Service Desk Reports

Service Desk Reports

Service Desk Report Actions Grid

Navigate to Main > Service Desk > View/Report. Double-click on any corresponding nodes to see a query-only reporting Grid for the corresponding Service Desk entry type.

Reporting functionality for Service Desk entries is included here for convenience. Users will likely generate these queries/reports frequently. Accordingly, these Grids, which also appear within the 'Service Desk' folder in the Reporting section, cannot be modified.

However, all of the functionalities common to all other Grids in terms of reporting apply equally to these reporting Grids. For instance, Users can filter items on the Grid, sort by column, and print Grid reports. For more information on Grid functionality, see the Getting Started section entitled Critical Interfaces: The Grid.

For the Action and Workflow grid reports, if the Service Desk Items is associated with a Project, that information will also be available on the grid.

Service Desk Reports

Actions: A report displaying all Service Desk Actions.

Workflow: A report on all Service Desk Workflow. This report also includes:

  • Completed On Time: A yes or no value indicating whether the workflow was completed by the due date.
  • Reported Worked Time: The amount of time work was done on the workflow based on the work start and complete dates
  • Actual Worked Time: The amount of time work was done on the workflow based on when the workflow was created and completed.
  • Time On Hold: The amount of time the workflow was on hold.

SLA Metrics: A report on Service Desk SLA Metrics. Included metrics in the report include whether the Service Desk item was completed on time, whether the Workflow was completed on time and whether it was finalized on time.

SLA Workflow Metrics: This report displays Service Desk Workflow and includes columns that indicate if the workflow was completed on time, the Service Desk item was completed on time, and the Service Desk item was finalized on time.

Contacts: The contacts report displays information for each contact on a Service Desk item.

Cable: A report of the cabling items attached to Service Desk items.

Labor: A report of labor on Service Desk items.

Charges: A report of charges on Service Desk items.

Equipment: A report of equipment on Service Desk items.

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