(2024.2) Help Slide-out
The 'Help Slide-out' allows Users to search the Confluence Wiki documentation from inside PCR-360. Click on the new button in the upper right header or select the
link from Options > Wiki Help Article to open the relevant Wiki article to that form.
Users can then search any topic for more information. PCR-360 pulls in page descriptions from the Confluence Wiki with the results for the current version displayed first. Click the title of each result to open the wiki page in a new tab.
Users can page through the results with the forward and back buttons at the bottom of the slide-out. The button will appear only after there are results loaded and if there are more results available to load.
Search from PCR-360 Forms
Opening the slide-out from a form menu will automatically perform a search using the form's name. The articles that best match the forms have been specially labeled with the form's name so that they will show up first in the results. Additionally, selecting the form menu's 'See Wiki Article' will trigger a search even if the slide-out is already open.
Version Selection
When searching in the application, either with the new slide out or the Wiki links on forms, the version will automatically be set to the User's current version. This ensures only the articles relevant to the current instance are available to be read. If the User navigates directly to the new wiki the version of the application that is being displayed in the wiki can be changed with the version selector. If the User navigates directly to the wiki via a bookmark or URL then the "latest" version of the wiki will be displayed instead of the current version.
If the User wants to switch the Version of the wiki this can be done with the 'Version' selector. In this example the User is looking at the wiki version '2024.1'.
By clicking the drop down the User is given the option to look at version 2023.1. Selecting this version will change the wiki to display information relevant to 2023.1. Features and wiki changes that are specific to 2024.1 will not be visible in the 2023.1 wiki.
Opening, Closing, and Keyboard Shortcuts
The slide-out can be opened with the hot keys 'CTRL + ALT + H' on PC and Mac. Users can close the slide-out by pressing the escape key ('ESC') as long as the Search is in focus (it will be in focus automatically until another part of the application is clicked on) or by clicking the 'X' to close the slide-out.
If the slide-out is closed, the previous results will stay loaded and persist for use when the slide-out is re-opened. Users can also open forms and otherwise continue to work in the application while it is open. When navigating to another menu page or opening a new tab, the search results are cleared since the results are not permanently saved.
The 'X' button inside the Search Bar will clear the current search without having to refresh the whole page. It will appear only if the search box has text in it or if there are search results loaded.
No Results/Failed Request
Users can access the Confluence wiki with the API. If there are no results for your search, "No Results" will be displayed in the slide-out. Likewise, "Request Failed" will show if there is an error or failure for any reason. If this happens, browse or search the Confluence Wiki directly at: https://wiki360.pcr.com/.