(2022.1) AdHoc Grid Library
(2022.1) AdHoc Grid Library
For the convenience of our customers, this Library contains pre-built AdHoc Grids that anyone may copy and add to their PCR-360 application. If you require an AdHoc query not provided by this Library, please contact your Account Manager to request Professional Services; your Account Manager will provide you with a quote to create an AdHoc tailored to your needs.
(2022.1) Assigned Workflow for all Workers in Workgroup
(2022.1) Bill Details Transactions Query including Charge Quantities
(2022.1) Billed Service Counts by Charge Type
(2022.1) Cable Locations Report Query
(2022.1) Duplicate MAC Address Locator Query
(2022.1) Inventory Reorder Details Report
(2022.1) Scheduled Reports by User
(2022.1) Service Desk Cabling Query
, multiple selections available,