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Allowed Functions in Custom Logic

For reference on all non-PCR-360 Functions, please refer to the PHP Documentation.

Allowed Functions


array_column, array_chunk, array_combine, array_count_values, array_diff, array_diff_assoc, array_diff_key, array_fill, array_fill_keys, array_flip, array_intersect, array_intersect_assoc, array_intersect_key, array_intersect, array_is_list, array_key_exists, array_keys, array_merge, array_merge_recursive, array_multisort, array_pad, array_pop, array_product, array_push, array_rand, array_reduce, array_replace, array_replace_recursive, array_reverse, array_search, array_shift, array_slice, array_splice, array_sum, array_unique, array_unshift, array_values, compact, count, current, end, extract, in_array, key_exists, krsort, ksort, list, next, pos, prev, range, reset, rsort, shuffle, sort


get_called_class, get_class, is_a, is_subclass_of

Class/Interface Access

DateInterval, DateTime, Exception, PCR_Event, PCR_Exception, throwable


json_decode, json_encode, json_last_error, json_last_error_msg, json_validate


curl_close, curl_copy_handle, curl_errno, curl_error, curl_escape, curl_exec, curl_getinfo, curl_init, curl_pause, curl_reset, curl_setopt, curl_setopt_array, curl_strerror, curl_unescape


add, diff, date_add, date_create, date_create_from_format, date_diff, date_format, date_get_last_errors, date_interval_create_from_string, date_interval_format, date_parse, date_parse_from_format, date_sub, date_time_set, date_timestamp_get, date_timestamp_set, date_timezone_get, date_timezone_set, date, format, mktime, microtime, setDate, setTime, setTimestamp, strtotime, sub, time

Exception Handling

getPrevious, getCode, getLine


as, if, break, case, catch, continue, default, do, else, elseif, finally, for, foreach, function, match, new, return, switch, try, while


abs, base_convert, bindec, ceil, exp, floor, hexdec, max, min, octdec, pow, rand, round, srand, trunc

PCR-360 Data

call, listFindCode, listFindValue, listGetByCode, query

call Function: Calling API Logic
array $this->call(string $apiFunctionToCall, array $params, bool $commitOnSuccess);
query Function: Querying Data
array $this->query(string $sql, array $bind_parameters);
listGetByCode Function: Retrieving List Values
mixed $this->listGetByCode(string $list_type, mixed $list_code);
listFindValue Function: Retrieving List Values
listFindCode Function: Retrieving List Values

PCR-360 Debug

debug, error_log

debug Function: Debugging Custom Logic

PCR-360 Events

attach, attachDb, callCustomEvent, detach, detachDb, trigger

PCR-360 Reports

addError, assign, barcode, loadReport

PCR-360 Utility

arrayToCsv, createFile, sendSystemMessage

arrayToCsv Function: Building CSV Data
createFile Function: Creating Inbound/Outbound Files
sendSystemMessage Function: Sending a System Message

PCR-360 Validation

setError, setMessage, setWarning

setError Function: Errors and Warning in Validation

Sets a validation error message. This messages output in the UI if the validation logic returns false. If this function is called multiple times, only the message from the last calls is displayed.

setWarning Function: Errors and Warning in Validation

Sets the validation warning message. This messages output in the UI only if the logic does not return false. If this function is called multiple times, only the message from the last calls is displayed.

Regular Expressions (Perl-Compatible)

preg_filter, preg_grep, preg_last_error, preg_match, preg_match_all, preg_quote, preg_replace, preg_split


addslashes, bin2hex, chr, explode, html_entity_decode, htmlentities, htmlspecialchars, htmlspecialchars_decode, implode, ltrim, nl2br, number_format, rtrim, sprintf, str_contains, str_ends_with, str_getcsv, str_ireplace, str_pad, str_repeat, str_replace, str_shuffle, str_split, str_starts_with, strcasecmp, strip_tags, stripslashes, strtolower, strtoupper, substr_compare, substr_count, substr_replace, substr, stristr, strlen, stripos, strpos, strripos, strrpos, strstr, trim, wordwrap


base64_decode, base64_encode, get_headers, http_build_query, parse_url, rawurldecode, rawurlencode, urldecode, urlencode

Variable Handling

gettype, is_array, is_bool, is_float, is_int, is_iterable, is_numeric, is_object, is_string, isset

Additional Functions

Contact PCR if you find a function that is not allowed, but would like to use.