The Equipment will now be added to the grid on the Equipment tab. The Purchase Order can be advanced when all Equipment has been added.
Note: Once a User begins receiving Equipment from a Purchase Order, Equipment may still be added to accommodate any changes to the Purchase Order while it is being fulfilled.
Edit Line
To use the 'Pending' or 'Open' Status and there must already be some Equipment in the grid.
Purchase Order must be at a...
4. Select the 'Warehouse' to receive the Equipment to, the 'Received Date' to receive the Equipment and the 'Quantity' of the Equipment that is to be received.
Note: If the amount in the Quantity field is greater than the amount in the Pending Quantity field, when the User clicks the the User will get an error window stating: "The received quantity X is more than x still Pending for this item."
5. Click the
.The Equipment will now be added to the Warehouse the User selected at the Date and at the Quantity the User selected.
Once a User begins receiving Equipment on a Purchase Order, new Items can still be added to that Purchase Order. This enables Organizations the ability to receive an item mistakenly sent by a Vendor, decide to keep it, and add it to the current Purchase Order.
Cancel Items(s)
To use the the Purchase Order but be at an 'Open' Status and there must already be some Equipment in the grid in the 'Pending'Column