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(2024.2) GLA Rollover

This Custom Event relies on UDFs for 'End_Date' and "Rollover_GLA" to roll over a GLA for billing on a given date.

GLA Rollover
/** * Event: Custom PHP Event * Frequency: Daily * Time: 12:00am * Listener Class: Core_Model_Event * Listener Method: eventCustom */ $glas = $this->query(<<<SQL SELECT G.STATUS AS STATUS, V.GLA_FULL_CODES AS OLD_GLA, G.RECID AS OLD_GLA_RECID, V1.GLA_FULL_CODES AS NEW_GLA, G1.RECID AS NEW_GLA_RECID, U2.DATETIME_VALUE AS END_DATE FROM V_GLA_COMP_COMB_ADMIN V INNER JOIN GLA G ON V.RECID = G.RECID INNER JOIN USER_DEFINED_FIELDS_VALS U1 ON G.RECID = U1.TABLE_RECID AND U1.TABLE_NAME = 'GLA' AND U1.UDF_RECID = ( SELECT RECID FROM USER_DEFINED_FIELDS WHERE LABEL = 'Rollover_GLA' ) LEFT JOIN GLA G1 ON G1.RECID = U1.INTEGER_VALUE LEFT JOIN V_GLA_COMP_COMB_ADMIN V1 ON G1.RECID = V1.RECID INNER JOIN USER_DEFINED_FIELDS_VALS U2 ON G.RECID = U2.TABLE_RECID AND U2.TABLE_NAME = 'GLA' AND U2.UDF_RECID = ( SELECT RECID FROM USER_DEFINED_FIELDS WHERE LABEL = 'End_Date' ) WHERE U2.DATETIME_VALUE IS NOT NULL AND U2.DATETIME_VALUE <= NOW() AND G.STATUS = 1 ; SQL ); $results = ["deactivateGla" => [], "activateGla" => [], "rolledGla" => []]; PCR_Event::attachDb("replace-gla", [ "Application_Model_Gla_Gla" => "eventReplaceGla" ]); foreach ($glas as $gla) { // deactivate anything with past end_date $results["deactivateGla"][] = $gla["OLD_GLA_RECID"]; // only Roll to the new GLA if there is a new GLA if(!empty($gla["NEW_GLA_RECID"])) { $results["activateGla"][] = $gla["NEW_GLA_RECID"]; // only rollover if the END_DATE was within the last 30 days if (time() - strtotime($gla["END_DATE"]) < (30 * 24 * 60 * 60)) { $results["rolledGla"][] = $gla["OLD_GLA_RECID"]; PCR_Event::trigger("replace-gla", [ "contact" => 101452, // PCR Admin contact "users_recid" => 485, // pcradmin user "glaRecid" => [$gla["OLD_GLA_RECID"]], "replaceGlaRecid" => $gla["NEW_GLA_RECID"], "prorate" => true, "setInactiveGla" => true, "comment" => "Nightly GLA Rollover from {$gla['OLD_GLA']} to {$gla['NEW_GLA']} recid" . " {$gla['OLD_GLA_RECID']} to {$gla['NEW_GLA_RECID']}", ]); } } } // if anything Rolled/Deactivated then we need to fire that event if(!empty($results["activateGla"]) || !empty($results["rolledGla"]) || !empty($results["deactivateGla"])){ $results["ACTIVATE_COUNT"] = count($results["activateGla"]); $results["DEACTIVATE_COUNT"] = count($results["deactivateGla"]); $results["ROLLED_COUNT"] = count($results["rolledGla"]); // set the gla-status event and attach for a notification too PCR_Event::attachDb("gla-status", [ "Core_Model_Notification" => "eventSend", "Application_Model_Gla_Gla" => "eventGlaStatus" ]); PCR_Event::trigger("gla-status", $results); } else { $results["ACTIVATE_COUNT"] = $results["DEACTIVATE_COUNT"] = $results["ROLLED_COUNT"] = 0; // set the gla-status event and attach for a notification to indicate no glas rolled over PCR_Event::attachDb( "gla-status", [ "Core_Model_Notification" => "eventSend", "Application_Model_Gla_Gla" => "eventGlaStatus" ] ); PCR_Event::trigger("gla-status", $results); }