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(v1) PHP Extensions

The following is a list of the required PHP extensions. Some of these will be installed with the PHP core installation others can be installed with yum and a few may require the PHP Extension Community Library (PECL). Many of these will have required library dependencies that will need to be installed as well.

Use this command to check which modules are installed:

php -m

apc - Alternative PHP Cache
calendar - calendar functions
ctype - character type checking
curl - libcurl support for http communication
date - date functions
dom - Document Object Model functions
exif - Exchangeable image information
fileinfo - File information functions
filter - DAta filtering and validation
ftp - FTP connection support
gd - Image manipulation module
gettext - NLS API support
gmp - GNU Multiple Precision
hash - Hash Digest functions
iconv - character set conversion
intl - Internationalization functions
imagick - Image Processing
json - JavaScript Object Notation functions
ldap - LDAP protocol support
libxml - XML library dependency for other modules
mbstring - Multi Byte Character Encoding support
oci8 - Driver for Oracle database support Only required if using Oracle. Requires an Oracle client already installed
openssl - openssl library interface
pcntl - Process Control support
pcre - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
PDO - PHP Data Objects library Only required if using MySQL
pdo_mysql - PDO Driver for MySQL database support Only required if using MySQL
Phar - PHP Archive library - need for some other modules
posix - File system access function
readline - GNU Readline library access
Reflection - Class inspection library
session - Session Handling interface
shmop - Shared Memory acccess
SimpleXML - XML Toolset
soap - SOAP Connection libaray
sockets - Low Level Socket Communication
SPL - Standard PHP Library extension
tokenizer - Zend Engine Tokenizer interface
wddx - Web Distributed Data Exchange
xml - XMl Parser
xmlreader - XML Reader
xmlwriter - XMl Writer
xsl - XLS Standards implementation
zip - Zip Archive interface
zlib - gzip Archive interface

No longer needed or deprecated

mcrypt - encryption library interface (deprecated with PHP 7.0+ and no longer required after PCR-360 2019.1 or later)

regex - Regular Expression support

mhash - Digest Checksums

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