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The G/L Accounts function enables Users to build and manage billing accounts throughout the User's organization.

Users can build G/L hierarchies across any number of General Ledger Accounts (GLAs) components which are reflected in the columns of the G/L Accounts Grid. In this example, the G/L Accounts Grid lists five components descending order: Fund, Organization, Account, Program, and Description.

Note: During the PCR-360 set-up process, the User organization determines the manner in which the program structures GLAs.The organization can define and build any number of component-based GLA structures. For more information, see the configuration options: Configuration Guide GLA Parameters.

Select a GLA Format

The GLA Format is set up when PCR-360 is brought online in the Configuration Options. To switch between Formats, click the Select GLA Format buttonImage Modifiedbutton to bring up the GLA Selection Form.


Double-click on a GLA Format name to select it. The User can confirm they are looking at the Format that they want by checking the Path at the top of the Grid. In the following example, the User is viewing the ADMIN GLA format.


GLA Components

A User should start by adding Components to the system. More information is provided for Users that need to modify GLA Components. Once the User adds Components to the system, the next step is to build a GLA with the existing Components.


To build a GLA with multiple components, navigate to the G/L Accounts grid.


Click the AddImage Modified button to create new GLAs for use in the organization.


Note: The Required configuration of GLA components is defined in the system configuration see 'Configuration Guide GLA Parameters' for details

Speed Code and Description are also not Required fields though they can help other users identify the new GLA. Speed Code is required to be unique in PCR-360, regardless of GLA Format. Users may optionally define an income type for the GLA by checking the Revenue' or Expense checkboxes. Additionally, the User may indicate how the GLA is used for Billing by selecting Bill, Ledger, or Taxable by checking the appropriate checkboxes.


Once all Required fields have been satisfied, click the Save NewImage Modified button at the bottom of the GLA data entry form. The new Component-based GLA appears on the G/L Accounts grid and can be selected among other GLAs elsewhere in the system.




Account Management

Only visible if the Accounts Receivable license has been purchased.


Defines the Charges associated with the GLA.


Defines what Contacts should be associated with the GLA.


Defines what Address is tied to the GLA, used for billing.


Tracking of any Activities and Remarks associated with the GLA.

Billing Summary

Displays the Bill(s) for the GLA.

Edit a GLA

This allows a User to modify some of the information associated with a GLA after it has been created. The Speed Code, Description are editable after GLA creation as well as the Bill, Ledger, and Taxable checkboxes.


The Revenue and Expense checkboxes are read-only once the GLA is created if the checkboxes are checked. This is done to prevent bad behaviors that can arise if these fields are changed after they have been used in the system. For example, if a GLA is a Revenue GLA and there are Charges that Bill to it, turning the Revenue flag off would cause the Charges not to be Billed. A non-Revenue or non-Expense GLA can be updated to become a Revenue or Expense GLA. Anew GLA would need to be created if your Organization desires to change a Revenue or Expense GLA into a non-Revenue or non-Expense GLA.

Note: if there is a data error that needs correcting for your Organization GLAs, please submit a ticket to the Help Desk so that PCR can assist in correcting that error.

Toggle Status

This changes the Status of a GLA between 'Active' or 'Inactive'. Inactive GLAs are hidden from Users without removing the data in their Grid.


GLA Replacements happen in the background. Once selected, a Replace is scheduled to execute immediately, and it updates within a couple of minutes. Existing Bill Details data is NOT updated to the new GLA, it is fixed in place and the update process cannot revise it. Any GLA updated will have an 'Activity/Remarks' record created for it, indicating when the GLA was updated, and what the To and From GLAs had been at the time.  This information can also be found in the History Report for the GLA.

Select any number of GLAs for the replacement from the Grid and click the ReplaceImage Modified button. Then, select the "Replacement" GLA from the dialog. Click theSave and CloseImage Modified button on the form.

After your selection is made, you'll be asked for a reason for the update and what the Effective Date for the rollover should be:


The comment you enter is used for Bulk Update History data to keep track of bulk data changes. The Prorate option determines the effective Start Date the new GLA has on items it's assigned to:

  • If "Effective Today" is chosen, the Start Date is the current date. This means when the Bill is run for the current billing cycle, the old GLA is used for the part of the month prior to the update. Then, the new GLA is used for the remainder.

  • If "Date to Last Billed" is chosen, the system examines Bills to determine the most recent Bill's date. The GLA Start Date is set to the day after the most recent bill's cycle. For instance, if you've run a bill for June 1 - 30, the replacement GLA's Start Date is July 1. When you run the bill for July, only the new GLA is used to generate charges.

Places where an Expense GLA is updated:

  • Contact Default GLA

  • Contact GLA Approval

  • Contact GLA Permissions

  • Equipment Expect GLA

  • Department Default GLA

  • Department Permissions GLA

  • Service Desk (Orders, Projects, Incidents, etc.) up to/including the "Finalized" Status

  • Service Desk Approval (CustomerCenter)

  • Service Desk Actions GLA

  • Services GLA

Places where a Revenue GLA is updated:

  • Billing Groups

  • Equipment Catalog

  • Service Catalog

Estimate Billing

Users can generate an Estimate of what Charges are set on the GLA when the Bill runs for a given time period with Estimate Billing. This can be run for up to 50 GLA records at a time by selecting multiple items in the grid. In order to use Estimate Billing, select at least one record, and click the Estimate BillingImage Modified button. This opens the 'Estimate Billing' form.
Estimate Billing dialogue example
Select the Billing period that you would like to get the estimate for and click the Generate EstimateImage Modified button. This generates a Billing Estimate form with the following three tabs: Estimate Totals, Billing Transaction Details, and Estimate Process Detail.


The 'Estimate Process Detail' tab shows a summary of all the Calls, Usage, and Charges associated with the selected GLAs. The number of these items as well as their total Charges displays in Bold at the top of this tab. Additionally, the Charges are broken down by their types in the Charge Totals by Type section. This allows for a top-level view of the number of Services, GLAs, and Equipment records were broken out with the number of Items billed and the Billed Amount as well.

Child pages (Children Display)