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This is a listing of all the tabs a User might encounter in the 'Location' Catalog. To access the Locations Catalog navigate to Main > Catalog > Locations.

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The 'Remarks' tab allows the User to associate notes relevant to the Location and can serve as a method of noting any important information relating to the Location such as important events that occurred and their timing.

  1. To 'Add' a Remark, click the 'Add' button. Image Modified
  2. Fill in the 'Remark' field with any information desired.
  3. Click the 'Save New'Image Modified button. 

Once a Remark has been created, a User can double click to view the full contents or click the 'Edit Selected' Image Modifiedbutton. If new information is desired to be saved, it is recommended that the User should create a new Remark with the 'Add' functionality rather then edit an old Remark to preserve a record of the old Remarks.

If a Remark is no longer pertinent and the User wishes to remove it, simply select the Remark and click the 'Delete Selected' button. Image Modified The Remark is permanently removed from PCR-360.

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The 'Contacts' tab provides the User the ability to manually associate Contacts with a Location. These Contacts represent people who may be associated with the Location. These Contacts are separate entries in the Workers/Contacts section of the application that can be associated with this Location for tracking purposes.


Adding New Contacts

After clicking on the Add Image Modifiedbutton, the User is presented with a data-entry form used to build a basic Contact: First and Last Name, Email, and Phone Number. Adding a new contact here creates a new record in the Workers/Contacts section of the application.


After clicking the Add Existing button, Image Modified a list of existing contacts is presented. Contacts can be associated with multiple Locations. This list displays all Active Contacts in the system. Searching through this list and selecting multiple entries allows the User to add all the required Contacts. Check each of the Contacts that need to be associated with the Location and click the 'Save' button. Image Modified

Edit Selected

Sometimes it can be necessary to alter the existing information on a Location. In order to do this, PCR-360 has the 'Edit Selected' button. Image Modified Clicking this opens the record in a 'Manage Contact' form that the User can modify and save.


Selecting the 'Delete Selected' button Image Modified from this Grid does not delete the contact entry it merely removes the association.

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Servicing Equipment

This Grid has all the Servicing Equipment (routers, switches, jacks, etc.) associated with a Location.

  1. To 'Add' Servicing Equipment, click the 'Add' button. Image Modified
  2. This opens the 'Add New Location' form.
  3. 'Servicing Equipment' is a required field. Select the 'Servicing Equipment' from the picker.
  4. If a 'Service Catalog' is desired, select it from the 'Service Catalog' picker.
  5. Click the 'Save New' button. Image Modified

The 'Servicing Equipment' is added to the Grid. Continue adding until all the Servicing Equipment has been Added.

Users can modify the Servicing Equipment with the 'Edit Selected' Image Modified and 'Delete Selected' Image Modified buttons as necessary.

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Permitted Workers

The 'Permitted Workers' tab is specific to the Locations Catalog. The functionality of this tab allows an Admin to limit the Workers that can be assigned to a Location.


  1. Click the 'Add Existing' button. Image Modified
  2. This opens the 'Add New Existing Contacts' form.
  3. Select the Worker(s) to associate with the Location.
  4. Click the 'Save and Close' button. Image Modified

The Worker(s) associated with the Location are the only Workers that can be assigned to the Location elsewhere in PCR-360.


  1. Select the Worker association to remove from the Grid.
  2. Click the 'Delete Selected' button. Image Modified
  3. The association on the current Location record is removed.
    Note: Removing the association on a Parent record removes it on all Children records as well. If an association is desired on a Child record, it needs to be added manually to the desired record after removing it from the Parent.


  1. Click the 'Inherited Permissions' button. Image Modified
  2. This opens the 'View Inherited Permissions' dialog.
  3. Click the 'OK' button Image Modified when finished viewing.

Permit None

This button removes any associated Workers from a Location. This does NOT remove any Inherited Permissions from the Parent record. To use, simply click the 'Permit None' button. Image Modified Any Workers that were associated with the Location have that association deleted. The Grid displays: "No Contacts entries may be used with this Locations entry."

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To remove the 'Permit None' Status follow these steps:

  1. Select the line in the Grid that says: "No Contacts entries may be used with this Locations entry." Image Modified
  2. Click the 'Delete Selected' button. Image Modified
  3. The Permit None restriction is removed, and it is possible to associate Workers with the Location again.

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Building Address

The 'Building Address' tab is only available if the Location's 'Type' is a Building.

The 'Building Number' and 'Community Name' fields may be used for internal identification of a Building on an organization's campus. The Community Name is one of the columns in the NENA2 911 format. We provide this field on the building to allow you to control that column in your 911 feed. If you do not specify anything in the Community Name field, the 911 puts the City name in that column of the feed.

The E911 fields are provided if the configuration option USE_E911ENENA2_FIELDS is turned on. These are the fields used for the E911 file export.

The Street Address fields are used for normal postal code Addresses.

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Service Host Permissions

The 'Service Host Permissions' tab is on the Locations Catalog. The functionality of this tab allows an Admin to limit the Service Hosts that can be assigned to a given Location.


Using the 'Add' functionality a User can associate a Service Host Permission with a given Location. This association allows the Service Host to be assigned to the given Location and any Children records.

  1. Click the 'Add' button. Image Modified
  2. This opens the 'Add New Service Host Permissions' form.
  3. Select the Service Host(s) that are desired to associate with the given Location.
  4. Click the 'Save and Close' button. Image Modified

The Service Host(s) is associated with the given Location and is the only Service Host(s) that can be assigned to the given Location elsewhere in PCR-360.


  1. Select the Service Host Permission to remove from the Grid.
  2. Click the 'Delete Selected' button. Image Modified
  3. The Permission on the current given Location record is removed.
    Note: Removing the Permission on a Parent record removes it on all Children records as well. If a Permission is desired on a Child record, it needs to be added manually to the desired record after removing it from the Parent.


  1. Click the 'Inherited Permissions' button. Image Modified
  2. This opens the 'View Inherited Permissions' dialog.
  3. Click the 'OK' button Image Modified when finished viewing.

Permit None

This button removes any associated Service Host Permissions from a given Location. This does NOT remove any Inherited Permissions from the Parent record. To use, simply click the 'Permit None' button. Image Modified Any Service Host Permissions that were associated with the given Location have that Permission deleted. The Grid displays: "No Contacts entries may be used with this Locations entry." Image Modified

Note: If 'Permit None' is set on a Parent record, the Children records are similarly limited.


  1. Select the line in the Grid that says: "No Contacts entries may be used with this Locations entry." 
  2. Click the 'Delete Selected' button. Image Modified
  3. The Permit None restriction is removed, and it is possible to associate Service Host Permissions with the given Location again.


The 'Locations' tab serves as an alternative method for displaying all the Children Location of the currently selected Parent record. It provides a list of all Child locations within this Location. Typically, Child records are displayed in the Tree on the left-hand side of the Locations Catalog.

The 'Locations' tab expands the information available about each of the Child records. The User can edit or delete the Child records from here or the Grid. Editing a Child record opens the 'Manage Location' for that record.


The 'Attachments' tab allows Users to attach file(s) (including .pdf, .jpg, .doc, and more) of interest or relevance to the Location by uploading the file(s) into PCR-360.


To attach one or more files, navigate to the 'Attachments' tab and click the 'Upload File(s)' button Image Modified located on the Grid Toolbar above the 'Attachments' Grid. The User is prompted to select the file(s) from their computer to upload. Upon selection of a file(s), the upload begins automatically.


Allows a User to download a file to their local machine. To download the file, select the file to download and click the 'Download File' button. Image Modified Use the download form that opens to specify a location on the local machine to download the file to and click OK. This can be useful to make modifications to a file which can then be re-uploaded.


This opens the file, if possible, for viewing by the User. To open the file, select the file to view and click the 'Open File' button. Image Modified The file opens in a new tab for viewing. No modifications to the original file can be made when opened in this manner.


Allows the name of the file to be modified within PCR-360. To Edit the name select the file to be edited and click the 'Edit Selected' button. Image Modified This opens the 'Manage Attachment' form.


If a User modifies the name of the file, that is the new name that is used when downloading the file. To edit, simply modify the 'Filename:' field and click the 'Save' button. Image Modified

Delete Selected

The 'Delete Selected' button Image Modified removes the file from PCR-360.

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User Defined Fields

The 'User Defined Fields' tab is only available when there are User Defined Fields set up for Locations in the Admin section

Child pages (Children Display)