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(2022.1) Full List

Authorization Parameters 


(DbTable, ActiveDirectory, Ldap, Shibboleth)

This parameter specifies which of the predefined Authentication Adapters is being used. The default is "Native" (which is the native database for PCR-360).



This parameter controls when the API rate limit will be reset.  The default is 60.


This parameter when true will allow connections to servers using self-signed certificate constants. The default is false.



This parameter defines the URL that should be redirected to when logging out of PCR-360. Shibboleth usually has a specific URL to complete the logout. The default is "/core/auth/".


(true or false)

This parameter controls how the system will treat non-permissioned resources. If a specific resource (a link, page or menu item) is not specifically permissioned to Allow or Deny should the system use Allow by default. The default is true.



This parameter controls the web server session timeout. If no activity is logged in this amount of time then the session will expire. This expiration may or may not affect Single Sign On systems. The default is 5400.



This parameter controls the session cookie timeout. It specifies the number of seconds that the cookie will exist after the browser is closed, setting this to zero will expire the cookie as soon as the browser closes. The JITC parameter overrides this setting with 0. The default is 0.


(attribute key)

This parameter is used with ActiveDirectory, Ldap or Shibboleth Authentication Adapters. It specifies the bit in the authentication attributes that is the identity of the user. If this bit is missing then the login will fail. The default is "username".


(true or false)

This parameter is used with ActiveDirectory, Ldap or Shibboleth Authentication Adapters. It specifies whether or not to create unknown users that successfully login. It requires that the AUTH_ATTRMAP_ config attributes be present in the authentication attributes. If set to true, new users and contacts will be created as they login. The default is true.


(true or false)

This parameter is used with ActiveDirectory, Ldap or Shibboleth Authentication Adapters. It specifies whether or not to update users and their contact records when they login. It requires that the AUTH_ATTRMAP_ config attributes be present in the authentication attributes. If set to true, existing users and contacts will be updated with new/changing information from the AUTH_ATTRMAP_config attributes when they login. The default is true.


(true or false)

This parameter is used with ActiveDirectory, Ldap or Shibboleth Authentication Adapters. It specifies whether or not the system should try to map roles from the AUTH_ATTRMAP config attributes. It requires that the AUTH_ATTRMAP_GROUPS config attribute be present in the authentication attributes. If set to true, the system will associate the user with any roles that match the mapped groups when they login. This also controls the Authentication Mapping field that appears on the Role screen. This field is not displayed when this parameter is set to false. The default is false.

Mapped group names can be no longer than 300 characters long.


(role name)

This parameter is used with ActiveDirectory, Ldap or Shibboleth Authentication Adapters. It specifies what the default Role should be when creating users from Ldap or Shibboleth whenever a role is not mapped from AUTH_ROLEMAPPING and AUTH_ATTRMAP_GROUPS. The default is “SysAdmin”.


(attribute key)

This parameter is used with ActiveDirectory, Ldap or Shibboleth Authentication Adapters. It specifies what key or index in the authentication attributes that map to the userid when creating a user. The default is “uid”.


(attribute key)

This parameter is used with ActiveDirectory, Ldap or Shibboleth Authentication Adapters. It specifies what key or index in the authentication attributes that map to the first name when creating a user. The default is "givenname".


(attribute key)

This parameter is used with ActiveDirectory, Ldap or Shibboleth Authentication Adapters. It specifies what key or index in the authentication attributes that maps to the last name when creating a user. The default is "surname".


(attribute key)

This parameter is used with ActiveDirectory, Ldap or Shibboleth Authentication Adapters. It specifies what key or index in the authentication attributes that map to the email when creating a user. The default is "email".  


(attribute key)

This parameter is used with ActiveDirectory, Ldap or Shibboleth Authentication Adapters. It specifies what key or index in the authentication attributes that map to the phone number when creating a user. The default is " telephonenumber".


(attribute key)

This parameter is used with ActiveDirectory, Ldap or Shibboleth Authentication Adapters. It specifies what key or index in the authentication attributes that map to the Authentication Mapping field on Roles when creating a user. The default is "memberOf".



This parameter is used to determine how many passwords we want to keep track of. When set, the user will not be able to reuse a password as long as it is logged; after the limit is reached the oldest password is cleared from the list. The default is 10, to disable this functionality, set this parameter to 0.



This parameter is used to let you decide how long a password must be. The default is 8, to disable this functionality, set this parameter to 0.



This parameter is used to let you set how long a password should be valid for. The default value is 60, to disable this functionality, set this parameter to 0.



This parameter is used to determine how many days a user must wait before they can change their password. The default is 1, to disable this functionality, set to 0.


(true or false)

This parameter determines if you wish to check a password against a list of words found on a dictionary file. The default is false.



This is the path to the dictionary file we wish to check against. The default is '/usr/share/dict/words'. Be sure to consult with the documentation for your version of Linux to see where their dictionary file is located. You can also use your own dictionary file if you so desire or in case a dictionary file is not bundled with your version of Linux.



This parameter determines how many characters must be different from the current password when creating a new password. The default is 4, to disable this functionality, set to 0.


(true or false)

This parameter determines if a password has to contain a lower case letter. If any other password format rule is enabled, it will append to the enabled rules. The default is false.


(true or false)

This parameter determines if a password has to contain an upper case letter. If any other password format rule is enabled, it will append to the enabled rules. The default is false.


(true or false)

This parameter determines if a password has to contain a number. If any other password format rule is enabled, it will append to the enabled rules. The default is false.


(true or false)

This parameter determines if a password has to contain a special character. If any other password format rule is enabled, it will append to the enabled rules. The default is false.



This parameter determines the number of failed login attempts with in a specific time frame before accounts are disabled. Set to false to disable this threshold. The default is 5.



This parameter determines the time frame between bad password attempts required to disable the account. The default is 3600 (1 hour).



This parameter is used to determine how many sessions one user can have open at any given time. The default value is 3, to allow an unlimited number of user sessions set this parameter to BOOLEAN_FALSE



This parameter is used to determine how sessions can be open in the application at any given time. The default value is BOOLEAN_FALSE which allows an unlimited number of sessions. Set this value to an integer to limit the total number of sessions



This parameter controls the number of login attempts from the same IP address that will trigger a block on that IP address, set to false to disable this check. The default is 100.



This parameter defines the number of seconds after creation/reactivation when accounts expire, expired accounts are set to inactive, if expired, activating an account will restart the expiration date, false for no account expiration. The default is false.



This parameter defines the API session inactivity timeout period. When the session expires do to inactivity, the User will need to re-authenticate.

Default is set to 14400



This parameter defines the API session timeout regardless of activity, when set to 0 tokens timeout immediately. When the session expires, the User will need to re-authenticate.

Default is set to 86400

Database Connection Parameters 

MySQL Default Connection

resources.multidb.default.adapter = Pdo_Mysql =
resources.multidb.default.username = dev360
resources.multidb.default.password = thisisapassword

MySQL Metadata Connection

resources.multidb.metadata.adapter = Pdo_Mysql =
resources.multidb.metadata.username = dev360
resources.multidb.metadata.password = thisisapassword

Oracle Default Connection

resources.multidb.default.adapter = Oracle =
resources.multidb.default.username = pcr360
resources.multidb.default.password = thisisapassword
resources.multidb.default.schema = PCR360
resources.multidb.default.dbname = "//"
resources.multidb.default.caseInsensitive = true

Oracle Metadata Connection

resources.multidb.metadata.adapter = Oracle =
resources.multidb.metadata.username = pcr360meta
resources.multidb.metadata.password = thisisapassword
resources.multidb.metadata.schema = PCR360META
resources.multidb.metadata.dbname = "//"
resources.multidb.metadata.caseInsensitive = true

Email Account Parameters 

Account Parameters

Outgoing Transport Type


The method used for sending outgoing email. Options: “SMTP”, “SENDMAIL” or “FILE” Note: if SENDMAIL or FILE is specified some other options are not required.

Outgoing Server

(required if SMTP)

The server/host used for the outgoing email account. Example: ""

Outgoing Port

(required if SMTP)

The port used for the outgoing email account. Example: 465

Outgoing SSL

Whether or not to use SSL encryption for the outgoing email account, not including this parameter indicates a non-secure connection. Options: "SSL", "TLS" or ""  

Incoming Mailbox Type


The method used for retrieving incoming email. Options: “IMAP”, “POP3”, “MAILDIR”, “MBOX” Note: MAILDIR and MBOX are local mail storage systems – the mail and web servers must share the same machine.

Incoming Server


The server/host used for the incoming email account. Example: ""

Incoming Port


The port used for the incoming email account. Example: 993

Incoming SSL

Whether or not to use SSL encryption for the incoming email account. Options: "SSL", "TLS" or ""



The from email address used for outgoing messages. Example: ""



The login/username used to access the incoming and outgoing accounts. ""



The password used to access the incoming and outgoing accounts. Example: "pcrpassword"


The from display name used for outgoing emails. Example: "PCR-360 Admin"

Other Email Addresses


A system wide email address used when sending messages and alerts about errors and problems. This account is currently only used when the application fails to process an incoming email to Service Desk.

Billing Parameters 


(day of the month)

The default is 1.

This is the default day of the month that will be pre-populated in the date fields when generating a Bill. 


(true or false)

The default is True.

This parameter specifies whether the billing process will or will not include zero cost items in the bill. Specifying True will cause zero cost items to show up in the Bill and False will exclude them.


(true or false)

The default is False.

This parameter specifies whether a Monthly Recurring Charge(MRC) that has been changed (stopped and started with a new Charge) should be prorated even if the Charge Catalog item is not set to be prorated.


(string value)

The default is as follows:

"To all Coordinators,\n\nYour departmental monthly bill has been completed and is available for viewing at Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems accessing the PCR-360 CustomerCenter.\n\nThank you,\nDept of IT"

Note: The "\n" is a placeholder that indicates a new line in the inserted text and will not render to the form.

This parameter determines the text that is automatically added to the 'E-mail Body' field of the Email Coordinator functionality in Billing. When a User clicks the 'Email Coordinators'  button. This text can be customized to a specific organization's needs by contacting PCR to set this Configuration Option.


default = "" (blank)

This parameter allows your Organization to customize the subject line for the messages sent to Coordinators when a Bill is approved.

When blank, the subject of "Billing Transactions for Billing Period" will be used.

  • Example: "Billing Transactions for July 1, 2018 - July 31, 2018"

If your Organization desires to have the Bill Date Range included in a custom subject line, format the value like this:

constants.BILL_COORDINATORS_SUBJECT = "Bill for date range ##BILL_DATE_RANGE##"


(true or false)

The default is True.

This flag generates and assigns new Invoice numbers for each unique GLA number during the Billing run when the value is True.


(true or false)

The default is False.

This flag controls whether or not taxes are calculated and displayed on the Bill. All taxes are calculated based on the Billing Group (2022.1) Tax Rates . Additionally, Taxes will only be calculated if the "Taxable" flag is set on the GLA, Department Hierarchy, and Charge Catalog. For each Charge, there will be a line item for each Tax Rate specified. When Taxes are added to the Bill there will be a Tax Summary section that will include the Tax Summary section of the Bill. The default of false DOES NOT calculate taxes.


(true or false)

The default is False.

This flag controls whether or not the Fiscal wall is used when using Back Billing. If the configuration is True then Back Billing will use the Fiscal Date that is set in Tenant Management to prevent Charges from being created further in the past then the Fiscal Wall.




    • FREQ_MINUTE = "Every Minute";
    • FREQ_2MINUTE = "Every 2 Minutes";
    • FREQ_15MINUTE = "Every 15 Minutes";
    • FREQ_30MINUTE = "Every 30 Minutes";
    • FREQ_HOUR = "Hourly";
    • FREQ_DAY = "Daily";
    • FREQ_WEEKDAY = "Weekdays";
    • FREQ_WEEK = "Weekly";
    • FREQ_MONTH = "Monthly";
    • FREQ_QUARTER = "Quarterly";
    • FREQ_YEAR = "Yearly";


default = 14400


default = "%010d"

Controls the Invoice Format



default = 30

Controls how many days after the Bill is generated and approved that the Invoice is due.



default = "Sample Name"

Controls the default text of the Name field on the Remittance coupon to serve as a placeholder example.



default = "123 Sample St."

Controls the default text of the street field on the Remittance coupon to serve as a placeholder example.



default = "Sample City, MI 38293"

Controls the default text of the city field on the Remittance coupon to serve as a placeholder example.



Default value: '<div class="divider"></div><div class="remittance-container"><div class="remittance-row-1 clearfix"><span>(Fineprint Text: Makes Checks Payable to (Organization Name))</span></div><div class="remittance-row-2 clearfix"><div class="remittance-col-1"><p>(Organization Name)</p><p>(Street Address)</p><p>(City, State ZIP)</p></div><div class="remittance-col-2"><div>Due Date: ##DUE_DATE##</div><div>Invoice #: ##INVOICE_NUMBER##</div><div>Outstanding Balance: ##OUTSTANDING_BALANCE##</div><div>Total Included: __________</div></div></div></div>'

Contains the text for the Remittance Coupon.



Example: "#fcba03"

Default value: '' ('blank')

This is the border color on all the table rows



Example: "#fcba03"

Default value: '' ('blank')

This will change the color of the account info at the top, except for the values themselves (like the billed amount, for example).



Example: "#fcba03"

Default value: '' ('blank')

This will change the background color of all the even-numbered table rows.



Default value: "/media/images/print/pdf_hdr_1-2_10-7inch.jpg"

 This will set the logo image for the Invoice.



Default value: True

This determines if all Reports will display the current date on it.



default = "To all Primary Contacts, <br><br> Your monthly account invoice is available for viewing at Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems accessing the PCR-360 CustomerCenter. <br><br>Thank you,<br>Dept of IT"

Contains the text of the email that is sent to Contacts who have an Invoice.



default = "Hello, <br><br> A PDF of your recent payment receipt is attached. <br><br>Thank you,<br>Dept of IT"

Contains the text that appears in the email sent for received payments.


default = "/media/images/print/pdf_hdr_1-2_10-7inch.jpg"

Contains the file path of the image to be used as a header for the Invoice.



default = "PCR-360"

Controls the alternate text of the header image to comply with WAI Accessibility screen readers.


default = white

Controls the color of the text in header sections of the Invoice.


default = #003377

Controls the color of the background in header sections of the Invoice.


default: "bottom"

Allowed Values: "top" or "bottom"


default: ""

This allows for custom text to be applied to the top of the Invoice, below the header.


default = #BCCEEF

Controls the background color of the receipt amount.

default = #003377

Controls the color of the background in footer sections of the Invoice.

default = white;

Controls the color of the text in footer sections of the Invoice.


(options: ceil, floor, roundup or rounddown)

The default is "Ceil".

When calculating taxes the process sometimes needs to round amounts. When this happens there are 4 (four) types of rounding that can be used:

  • Ceil – (Ceiling) a mathematical form of rounding that always goes up to the nearest whole number.
  • Floor – a mathematical form of rounding that always goes down to the nearest whole number.
  • Roundup – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) up.
  • Round down – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 d¬¬own and then round .5 (specifically) down.

This parameter specifies the rounding method.

Call Processing and Import Parameters 


The parameter defines the directory path location of incoming import files. Typically set to the customers home directory: /home/customer/pcr360/data/inbound/


(true or false)

The default is false.

This parameter sets when calls and usage will be rated after processing. Specifying True will cause the rating event to run every minute, while False will run the event once daily.


(number of seconds after midnight)

The default is 10800, which is 3:00 a.m.

If CALL_USAGE_RATING_IMMEDIATE is set to False, this parameter specifies the time of day at which the calls and usage rating event runs.


(Options: ceil, floor, roundup, rounddown, none)

The default is "Ceil".

During rating the call/usage processing module sometimes needs to round fractions of cost. When this happens there are 5 (five) types of rounding that can be used:

  • Ceil – (ceiling) a mathematical form of rounding that always goes up to the nearest whole number.
  • Floor – a mathematical form of rounding that always goes down to the nearest whole number.
  • Roundup – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) up.
  • Round down – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) down.
  • None – no rounding.

This parameter specifies the rounding method.


(number of seconds)


During rating the call/usage processing module can maintain duration to the nearest specified precision. This precision is defined in a number of seconds. To maintain this precision the process will sometimes round the duration to the nearest precision.


(options: ceil, floor, roundup, rounddown, none)

The default is "Ceil".

During rating the call/usage processing module sometimes needs to round fractions of duration to the nearest precision number of seconds. When this happens there are 5 (five) types of rounding that can be used:

  • Ceil – (Ceiling) a mathematical form of rounding that always goes up to the nearest whole number.
  • Floor – a mathematical form of rounding that always goes down to the nearest whole number.
  • Roundup – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) up.
  • Round down – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) down.
  • None – no rounding.

This parameter specifies the rounding method.


(options: ceil, floor, roundup, rounddown, none)

The default is "Ceil".

During rating the call/usage processing module sometimes needs to round fractions of duration to the nearest rate interval. When this happens there are 5 (five) types of rounding that can be used:

  • Ceil – (Ceiling) a mathematical form of rounding that always goes up to the nearest whole number.
  • Floor – a mathematical form of rounding that always goes down to the nearest whole number.
  • Roundup – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) up.
  • Round down – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) down.
  • None – no rounding.

This parameter specifies the rounding method.


(number of days)

The default is 30.

Whenever the import file processing module fails to process a specific record it will hold onto that record for later reprocessing. At a specific time each day it will attempt to reprocess errors for a specified number of days. If the reprocess succeeds then the error status is removed. This parameter specifies that number of days.


(number of seconds after midnight)

The default is 9000, which is 2:00 a.m.

Whenever the import file processing module fails to process a specific record it will hold onto that record for later reprocessing. At a specific time each day it will attempt to reprocess errors for a specified number of days. If the reprocess succeeds then the call error status is removed. This parameter specifies the time each day that the reprocess runs.


(true or false)

The default is false.

If set to true, then the Rating Group field will appear on Phone Services form, Service Desk Actions, and on the Call Rate form and grid. When this is enabled the Rating Group field is required for Active Services. The rating process will use the Rating Group in addition to the Billing Group to find the correct Call Rate.

Equipment Parameters 


(ALL, ASSETS, NONE) The default is NONE.

This parameter determines if the system requires users to enter Equipment Serial Numbers. It can be used to define what types of equipment requires Equipment Serial Numbers.



This parameter determines if the system allows users to modify Equipment Serial Numbers. It can be used to define who has the authority to modify Equipment Serial Numbers.


(TRUE or FALSE) The default is True.

The Equipment Catalog allows for types of Equipment to be marked as Consumable. This type of Equipment, when used on a Service Order, will be marked as CONSUMED in the data. This parameter specifies whether to (True) or not (False) display the CONSUMED Equipment on the Equipment grids.

When SHOW_CONSUMED is set to False, Consumed Equipment records will automatically be deleted going forward.


(TRUE or FALSE) The default is False.

This configure option will prevent or allow a Purchase Order from receiving more Inventory then was requested from the Vendor. Some Vendors might allow for additional units to be shipped as bonus items, rewards, or last minute changes to the PO. The default setting is FALSE, which will prevent additional inventory from being received.


(TRUE or FALSE) The default is False.

This config option will allow Users to enter a custom Purchase Order number. Custom Purchase Orders can have any alphanumeric values that the User want to enter. When the option is set it will override the standard behavior where the Purchase Order number increments by 1 for every new Purchase Order, starting with 0000000001.

GLA Parameters 


(plain text) The default is " > ".

The parameter defines a short series of characters that is used when displaying GLA Components together. The pieces of the GLA are concatenated together with this text between each GLA Component.


(plain text) The default is " > ".

The parameter defines a short series of characters that is used to separate GLA Components when importing GLA strings into any import process. This value will usually be set to be the same as the GLA_CONCATENATOR. It is a separate configuration variable to provide extra flexibility that may be needed when importing values from various sources.


(pixels CSS Setting) The default is 915.

The parameter defines the pixel width of the GLA form.


(pixels CSS Setting) The default is 260.

The parameter defines the pixel height of the GLA form.


(Boolean) The default is "True".

If true, Revenue GLA from Service Catalog or Equipment Catalog is used, otherwise, the Revenue GLA from the Billing Group is used.


(default GLA format)

Formats cannot  be more than 14 characters in length
The default GLA will be what any picker or grid should default to if a GLA is not explicitly selected
Example: constants.GLA_FORMAT_DEFAULT = "ADMIN"


Default value is "none".

Valid Key Words: "billing_group", "gla_component", or "none")

Determines which GLA Pricing model to use. If set, by default the amount of a Charge will be set to the matching GLA Pricing in the model.


Defines which component to use for GLA Component Pricing when the GLA_PRICING_MODEL is set to GLA Component.

GLA Format(s)

FOAPAL Levels are: Fund, Org., Account, Program, Activity, Location

; Example Admin GLA Format
gla.ADMIN.description = "GLA Format for Admin Billing Group"
gla.ADMIN.numItems = 4 = "Fund"
gla.ADMIN.items.1.required = true = "Org" = "Department: = "SubDept:
; Example Resale Account GLA Format
gla.ACCOUNT.description = "GLA Format for Account Billing Group"
gla.ACCOUNT.numItems = 1 = "Account"
gla.ACCOUNT.items.1.required = true

The GLA segments can be customized with these options: (Where X is the segment number and FORMAT is the format name)

  • gla.FORMAT.numItems (The number of Components in the GLA Format)
  • gla.FORMAT.description (The description of the GLA format)
  • (The name of this component)
  • gla.FORMAT.items.X.required (Optional attribute, whether or not this component is required and cannot be null; true or false )
  • gla.FORMAT.items.X.maxLength (Optional attribute, for setting the max character length for this component; example: 4 )
  • gla.FORMAT.items.X.minLength (Optional attribute, for setting the min character length for this component; example: 4 )
  • gla.ACCOUNT.AR = false

Note: The configuration option gla.ACCOUNT.AR controls is the Accounts Receivable functionality is available to the Users or not. The datatype is Boolean. The default value is "false".


The default is "roundup".

Valid Key Words: "ceil", "floor", "roundup" or "rounddown"

This parameter specifies the rounding method. Whenever the system needs to calculate the specific changes in a GLA split it sometimes needs to round amounts. When this happens there are 4 (four) types of rounding that can be used:

  • Ceil – (Ceiling) a mathematical form of rounding that always goes up to the nearest whole number.
  • Floor – A mathematical form of rounding that always goes down to the nearest whole number.
  • Roundup – A typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) up.
  • Rounddown – typical rounding method to round everything above .5 up and everything below .5 down and then round .5 (specifically) down.

Service Desk Parameters 


(true or false)

The default is true.

This flag is used in Service Desk to restrict the capability of reassigning CSR’s on SD items. If this parameter is set to True then Service Desk will allow CSRs to be reassigned/changed. If set to false then Service Desk will NOT allow reassignment.



The default is 172800 seconds which is 48 hours.

As a due date nears the system will flag it as approaching – this parameter specifies the number of seconds before the due date when this happens.


(true or false)

The default is false.

This flag is used to determine how to treat blocked emails when Service Desk is creating Inquiries. If a blocked address or subject is found the system will either mark that message as read (true) or leave it as unread (false).


(true or false)

The default is false.

This flag is used to force Services to ALWAYS require available Auth Codes. 


(true or false)

The default is false.

This flag is used to force Service Order Actions for new phone services to ALWAYS require available Services.



The default is MEDIUM.

This parameter defines the default Impact code for Incidents whenever Impact is not defined on the Incident Code.


(true or false)

The default is True.

This parameter is used to allow Incidents to update the Service Equipment when the Incident is completed.




This parameter determines if the system allows Users to modify Charges and override Billing Groups outside of Service Desk. Only allowing Service Desk to modify charges on Services ensures that proper procedures are followed when modifying those Charges. This parameter can be used to define who has the authority to manually edit Service Charges outside of Service Desk.


(true or false)

The default is true.

This parameter determines whether or not "Staged", "Picked Up" and "Completed" equipment on a Service Order will automatically be returned. Equipment will be returned to the "From" Location or Warehouse on the Service Desk Equipment record. When turned off, a message will be displayed warning the User that the Order or Action cannot be voided because it contains "Staged", "Picked Up" or "Completed" Equipment. The User still has the ability to use the "Warehouse Actions" grid to return Equipment.


(integer >= 0)

The default is 0.

This value acts as a way to warn of low-stock Equipment being added to Service Desk items. A column on the Service Desk form's Equipment grid will indicate the Availability of stock for "Add" actions that are status "Pending".

The system first looks for the Equipment Catalog Inventory "Reorder" value, which allows independent values for different Catalogs based on their Location. If no value is set there, this value is used as a fall-back.

For instance, if the result of Reorder or SD_EQP_LOWSTOCK_THRESHOLD is 10, you'll see a  message in the Availability column when stock falls below 10. This is the cue to order more of that Equipment. If the default (0) is set (assuming no Reorder point is set),  will only appear when the available quantity IS 0. When requested Equipment exceeds what is available, you'll see  . Adequate supply will show  . Bear in mind, these are calculated indicators. As stock changes throughout the system, these indicators will also change.


(true or false)

The default is false.

This parameter is used to default the Billable selection for new Service Desk Labor items.


(integer indicating hours)

The default is 1 hour.

Sets a cushion between either the current time and the first schedule attempt (in forward scheduling) or between the due date and the first schedule attempt (in backward scheduling).


(bitmask integer dictating permission level)

Possible permission levels:

Everyone = 16
Administrator = 8
CSR = 4
Manager = 2
Assigned Worker = 1
None = 0

See this page for specifics about Completing WorkflowDictates permission levels for completing or deleting workflows. Assigned Worker and Manager will be the Contact assigned the Workflow and the Manager of the Workgroup assigned to the Workflow. The CSR is the Service Rep assigned to the Service Desk Order and the administrator permission will give all SysAdmins the ability to complete/delete Workflows. Permission levels may be combined as desired, for example, the Assigned Worker (1) and a SysAdmin (8) to be able to complete/delete Workflow SD_WORKFLOW_PERMISSIONS would need to be set to 9.


(true or false)

The default is false.

This parameter will enable the ability to set multiple Default Action GLA's on the Service Order GLA tab when it is set to "true". When set to "false", only a single Default Action GLA may be set on the Service Order. The order in which the GLAs will be loaded is Manually Entered GLAs, Service GLAs, Owner Default GLAs, and Action Default GLAs. If a GLA is found, no other GLAs will be loaded.



Thew default is BACKWARD.

This parameter toggles between scheduling technicians forward in time or backward from the due date.


(true or false)

The default is false.

Description: Controls the combined displaying of General Incident Codes with Equipment or Service specific Incident Codes in the Incident Code drop down on the Service Desk Incident form. When set to BOOLEAN_FALSE, only Equipment/Service specific Incident Codes will be displayed in the field when an Equipment/Service is specified on an Incident. When set to BOOLEAN_TRUE, both Generic Incident Codes and Equipment / Service specific Incident Codes will be displayed in the drop down.


(true or false)

The default is true.

This flag specifies whether the Service Desk printout will use a QR code or a bar code. When set to true the printout uses a QR code; false indicates the printout will use a bar code.



The default is HIGH.

This parameter defines the default Urgency code for VIPs whenever Urgency is not defined on the Tenant.


(military time hour)

The default is 08 for 8:00 a.m.

This parameter is used to specify the hour at which each workday begins. This is used when calculating due dates.


(military time hour)

The default is 17 for 5:00 p.m.

This parameter is used to specify the hour at which each workday stops. This is used when calculating due dates.



The default value is 180.

Any value between 0 and 365 days may be set. This parameter controls the length of time records are stored in the Archive Log.


(true or false)

The default is true.

True means the user can save without selecting an SDC.

False means the user cannot save the action without selecting an SDC.

Service Desk Number Parameters 


(sprintf format string)

The default is "%05s".

This format parameter controls the minimum number of digits in the sequence number. If the sequence number ever exceeds this number of digits The number of digits additional digits are added.

Archiving Parameters


(positive interger)

Defaults to 365. It cannot be NULL.

0: Immediate aging (the next time the Event runs) which is how Service Aging works - NOT ADVISED

Report Parameters 


(HTML color or hex value)

This configuration option sets the background color of the top Report header. If Hex is specified include the '#' to start the value, any valid hex value is recognized. Default is a blank entry.


(HTML color or hex value)

This configuration option sets the color of text in the Report data header cells. If Hex is specified include the '#' to start the value, any valid hex value is recognized. Default is a blank entry.


(HTML color or hex value)

This configuration option sets the border color of Report data cells. If Hex is specified include the '#' to start the value, any valid hex value is recognized. Default is a blank entry.



This configuration option set the ALT tag of the top header image. This tag is used to identify what the Image represents for sight impaired browsing and/or will output in event the browser cannot read the image. This text should be descriptive of what the image shows.

Default entry is "PCR-360".


(image location and filename as string)

This configuration option identifies the image to be used in the top report header. Since directory structures are subject to change check with PCR for proper directory placement. Default is "pdf_hdr_1-2_10-7inch.jpg".

If a full URL is stored, PCR-360 will use the image from that location.  However, while this allows some flexibility for updating the image, is can expose potential issues that will not be supported by PCR.

  • When a URL is stored in the config, it acts as a pointer, PCR-360 will attempt to pull that image. 
  • If the name is changed, and this config is not updated, PCR-360 will not be able to pull the updated image.  
  • The security of the URL is left to the responsibility of the Customer.

If PCR-360 is running on https and the URL is not running on https the browser WILL throw a warning about insecure content


(HTML color or hex value)

This configuration option sets the color of all text in the Report header. If Hex is specified include the '#' to start the value, any valid hex value is recognized. Default is a blank entry.


(HTML color or hex value)

This configuration option sets the color of all links in the report header. If Hex is specified include the '#' to start the value, any valid hex value is recognized. Default is a blank entry.

(css pixels)

This configuration option sets the width of the header link, useful when you add a custom header image and have to resize the header link. The default value a blank entry.


(HTML color or hex value)

This configuration option sets the background color of the main data headers. If Hex is specified include the '#' to start the value, any valid hex value is recognized. Default is a blank entry.


(HTML color or hex value)

This configuration option sets the background color of the report data description cells. If Hex is specified include the '#' to start the value, any valid hex value is recognized. Default is a blank entry.


(HTML color or hex value)

This configuration option sets the background color of the top Report header. If Hex is specified include the '#' to start the value, any valid hex value is recognized. Default is a blank entry.


(Valid image location and filename string.)

This configuration option identifies the image to be used in the top Report header. Since directory structures could change see PCR for the correct location to place the image. Default is "pdf_hdr_1-2_10-7inch.jpg".


(HTML color or hex value)

This configuration option sets the background color of the "total" data cells. If Hex is specified include the '#' to start the value, any valid hex value is recognized. Default is a blank entry.


(HTML color or hex value)

This configuration option sets the background color of even-numbered data cells. If Hex is specified include the '#' to start the value, any valid hex value is recognized. Default is a blank entry.

Tenants Parameters 

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for '2021-12-01_18-27-53_Tenants Parameters'.

Front End Content Parameters 


The default is "If you need assistance or have any questions, please check the Frequently Asked Questions page or contact us at"

This parameter is the paragraph text on the front-end login page to the right of the Username/Password fields. This only applies to systems that do not use single sign-on authentication like Shibboleth.


The default is "Welcome to PCR-360 CustomerCenter".

This parameter is the text display at the top of the WebCenter homepage.

Back End Content Parameters 


(plain text)

This parameter is the application title displayed in the browser header or browser tab. The default is "PCR-360".


(plain text)

This parameter is the header text on the login page to the right of the Username/Password fields. This only applies to systems that do not use single sign-on authentication like Shibboleth. The default is, "Need Help?"


(html text)

This parameter is the paragraph text on the login page to the right of the Username/Password fields. This only applies to systems that do not use single sign-on authentication like Shibboleth. The default is, "If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact or visit the PCR-360 User Guide"


(plain text)

This parameter is the text displayed at the top of the back-end homepage. The default is, "Welcome to PCR-360".

Communication Parameters

Avaya Parameters


The full path to the directory that contains the set type configuration files.


The full path to the configuration file that contains the various feature lists for Avaya set types.

Cisco Parameters




If true, auto-completion for the Directory Number on VOIP devices will only include currently unassigned Directory Numbers.


If true, the Cisco Reconciliation Grid will only display discrepancies. Otherwise, all the results are displayed.


When creating a SDA, will PCR-360 attempt to automatically choose an unused endpoint/port based on available Servicing Equipment for the SDA's Location.
All open/pending SDAs will be checked to ensure that auto-assign doesn't pick a port that is already slated to be provisioned.
Servicing Equipment must be assigned to the Location or one of its parents'. The search stops at the first parent with a gateway, regardless of whether it has ports available.

In such a case, it will return no ports available. If auto-assign is set to "enabled", the user could then pick a port on _any_ gateway, regardless of Location/SE.

  • disabled - Never attempts to auto-assign
  • enabled - Will auto-assign, but the user can select a different port if they wish
  • enforced - Will auto-aggin. User is unable to choose a different port

On SDA completion/provisioning, the port will be checked again to see if it's in use. If so:

  • disabled - Completion will fail. User will be notified.
  • enabled - Will attempt to find another port. If it can't completion will fail.
  • enforced - Will attempt to find another port. If it can't completion will fail.


If true, will apply the default values for the Endpoint.


When creating a Device (VOIP/Endpoint) on a SDA, this is the number of digits of the Service ID used for the DN on the 1st Line/Button.
Example: If the Service ID is 1234567890 and CISCO_DIALPLAN_NUM_DIGITS = 7, the applied DN will be 4567890
If this is set to 0, it will use all the digits.

Misc Parameters 


(number of seconds)

The default is 3600 (1 hour).

This parameter defines the number of seconds the application will wait between requests to check dashboard status.


(number of seconds)

The default is 1800 (30 minutes).

This parameter defines the number of seconds the application will wait between requests to check messages. This pertains only to the internal messaging system.


(true or false)

The default is false.

This flag controls whether or not the Contacts Email is required on the Contact form and other places it appears.


(plain text format)

The default is "M j, Y".

This parameter specifies the display format with which all date data is displayed. It uses standard PHP date/time format characters that can be found at .


(plain text format)

The default is "M j, Y, g:i a".

This parameter specifies the display format with which all date/time data is displayed. It uses standard PHP date/time format characters that can be found at .


(false or password)

The default is false.

This parameter specifies if new Users are created with a default password and specifies what the password should be.


(true or false)

The default value is true.

This parameter determines whether or not charges will be deleted from the phone service during the aging process.


(true or false)

The default is false.

This flag controls whether or not the Department Email is required on the Department form.


(true or false)

The default is true.

True = Set Dept Owner radio to true on forms by default.

False = Set the Contact Owner radio to true on forms by default.


(plain text)

The default is " > ".

The parameter defines a short series of characters that is used when displaying Hierarchical Tree data. The levels of the hierarchy are concatenated together with this text between each.

The hierarchical GLA string will use it's own concatenator (GLA_CONCATENATOR) instead of the HIERARCHYPATH_CONCATENATOR.


(true or false)

The default is false.

This parameter determines if the application is running in JITC mode a setting here may override some other parameters forcing JITC specific settings.



The message displayed on the login and home screens for JITC systems. The JITC parameter is required to enable this message.

The default is:

"You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only. By using this IS (which
includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions:

The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing,
COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI)
investigations. At any time, the USG may inspect and seize data stored on this IS. Communications using, or data stored on, this IS
are not private, are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG authorized purpose.
This IS includes security measures (e.g., authentication and access controls) to protect USG interests--not for your personal benefit
or privacy. Notwithstanding the above, using this IS does not constitute consent to PM, LE or CI investigative searching or monitoring
of the content of privileged communications, or work product, related to personal representation or services by attorneys,
psychotherapists, or clergy, and their assistants. Such communications and work product are private and confidential. See User
Agreement for details.”


The default is: “UNCLASSIFIED 

The message displayed in the footer of every page. The JITC parameter is required to enable this message.


(true or false)

The default is False.

This parameter determines the behavior of the location selectors/pickers throughout the application. If specified as True, locations can only be picked at the bottom level – e.g., only rooms could be selected when assigning services/equipment. But if False is specified, any location level can be selected.


(number of results)

The default is 500.

This parameter defines the maximum number of results that an autocomplete GUI element will return. Increasing this value may affect performance of autocomplete elements.


(number of bytes)

The default is 10000000.

The parameter defines the maximum file size that the application will allow to be uploaded. This setting must be less than or equal to the Apache and PHP settings that control upload size.


(number of digits)

The default is 13.

This parameter defines the maximum number of digits that can be stored left of the decimal in a decimal number. This can be changed if the database allows for more digits, changing this value requires the database to be rebuilt.


(number of digits)

The default is 5.

This parameter defines the maximum number of digits that can be stored right of the decimal in a decimal number. This can be changed if the database allows for more digits, changing this value requires the database to be rebuilt. The maximum allowed for this configuration option is "5" due to database constraints. This does not affect the number of digits that appear on fields such as Quantity on The Charges Tab of the Service Form. This field only applies to the validation on the forms.



The default is -2147483648.

This parameter defines the maximum allowed number that can be stored in an integer field. This can be changed if the database allows for larger integers, changing this value requires the database to be rebuilt.



The default is -2147483648.

This parameter defines the minimum allowed number that can be stored in an integer field. This can be changed if the database allows for larger integers, changing this value requires the database to be rebuilt.  




This parameter determines if the system allows users to modify remarks. It can be used to define who has the authority to edit remarks.

NO_EDITS, means no Users can edit a Remark

ADMINISTRATIVE_USERS, means only Administrative Users can edit a Remark

ADMINS_AND_AUTHOR, means only Administrative Users and the Remark's Author can edit a Remark

ALL_USERS, means all Users can edit a Remark


(true or false)

This flag determines if the application will send an email. Normally the application will send emails for notifications and other events, if set to false, all notifications can only be sent to internal users.


(true or false)

The default is true.

This flag controls whether or not adding/updating a Contact Phone record will add the contact to a Service when the Contact's Phone number matches the Service ID. This applies to the Contact Import process as well as saving the Contact Phone record from the Contact Phone screen.


(true or false)

The default value is false.

In order to run E911 reports, this must be true.

This parameter controls whether the NENA2/NENA3 standard fields are shown on the Building Address tab.


(false or integer value)

This parameter limits the "log in" activity displayed in the user details widget on the 360 dashboard. To limit the activity displayed to ten entries, set the flag value to 10. If this flag is set to false, then the number of entries displayed will not be limited.


( number of days or months )

This parameter defines the number of days or months of recent "log in" activity that will be displayed in the user details dashboard widget. Example values include 1D, 2D, 1M, etc. where 1D is one day, 2D is two days and 1M is one month. When this value is set to 2D, the activity log will show the last two days worth of "log in" information; including successful and failed "log in" attempts.



The default is

The parameter defines the URL that is used to link to the Wiki User Guide.


(true or false)

 When set to true, the Service Grid will display any Equipment of the Cabling Type of "Jack" that is on a Service's Cabling Tab.


(true or false)

 When set to true, the Service Grid will display the full Cable Path of a Service.


(true or false)

When set to true, the Service Grid will display all Equipment on a Service's Equipment Tab.

Legacy Parameters 

Legacy Parameters

PCR-360 is capable of creating a fully configurable Legacy table, by defining a set of parameters in a configuration file before creating the legacy table.

The legacy form can support two tabs. On the first tab up to 4 groups are supported, and a single large text field is supported on the second tab. The second tab is typically used to display long form data, such as emails or remarks.

The Legacy table can be customized with these options: (Where X is the group number and COLUMN_NAME is the name of the column in the database table)

  • (The name of the group )
  • legacy.groupX.width(The width, in pixels, of the group on the legacy screen)
  • (The field label on the legacy form correlating to the column in the database)
  • legacy.groupX.filds.COLUMN_NAME.type (This is the data type for the database column, VARCHAR(100) for example)

legacy.comments.field (The column name in the Legacy table for the long form text) (The name of the label on the Legacy form) legacy.comments.type (The data type of the data stored in the Legacy table, i.e. "CLOB") legacy.remarks (Designates if the format on the second tab is for remarks, this value is Boolean true or false)

// Example Legacy Format for group1 = "Ticket"
legacy.group1.width = 200 = "Ticket Number"
legacy.group1.fields.TICKET_NUMBER.type = "VARCHAR(100)" = "Source"
legacy.group1.fields.SOURCE.type = "VARCHAR(100)" = "Status"
legacy.group1.fields.STATUS.type = "VARCHAR(100)" = "Ref Num"
legacy.group1.fields.REF_NUM.type = "VARCHAR(100)" = "Priority"
legacy.group1.fields.PRIORITY.type = "VARCHAR(100)"

//Example Format for second tab on Legacy form
legacy.comments.field = "EMAIL" = "Email"
legacy.comments.type = "CLOB"
legacy.remarks = false