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Admin Users can access the Imports/Exports function to export and import batch data. For example, a User could export their organization's E911 data to a local PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) in order to update critical service location information. Similarly, a User could import monthly billing details from their organization's cellular carrier.

For flexible ad hoc imports and exports, the PCR-360 application also supports an API (Application Programmer Interface) as documented in the ‘API' section of this document. The Imports/Exports function affords Users the ability to adapt to changes in batch file import and export formats and removes the need to seek customization from PCR whenever these changes occur.

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Exporting Data From the System

  1. Navigate to the Export Files grid by opening the 'Admin' tab and clicking on the node labeled 'File Management'. Click on the node labeled 'Export Files'. Admin > Imports/Exports > Export Files
  2. Click the row containing the information you want to export.
  3. Click the Generate Export File button. 
  4. You can choose to View Export or Download Export file.

Adding a File For Export

To Export a file, Users must first add the file as an item on the Export Files grid. Click the 'Add' button located on the Grid Toolbar above the Export Files grid.


In the form, Users can select the desired column of data in the field labeled 'Source Column'. The options listed in the 'Source Column' field depend on the User's selection of 'Source Data'. For example, if the User selected 'General Ledger' as the 'Source Data', the 'Source Column' field will list each column eachcolumn that exists on the General Ledger Grid. If your export file requires a static, repeating value in a particular column; select the Source Column option of “Constant Value”. You can then enter that repeating value in the Constant Value field.


Once these required fields have been satisfied, click the 'Save New' button  . The new header/footer will appear on the 'Headers/Footers Line' grid.

Editing a File For Export

Users can edit existing files for export by double-clicking on an item in the File Exports grid.

This opens the data entry form. Once all required fields have been fulfilled, click 'Save' to make changes permanent.

Deleting a File For Export

To delete one or more existing files for export, highlight each item to be removed and click the 'Delete Selected' button on the Grid Toolbar above the Export Files Grid.

Importing Data to the System

To Import a file, Users must first define the nature of the data to be Imported. Since a single file often contains multiple types of information, the User must define the format of the file itself, allowing the PCR-360 application to process the data using the same format as that implemented by the external file. These Import Formats all related to specific things that can be imported. A list of all the definitions that can be utilized can be found in the Imports Importing a File wiki.

Import File Formats

Navigate to the Import File Formats grid by opening the 'Admin' tab and clicking on the node labeled 'File Management'. Click on the node labeled 'Import Files'. Then click on the node labeled 'Import File Formats'. To add a new import file format, click the 'Add' button on the Grid Toolbar above the Import File Formats Grid.


In the tab labeled 'Record Format', the User can define all of the unique record types and what columns are contained in each one.

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The Record Format section builds on the Record Format Flag from mentioned above. On the previous screen, we identified the location of Record Format Flag. In this section, we use that location to identify each unique record type. For Example, if we said the Record Format Flag started in 1 and was 1 position long, we can now say that calls in this file are Flag Value “C”, Taxes are “T”, etc. Each one of these unique record types is defined here. Therefore, in the Record Format Field, you select the type of data in the record type you are identifying. In the example above, this is 'Calls'. Users can enter a Flag Value. In our example, it was the letter “C” but it can be any value that the system generating the data chooses. 

Calls and Usage Import 


Click on the 'Add'Image Removed button and in the Add New Import File Format Form, click on the Record Type Field and select the 'Usage' Record Type.

In the 'Record Formats' Tab click on the 'Add'Image Removedbutton to get to the 'Add New Import File 'Record Format' Form.

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If Calls or Usage are selected as the Import Record Type, then you will see these additional fields on the Import File Record Format form:

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Usage Import Fields

When the Usage Record Type is selected there are some fields that become required. Below are what those required fields are and how they operate


If a value for this is selected, then only that type of service will be searched for when we are looking up the service that the Usage will be billed to.

Note: The PCR-360 default values for Usage Type are Data Storage and Bandwidth. However, you can add as many new values as you like.

Rating Method

A Rating Method is the method used to assign charges to a call record format. For a Usage Record Type the Rating Method is required. The three types or Rating Methods are listed below.


Once the column is selected, you must enter the Start and Width information for Fixed Width files or the Delimited Index for Delimited files to define where this column of data is in the record. The Start Field defines where the column start in the Import File. The Width Column defines where the Column starts in the Import File. Certain types of data, like dates, can be in any number of formats in the import file such as MM-DD-YY or MM-DD-YYYY, etc. For these fields, we need to know the format. If the Format Mask field is enabled, please select the appropriate Format Mask from the values displayed.

Conditional Logic


The Conditional Logic form allows you attach conditional logic to the import. This functionality is very flexible but also highly technical and will require the skills of technical personnel. Due to the complex nature of the capabilities of this functionality, this portion of the import will be reviewed by the customer and a PCR-360 programmer.


The following is a list of the import conditional logic flags that are available in all import types:

[FLAGS.IGNORE] default false

If set to true, this line of the input file will be ignored (skipped) by the import process. 


This is a read only field that contains the filename of the import file being imported.


This is a read only field that contains the line number from the import file of the record currently being imported.

There are other flags available in specific import types that are described in the specific import wiki pages.


The process of assigning User Defined Fields in Conditional Logic can be found in this link:

Header Lines Tab

If you specified either Header or Footer lines in the Manage Import File Format in Tenant form, the Header Lines Tab will appear. These headers and footers may be defined by pressing the Header Lines tab. The data entry form is displayed.
