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Table of Contents

Expense Management gives the User the ability to easily view Charges and discrepancies from Vendor Invoices.  The User is able to define tolerance levels based on dollar amounts and percentages. Along with audit the invoice through reports.

Defined Tolerances and Expected Charge Codes

Users can set Threshold Percent, Threshold Amount, and Threshold Status Days by the Service Catalog Type. These Thresholds are used to compare the Charge Codes on the Imported File records to those set up within the Import File Record Format to determine discrepancies. The User can also define tolerances by Charge Code. Such as Amount, Ignore, Optional, and Allow Dups.

  • Ignore flag is used to suppress warnings for the specified charge code and exclude from the Aggregate Report.
  • Optional flag is used to suppress the Expected Charge Not Found warning for the specified charge code while still checking the other Amount Thresholds.
  • Allow Dups flag is used to suppress warnings for duplicate charge codes. 

Manage Import File Record FormatImage Added


PCR-360 offers two ways to verify Vendor Invoices: The Audit Report and Aggregate Reports.

A User can also specify the optional Retention value on the Import File Format. This is a number of days to keep the Import Files and Records that are imported with this Format. Imported records imported beyond the Retention value will be deleted from the Vendor Logs and Aggregate Data. If the value is left blank, these records will not be deleted.

Audit Report

The Audit Report will allow Users to easily view each discrepancy found, along with the Audit Code, Services Identifier, Invoice Amount, and Expected Amount based on the Thresholds the User defines. Navigate to Admin>Billing>View/Report>Vendor Charges Audit>Audit Report.

Expense Management Audit ReportImage Added

Audit Codes Include

Charges for Specified Service Catalog

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Audit CodeDescription
Unexpected Charge FoundA Charge Code found in the feed was not specified on the Import Record format for identified Service Catalog.
Expected Charge Not FoundA Charge Code specified on the Import Record format for this Service Catalog was not found and is not flagged as "Optional".
Duplicate Charge FoundThe same Charge Code is encountered more than once on the same Service on the same feed, and it is not flagged to Allow Duplicates.
Unexpected Service Catalog for ServiceService Catalog on PCR-360 Service does not match any of the specified Import Record Formats.
Unexpected Service FoundService encountered on the feed does not exist in PCR-360.
Expected Service Not FoundService(s) with one of the Service Catalogs specified on an Import Record Format do not appear in the feed.
Unexpected Service StatusService does not have a Status of Active, Suspend, or Inactive.  Inactive Services must be within the Threshold Status Days setting to prevent the error.

Charges outside specified Tolerance

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Audit CodeDescription
Expected Charge Amount Lower Than Tolerance PercentSpecified Charge Code on Service Catalog per the Service is Lower than the Tolerance Percent Threshold.
Expected Charge Amount Higher Than Tolerance PercentSpecified Charge Code on Service Catalog per the Service is Higher than the Tolerance Percent Threshold.
Expected Charge Amount Lower Than Tolerance AmountSpecified Charge Code on the Service Catalog per the Service is Lower than the Tolerance Amount Threshold.
Expected Charge Amount Higher Than Tolerance AmountSpecified Charge Code on the Service Catalog per the Service is Higher than the Tolerance Amount Threshold

Aggregate Report

The Aggregate Report provides a text and graphical view of the total charges of the Vendor Invoices. This can be filtered to show only the information the User wants to see. The graph is a representation of the data displayed on the grid.

Navigate to Admin>Billing>View/Report>Vendor Charges Audit>Aggregate Reports to view the Aggregate Reports. There are three Grids available for display. They are the Import Files Grid, Service ID Grid, and Charge Codes Grid.

Note: If the following conditions are true, the Imported Records will not appear on the Aggregate Report.

  • Imported Record has a blank Service ID
  • Imported Record has a blank Charge Code
  • Imported Record has a blank Invoice Amount
  • Ignore Flag is set for the Charge Code

Import Files Tab

The Import Files Grid gives a summary of each imported Vendor File. The User can select the Import File Format they want to be displayed by using the Vendor dropdown field. The Graph shown on the Import Files Tab is a reflection of the data from the Grid below it. When filtering the Grid data, the Graph will update to reflect only that data displayed on the Grid. 

Expense Management Aggregate Report Import Files TabImage Added

Service ID Tab

The Service ID Grid displays each Services Identifier, along with the Import Date, Import Name, File Name, and Total Amount for that Service. 

Expense Management Service ID TabImage Added

Charge Codes Tab

The Charge Codes Grid displays each Charge Code Imported along with the Import Date, Import Name, File Name, and the Total Amount for that Charge Code. 

Expense Management Charge Codes TabImage Added