Versions Compared


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apc - Alternative PHP Cache
calendar - calendar functions
ctype - character type checking
curl - libcurl support for http communication
date - date functions
dom - Document Object Model functions
exif - Exchangeable image information
fileinfo - File information functions
filter - DAta filtering and validation
ftp - FTP connection support
gd - Image manipulation module
gettext - NLS API support
gmp - GNU Multiple Precision
hash - Hash Digest functions
iconv - character set conversion
intl - Internationalization functions
imagick - Image Processing
json - JavaScript Object Notation functions
ldap - LDAP protocol support
libxml - XML library dependency for other modules
mbstring - Multi Byte Character Encoding support
mhash - Digest Checksums
oci8 - Driver for Oracle database support Only required if using Oracle. Requires an Oracle client already installed
openssl - openssl library interface
pcntl - Process Control support
pcre - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
PDO - PHP Data Objects library Only required if using MySQL
pdo_mysql - PDO Driver for MySQL database support Only required if using MySQL
Phar - PHP Archive library - need for some other modules
posix - File system access function
readline - GNU Readline library access
Reflection - Class inspection library
regex - Regular Expression support
session - Session Handling interface
shmop - Shared Memory acccess
SimpleXML - XML Toolset
soap - SOAP Connection libaray
sockets - Low Level Socket Communication
SPL - Standard PHP Library extension
tokenizer - Zend Engine Tokenizer interface
wddx - Web Distributed Data Exchange
xml - XMl Parser
xmlreader - XML Reader
xmlwriter - XMl Writer
xsl - XLS Standards implementation
zip - Zip Archive interface
zlib - gzip Archive interface


mcrypt - encryption library interface (deprecated with PHP 7.0+ and no longer required after PCR-360 2019.1 or later)

regex - Regular Expression support

mhash - Digest Checksums