Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The Grid updates and the GLA is removed.

Call Details

Call Details tab exampleImage Modified

One of the tabs that are unique to Phone & Auth Code Services is the Call Details tab. The Call Details tab provides a listing of all rated calls made by this service. This tab is only available for Phone and Auth Code services. Here, Users can search through all calls that have been recorded pertaining to the specified Phone Number. This Grid displays all calls recorded with several different variations of the Phone Number for example: (616) 554-1028 or 554-1028 or 41028 or 1028. It searches for these variations in the origination and destination phone files.


Billing Tab exampleImage Modified

The Billing tab provides a listing of every Bill on which this Service has appeared and the MRC, NRC, and Usage Totals that were billed. All Bills that have been run for the specific Service can be viewed and reported on from this tab.


Equipment Tab exampleImage Modified

The Equipment tab provides the User the ability to manually associate Equipment with each Service. For example, a specific Phone Service may have a phone set, headset, adapters, etc. associated with that Service. This Equipment can be inventoried separately but can be associated with this Service for tracking purposes. Equipment association does not force the data on the Equipment to match data on the Service however when this association is built with Service Order Equipment on Service Desk the information matches automatically.

The User can manually manage these associations by using either the Add Existing button Image Removed and Delete Selected button Image Removed Add ExistingImage Added and Delete SelectedImage Added button functionality available on the Services Equipment tab.


After clicking the Add Existing button, a list of existing Equipment is presented. An Equipment inventory item must exist before it can be associated with a Service (see the Inventory section for Creating a New Piece of Equipment ). Additionally, Equipment can only be associated with one Service at a time. Consequently, this list only contains Equipment that is not already associated with another Service.

Manage Existing Equipment form exampleImage Modified

Searching through this list and selecting multiple entries allows the User to add all the required Equipment entries. Check each of the Equipment entries that need to be associated with the Service and click save.

Deleting an Association

Selecting Delete Selected button the  button from this Grid does not delete the Equipment entry it merely removes the association. All other Equipment information remains unaffected. When manually editing Equipment, the User should open the equipment record separately to update any relevant information.


Cabling Tab ExampleImage Modified

The Cabling tab allows Users to manually add, change, remove, and view Cable Paths. These Paths can also be built from Service Order Cabling on Service Desk.


To change a Cable Path for a Service, the User can edit and assign new path legs to the Service into the Cabling Grid.

Viewing the Path

The View Path button The View PathImage Modified button displays the visual Cable Path report of the Cable Path that is currently on the Service.


Pools Tab exampleImage Modified

The Pools tab provides the User the ability to assign each service to a Service Pool. These Pools are a collection of phone numbers that are grouped with specific Service Catalog requirements. The list of Pools is managed by the Administrator from the Pools section of the application. Each Service must belong to one of the Catalogs or an ancestor Catalog specified on the specified Pool.

Soft Numbers

Soft Numbers Tab exampleImage Modified

One tab that is unique to Phone Services is the Soft Numbers (sometimes called Line Appearance) tab. For example, all of the numbers in a department might appear on an administrative assistant's phone. This tab is only available for Phone Services. Here, Users can choose to add an existing Phone Service as a Soft Number. Click the Add Existing button the Add ExistingImage Modified button located on the Grid Toolbar above the Soft Numbers Grid. Add a new Soft Number by clicking the Add button AddImage Added button. Image Removed

While Users who select Add Existing are prompted to choose from a list of existing Active Phone Services, Users who select Add New are prompted to define a new Phone Service in its entirety. Because a Soft Number is a Phone Service in its own right, the Soft Number data entry form is virtually identical to the original Phone Service data entry form.


Alias Tab exampleImage Modified

The Alias tab allows the User to create an alias for this service. The Alias replaces the Service ID (phone number) on any rated calls. This tab was created to give the User a method to process and rate calls from Phone Services that are not in the Main > Services > Phones table. The 360 call rating process first looks for the originating phone number from the CDR in the Phone Services table. If it’s not found, PCR-360 looks through the Aliases table. If the number is not in the Alias table, the call’s status is changed to Error and it’s saved until such time as 360 knows the number for billing. If the number does exist in the Alias table, the call is processed but the originating number is changed from the Alias value to the number to which it is assigned. A Phone Service can have multiple Aliases.


Adding New Contacts

After clicking on the Add button AddImage Modified button, the User is presented with a data-entry form used to build a basic Contact: First and Last Name, Email, and Phone Number. Adding a new Contact here creates a new record in the Workers/Contacts section of the application.

Adding Existing Contacts

After clicking the Add Existing button the Add ExistingImage Modified button, a list of existing contacts is presented. Contacts can be associated with multiple services. As such, this list displays all active Contacts in the system. Searching through this list and selecting multiple entries allows the User to add all the required contacts. Check each of the Contacts that need to be associated with the Service and click Save.

Deleting an Association

Selecting Delete Selected button Delete SelectedImage Modified button from this Grid does not delete the Contact entry it merely removes the association.


Remarks Tab exampleImage Modified

The Remarks tab provides the User the ability to add comments and Remarks to this Service. By default, a Remark cannot be edited or deleted once it is added. To alter this behavior, see the Configuration Option: REMARKS_EDITABLE .

Adding Remarks

After clicking the Add button the AddImage Modified button, the data-entry form opens with two tabs. Users can review the Remark on the Remarks tab, or add/edit them on the Edit Remarks tab.

The text can be formatted with Bold, _Italics_, or with hyperlinks. Additionally, the User can add ordered lists or unordered lists. Click the Save New button the Save NewImage Modified button to add the Remark.

Note: Remember that depending on the system configuration Remarks may not be editable once added.


Selecting the View Remark button opens a read-only data-entry form that displays the text of the Remark.

Adding Via 360 View

Service 360 View form exampleImage Modified

An alternative way to add a 'Remark' is from the 360 Search. If a User selects a matching Service from the 360 search results, the Service 360 View form opens. At the bottom of this form, there are a series of buttons. Users can find the 360 View version of a the Add Remark button. Image Removed the Add RemarkImage Added button. Clicking this button brings up the Add New Remarks form as well.

Service Desk

Service Desk tab exampleImage Modified

The Service Desk tab provides a list of Service Desk Orders or Incidents that have been created for this Service. Incidents appear immediately when they are created, but Service Orders may not appear in this list until they are completed. Double-Click or select the Edit Selected option to open one of the associated Service Desk entries.


Attachments Tab exampleImage Modified

The Attachments tab allows Users to attach files (including .pdf, .jpg, .doc...) of interest or relevance to the service by upload.


This removes the file from PCR-360.


Locations Tab exampleImage Modified

Add New Location form exampleImage Modified

One tab that is unique to Phone Services is the 'Locations' tab. This tab only appears when the Multiple Locations flag is checked. This flag indicates that a Phone Service appears in multiple locations and disables the Location field on the main form. From the Locations tab, the User can manually edit all the locations that associated with this Phone Service. This can also be managed from Service Order - Add Locations in Service Desk.

User Defined Fields

User Defined Fields Tab exampleImage Modified

The User Defined Fields tab provides access to any extra fields that are defined for the Service Catalog specified on each Service. Any fields that are defined on for the Service appears on this tab.
