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The application's namesake tool allows Users to locate an item (be it a contactContact, locationLocation, piece of equipmentEquipment, serviceService, etc.) and view a comprehensive representation of how the item relates to the other items in the system. 360 View is much more than a typical search engine. It's a powerful tool that helps Users understand precisely how their data and resources interact within their organization.

For example, Users can search for a person and see their contact Contact information and status as well as any services Services with which they are associated, any equipment Equipment they own or are responsible for, a summary of their billing Billing information, their service desk Service Desk history, and more. Search for a piece of equipment Equipment and see a detailed description of the physical unit, associated charges, associated contactsContacts, associated servicesServices, a relevant service desk Service Desk history, and more.

Users can access 360 View by clicking on the 360 button Image Removed at the top of the browser and entering a search term into the search box that appears next to the icon. The 360 The An example of the 360 Search buttonImage Added button is available at the top of the page no matter where the User is in the application. After searching for a value Users can access 360 View by clicking on the An example of the 360 View buttonImage Added button at the top of the grid of search results.

360 Search

The 360 View search brings up all related records in the tab appropriate to the data type. Valid data types are 'Contacts', 'Dept. Hierarchy', 'Equipment', 'Locations', 'Cables', 'Phone Services', 'Data Services', 'Backbone Services', 'Auth Code Services', 'Trunk Services', and 'Other Services' and looks like the following image:

Image RemovedAn example of the 360 Search resultsImage Added

If a search matches, a tab appears with a label to indicate how many records of a given data type matched the search. A User can then click a tab to see a Grid with all matching records. Records that are searched are data type specific. The following is a list of what records match by data type:

Data Type

Columns Searched


Last Name, First Name, Primary Phone, Primary Email, and Customer Number

Dept. Hierarchy

Name, and Code


Asset Tag, Serial Number, Equipment ID, Catalog Part Number, and Catalog Description


Location Name, and Location Building ID (not the parent building)


Cable Name, From Location Path and Equipment ID, and To Location Path and Equipment ID

Phone Services

Formatted Service ID, and List of Formatted Soft Numbers

Data Services

Formatted Service ID

Backbone Services

Formatted Service ID

Auth Code Services

Formatted Service ID

Trunk Services

Formatted Service ID

Other Services

Formatted Service ID

Service Desk Quick Search


To view a found record in the 360 View, select the tab and double-click the item in the 360 View grid or select it and click the '360 View' button Image Removed immediately An example of the 360 View buttonImage Added button immediately above the grid. Each data type opens a '360 View' form with a number of tabs. What is displayed in the tabs is the relationships between various pieces of data in PCR-360. For example, from the 'Contact 360 View' form, a User can see the Profile of a Contact, Services, Equipment, related Billing, and Service Desk items that are associated with the Contact.


When a 360 View form is opened a User can move between records by closing the record and opening a new one. However, an easier option might be the 'Prev' (Previous) button Image Removed or the 'Next' button. Image Removed Clicking An example of the Prev (previous) buttonImage Added button or the An example of the the Next buttonImage Added button. Clicking either button steps the currently viewed record by one so the User doesn't need to individually close and open every record they wish to view. The following is an example of the 'Service 360 View' form:

Service 360 ViewImage Modified

Change Order

If a User is viewing a Service Data type in the 360 View, it can be convenient to modify a Service from the search without having to locate it elsewhere in PCR-360. For this, the 'Change Order' button Image Removed is An example of the Change Order Image Added button is provided which opens a 'Add New Service Order' form.

Add New Service Order formImage Modified

The 'Change Order' button can be found on 360 Views for the following data types: 'Phone Services', 'Data Services', 'Backbone Services', 'Auth Code Services', 'Trunk Services', and 'Other Services'.

Remove Order

The 'Remove Order' button Image Removed opens An example of the Return OrderImage Added button opens a 'Add New service Service Order' form. The only Action on this form is the Remove action. The 'Remove Order' button can be found on 360 Views for the following data types: 'Phone Services', 'Data Services', 'Backbone Services', 'Auth Code Services', 'Trunk Services', and 'Other Services'.


A quick search of an item can sometimes be the quickest way to locate it for Incident reporting to the Service Desk. The 'Incident' button Image Removed opens An example of the IncidentImage Added button opens a 'Add New Incident' form. The Incident button can be found on 360 Views for the following data types: 'Phone Services', 'Data Services', 'Backbone Services', 'Auth Code Services', 'Trunk Services', and 'Other Services'.

The 'Report Incident' button Image Removed is An example of the the Report IncidentImage Addedbutton is found on the Equipment Data type and has the same functionality as the 'Incident' button = Report Incident.

Add Remark

A User can add a 'Remark' to almost all the individual 360 View items. The only exception to this is the 'Cables' items. To add a Remark first open the 360 View of the item. An 'Add Remark' button Image Removed is An example of the Add RemarkImage Added button is available in the lower right corner of the 360 View form. Click the 'Add Remark' button and add the text/remark to the dialog box that opened. Click the 'Save New button Image Removed and An example of the Save NewImage Added button and the remark is now attached to that record.
