(2024.1) PHP 5.6 Install

(2024.1) PHP 5.6 Install



Install PHP - version 5.6 is required

yum install php

php.ini Configuration

Make sure magic quotes is off or the JSON Decoding will fail.

magic_quotes_gpc = off

Enable short open tags for the echo shortcuts.

short_open_tag = On

Limit the upload size to protect against DOS attacks

Set the timezone http://us3.php.net/manual/en/timezones.america.php

Set the include_path

Zend Framework

Zend Guard Loader

  • Download Zend Guard Loader from Zend.com . Select the correct version for your version of PHP and hardware.

  • Extract the tarball to your home directory

  • Move the .so file to the php extensions directory

  • Create a new ini in the php.d config directory

PHP Extensions