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Custom Content allows Users to customize the feel of their CustomerCenter Portal by adding and updating the Widgets that appear on the Home Page, as well as at the Top and Bottom of defined pages. To create or modify Top and Bottom Widgets, you must first access the Customer Center Admin page. This is done by navigating to Admin > CustomerCenter Admin

Widget Management Options

All Widgets available within CustomerCenter for use are found on the Widget Carousel, located towards the top of the page. It enables a User to navigate the selection of available Widgets and allow for them to be displayed on desired pages.

There are a number of buttons/icons on the widgets.

  • Preview WidgetImage Removed

    Preview WidgetImage Added - The Preview Icon, when clicked, will allow a User to see what the Widget will display when a User navigates to the page with the Widget present.

  • Remove WidgetImage Removed

    Remove WidgetImage Added - The Delete Icon, when clicked, will delete the custom Widgets. This is only for custom Widgets.

  • Edit WidgetImage Removed

    Edit WidgetImage Added- The Edit Icon, when clicked, will allow a User to update the properties of a Widget.

  • Remove WidgetImage Removed

    Remove WidgetImage Added - The Remove Icon. When a Widget is added to a page, the Delete icon is replaced with the Remove icon. Clicking the Remove icon will return the Widget to the Widget Carousel.

  • System WidgetImage Removed

    System WidgetImage Added - The System Widget Icon denotes a Default System Widgets that can not be Edited or Deleted.

  • LockImage Removed

    LockImage Added - The Lock Icon Indicates there are roles assigned to that widget. If there are roles assigned to a Widget, then only Users with one of those roles can see the widget. You can click the icon to see which permission is assigned. If no roles are assigned, then any User will see those widgets.

Note: Default PCR-360 Widgets can not be edited.

Create a New Widget

When a User selects the Create New Widget link on the page, they will open the Create New Widget Dialogue. Using this form you can name your Widget, add custom content, and assign Role(s).Create New Widget form exampleImage Removed


Once you have finished adding content to the new Widget, click theSubmitImage Removedimage-20240819-191431.pngImage Added button to add it to the home page. You can then click and drag the Widget into the "Droppable zone".

Note: If there are roles assigned to a Widget, then only Users with one of those roles can see the widget. If no roles are assigned, then any User will see the Widget. If a Widget has roles assigned, it will be indicated by the lock icon.

Adding Video to Widgets

Include Page
(2024.1) Adding Videos to CC Custom Widgets
(2024.1) Adding Videos to CC Custom Widgets

Home Page

Customer Center Custom Content Home page exampleImage Removed

The home page gives users the flexibility to create a new, or add an existing Widget to the active zone. While adding, removing, and/or rearranging Widgets, Users can use the ResetImage Removedimage-20240819-191508.pngImage Added button to return to the pre-saved layout. Once the SaveImage Removedimage-20240819-191519.pngImage Added button is clicked, all previously made changes are committed.

Top of Page Widgets

This page gives a User the ability to click and drag existing Widgets into the "Droppable Zone".
Top of page Widget exampleImage Removed


This will activate the Widget and allow you to assign it to a page(s). Once you select the proper pages and click the SubmitImage Removedimage-20240819-191533.pngImage Added button, the changes will automatically be saved.
Select Pages exampleImage Removed


Note: Only one Widget can be at the top or bottom of a page at a time.

You can then navigate to the selected page(s) and see the Widget.Top Widget on Cart Page exampleImage Removed


Bottom of Page Widgets

This page gives you the ability to click and drag existing Widgets into a "Droppable Zone" to create a new Widget.Bottom of page Widget exampleImage Removed


This will activate the Widget and allow you to assign it to a page(s).Select Page exampleImage Removed


Note: Only one Widget can be at the top or bottom of a page at a time.

You can then navigate to the selected page(s) and see the Widget.Bottom Widget on Cart Page exampleImage Removed


Assigning Widgets to Pages

You can assign multiple Widgets to multiple pages but only one Widget can be on a page at a time.Mutiple Widgets on Pages exampleImage Removed


If there are no applicable pages when you click "Select Pages", a message will pop up declaring all pages are in use. Selected Pages are in use exampleImage Removed


Account Profile Page


From the Account Profile page, a User can individualize their displayed Widgets as defined by their Organization, or restore the system setting by clicking on the Reset DefaultsImage Removedbuttondefault system settings.