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Call Details Grid ExampleImage Added

Call Details

PCR-360 supports importing of Call Detail Records (CDR). The import Import utility allows the administrator to map out the format for the CDR files that are imported into PCR-360 and make changes as required Required to the CDR import without any assistance from PCR. Typically monthly CDR imports include any sort of phone switch or communication manager (Avaya, Cisco, SL-1, SL-100, 5ESS, NEC, Nortel, etc) or data from carriers like Verizon, ATT, and Sprint, etc.

The Call Details grid is a summary of all CDR processed into the system. For ease of use Filters, Perspectives, and the Archive feature features are strongly encouraged given the volume of records that can appear on this Grid.


Due to the large quantity of data typically associated with Call Details, there is an automatic Data Archiving function that runs on the Call Details records. When there is an Archives available, it shows up to the User in a drop-down selection on the grid: 

Table Selector field exampleImage Modified

Within the Archive Selector, a User finds a list of the archived data. This list should look like the following image:

Table Selector dropdown field exampleImage Modified

Call Details are archived Archived after the calls Calls are 3 months old in the CALL_DETAILS table. The Archived items are stored with a format of two number year and two number month like so: CALL_DETAILS_YYMM. To view an archived Grid grid simply select the Year/Month of Details that is required Required by clicking its check markcheckmark, and click anywhere else in the application. The Archive loads and be possible to view.


On occasion, it might be necessary to manually enter Call Details into PCR-360. This usually happens with a small number of records, where an automatic process would be unnecessary. This is handled with the Add button  AddImage Modified button.

  1. Click the add the AddImage Added button. Image Removed
  2. The 'Add New Call Details' form opens.
    Add New Call Details form exampleImage Modified
  3. Enter the Required information
  4. Click Save New. Image RemovedWhen adding a call, the Status can only be set to Raw, Rated, or Rated Unbillable.
  5. Click the Save NewImage Added button.

The information entered is displayed in the Call Details Grid.


The Edit Selected button Image Removed ONLY effects records that have been manually entered Edit SelectedImage Added button allows a User to update a Call Record. Manually entered records have the most amount of functionality for updating. The following is an example of the 'Manage Call Details' form that loads when it is possible to modify the Call Details.

Manage Call Details form exampleImage Modified

All other records that were Automatically Imported open are not possible to modify. The following is an example of a record that was automatically entered, which CANNOT be changed, with some exceptions:

  • If the call was manually added and the Status is not Billed, then all of the fields can be modified. The Status can only be set to Raw, Rated, or Rated Unbillable.
  • If the call was imported and the Status is not Billed, then these fields can be updated: Cost, Billing Date, Call Type, and Status. The Status can only be set to Raw, Rated, or Rated Unbillable.
  • If the call has been Billed, then nothing about the Call can be updated.

Manage Call Details form exampleImage Modified

Rate Calls

PCR-360 automatically Rates Calls based on a setting in the Configuration Guide according to the Users needs. This can be set to Rate Calls based on business needs on a daily or hourly basis though for a large volume of calls a more frequent schedule can be set. A User can manually begin the process if needed by clicking the Rate Calls Rate CallsImage Added button. Image Removed  This process runs in the background and no further input is needed.

Rerate Calls

The 'Rarate Calls' Rerate CallsImage Modified button will rerun the Rating process. When clicking the Rerate Calls button the 'Confirm Rerate Calls' form will open.

Confirm Rerate Calls dialogue exampleImage Modified

From this form, the User can specify the Range of Calls that should be Rerated. The User will then need to select the Import File Format that should have its calls Rerated. Once the User is ready they can click the 'Confirm' ConfirmImage Modified button to trigger the Rerating of the Calls. This will set any of the Calls in the Date Range, from the Import File specified, from the Rated status to the Raw status. Once the Calls are in the Raw status then the Rate Calls Event will rate the Calls and process them with any changes that have been made since the Calls were first rated. The Rate Calls Event is typically configured to run nightly, but the button is available for triggering it manually.

This functionality is available on the "Call Details" grid as well as the "Call Detail Errors" grid.

About the Call Detail Errors Grid

The Call Detail Errors grid is available for displaying that exceptions that occurred during a Call Details import. These Exceptions include:



For more details on the status of a Call Details Recordrecord, please see Admin:Call Processing and RatingCall > Statuses the Call Rates wiki.

The Rerate CallsImage Added button runs the Rerate processed Call Calls event.

Automatic Importing of Records


The majority of records can and is automatically are Imported into PCR-360 from the switches after the initial set up setup has been completed. The raw data from the Import can be viewed by clicking the View Import File View Import FileImage Added button. Image Removed The The raw information in this file can be viewed in aggregate by downloading the file or on a line-by-line basis by opening each Call Details Record.

View Import File

A User can view the raw data of the Import File by clicking the View Import File the View Import FileImage Added button. Image Removed If   If the record was manually entered the User gets a message that reflects that it's a manually entered record. Otherwise, the User is able to view the record's raw data.

Call Details Import File form exampleImage Modified

Call Details Additional

PCR-360 supports a set a of configurable additional columns/field fields that can be added onto to the CALL_DETAILS table. These fields can be used to store any information that is needed for business or reporting purposes. Defining these additional fields is done in the application Configuration Options. Contact PCR for assistance defining these fields.

Call Statuses

The following is a list listing of the Call Statuses and what they mean:

  • Error - An error occurred during the import file processing. This re-tries each nightRaw - Call successfully processed from Import File, but has not yet been Rated.
  • Duplicate - Same call start time, duration, origination number, and destination number Call Start Time, Duration, Origination Number, and Destination Number as a previous callCall. Duplicates do not appear on the bill.Raw - Call successfully processed from import file, but has not yet been ratedthe Bill.
  • Error - An error occurred during the Import File processing. This will re-try each night.
  • Unrecoverable Error - An error that cannot be fixed, so it will not try again each night.
  • Rated - Call has been successfully ratedRated, but has not yet billedBilled.
  • Rated Unbillable - Successfully ratedRated, but rate Rate specified 'Do not bill'. This does , so this will not appear on the billBill. This is not an error.
  • Rating Error - An error during ratingRating. This will re-tries each night.Unrecoverable Error - An error that cannot be fixed. It does not try again each night.
  • Billed - Once billedBilled, a call Call cannot be deleted or re-processed.
  • Billing Error - Indicates an error during billingBilling.

When the Call Status is any type of error, then the details of that error will appear in the Error column on the Call Details Grid.