs-after-saved/266/5
# | Title | User Story | Importance | Notes |
1 | Button on Workflow grid | Provide a button to trigger | Must-Have |
2 | SDC Selection Dialog | Allow selection of specific SDC based on criteria of Action/Incident/Inquiry | Must-Have |
3 | Loading Workflow | Example Usage A new ticket comes into the Helpdesk for new Phone Service. The Helpdesk associate creates the Action and selects the "Generic Telecom" SDC. Generic Telecom Once in the Telecom group, it is determined that this is a VoIP Service. The [Add from SD] button is selected and the and additional Workflow is loaded. Add New VoIP 110 Select Service Once the Build Cabling set starts additional Workflow is required to run new Cable. [Add from SDC] button is used again to add the "Work Crews" SDC. Work Crews | Must-Have |
4 | Workflow Grid Source column | Show Source of Workflow | Must-Have |
User interaction and design
The initial creation of the ticket the "Generic A" SDC is used.
Generic A | |
10 | Initial IT Handoff |
20 | IT Resource Allocation |
30 | Work |
Multiple SDC templates that can be applied for IT Handoff
IT Handoff 1 | (Installation) |
11 | Inventory collects Eqp |
12 | Switchboard reserves Service |
IT Handoff 2 | (Repair) |
11 | Technician Diagnosis |
12 | Inventory collects repair materials |
Simple WF template but easy to expand later
Resource Allocation | (All) |
21 | Scheduler sets up time/date slot with customer |
And so on...
Work 1 | (Installation) |
31 | Scheduler allocates time/date slot |
32 | Survey topography |
33 | Dig a hole |
34 | Stand around truck drinking coffee |
The additional subsets can be selected at any time. However, the Sequence Numbers in the subset must not be before any Completed Sequence Number.
After applying the subgroup SDCs, they might have something like:
Sequence | (Installation) |
10 | Initial IT Handoff |
11 | Inventory collects Eqp |
12 | Switchboard reserves Service |
20 | IT Resource Allocation |
21 | Scheduler sets up time/date slot with customer |
30 | Work |
31 | Scheduler allocates time/date slot |
32 | Survey topography |
33 | Dig a hole |
34 | Stand around truck drinking coffee |
And if they choose to they can reapply any SDC multiple times, it'll just create duplicate Sequences. If any SDC application violates Minimum Sequence rule, the attempt fails - they have to do that set manually.
Sequence | (Installation) |
10 | Initial IT Handoff |
11 | Inventory collects Eqp |
11 | Inventory collects Eqp |
12 | Switchboard reserves Service |
12 | Switchboard reserves Service |
20 | IT Resource Allocation |
21 | Scheduler sets up time/date slot with customer |
30 | Work |
31 | Scheduler allocates time/date slot |
32 | Survey topography |
33 | Dig a hole |
34 | Stand around truck drinking coffee |
Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
Question | Outcome |
Not Doing
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