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Table of Contents


  • Start Event (required) – Event that begins the Escalation's life cycle
  • Abort Events (optional) – Events which can interrupt the Escalation to prevent unnecessary actions from occurring
  • Sequences (required) – Actions the Escalation takes during its life cycle
  • Criteria (optional) – A means of narrowing down the conditions under which the Escalation begins

Adding an Escalation

Escalations Grid exampleImage RemovedEscalations Grid exampleImage Added

Navigate to the Escalations grid by going to Admin > Escalations / Notifications > Escalations.


To add a new Escalation, click theAddImage Modified button located on the Grid toolbar.


Select a "Start Event" from the list of events. The Start Event is the purpose for the Escalation and, when triggered, begins the Escalation's life cycle. For example, a User could select Service Desk Workflow Assigned as the Start Event. In this instance, the Escalation process would begin whenever an SD item's Workflow is assigned to one or more Workers. Notice that the list of possible events includes both System events, those delivered as part of PCR-360 as well as custom Sequence Events which may be created to supplement the base events.


Once all required fields in the Escalation form have been satisfied, click theSave NewImage Modified button. The new Escalation appears as an item on the Escalations grid. If the Escalation is set to "Active", the Escalation commences whenever its Start Event occurs.


Users can edit existing Escalations by double-clicking on any item on the Escalations grid or by selecting an item and clicking theSave NewImage Modified button located immediately above the Grid.

In the Escalation form, define the item's inputs by following the protocol established earlier in this section. The 'Start Event' cannot change for an existing Escalation. In order to define an Escalation identical or similar without reproducing all the steps to create it, use the form's Options > Copy to New Form menu to create a copy:
Copy to New Form Menu OptionImage Modified

Admin Users can delete existing Escalations by selecting the appropriate item on the Escalations grid and clicking the Delete SelectedImage Modified button located immediately above the Grid.


Now the User should add a Sequence of actions that occur once the Escalation process begins. In the 'Add New Escalation' form, see the tab labeled 'Sequence'. To add an action to the Sequence, click the AddImage Modified button located on the Sequence grid toolbar.

Add New Escalation Sequence form exampleImage Modified

In the form complete the required Required fields.

The 'Sequence #' determines the order in which each action is performed by the application. For example, if a User were to add three actions to the Sequence and each action had a Sequence # of '100', '200', and '300', the application would execute the '100' action before moving on to the '200', etc. The application lets the User enter arbitrary numbers so they can come back to add Sequences in the middle without having to renumber all the existing ones after it. It is also possible to duplicate the Sequence # to execute two actions simultaneously.


A new Incident is added to Service Desk with the supplied CSR, Trouble Code, and Details from this Sequence action.
Add New Escalation Sequence form exampleImage Modified

If defining the Type as "Generate Incident", Service Rep and Problem Description fields become available. A good example of a "Generate Incident" notification would be when maintenance for a piece of Inventory is due, an Incident Report can be created so that there is a Notification and Workflow item created to ensure maintenance is started for that item.


Uses the Workgroup from the Service Desk Workflow entry that triggered the Escalation to send Notifications to each person in the Workgroup Sequence tab.
Add New Escalation Sequence form exampleImage Modified

If Type is defined as "Workgroup", the User is prompted to select a Notification that is sent. Select a Notification from the list of existing Notifications by clicking on the picker in the Notification field. Available Notifications must match the Escalation's Start Event specified.


Sends a selected Notification to a specified list of recipients (Notify To).
Add New Escalation Sequence form exampleImage Modified ]
A couple of tips for using this Type:


Note: For "Notify" Type, the User must specify who should receive the Notification as it is a required Required field.

Esc. Sequence Event

Generate a custom Sequence Event that can abort other Escalations or send out Notifications for specific conditions.
Add New Escalation Sequence form exampleImage Modified

Service Host SOAP Escalation

Allows the User to provide raw data structures for a request body to a specific external Host/Method, using the 'Options' field.
Add New Escalation Sequence form exampleImage Modified

Service Host REST Escalation


  • POST (Create), PATCH (Change), PUT (Replace), and DELETE are the supported Request Types. By default, Request Type POST will be used.

Add New Escalation Sequence form exampleImage Modified

Sequence Events are best used with Criteria so they are only generated when very specific data conditions are met. With these narrowed conditions, more control over aborting certain Escalations or whether to send particular Notifications is provided to an Admin.


In addition to specifying a series of actions for an Escalation, Users want to restrict the conditions under which those actions are executed. Criteria act as a filter (think of the Grid's Search and Filter mechanisms) that prevent an Escalation from beginning unless the data provided matches its conditions.

On the Escalation form, click the Criteria tab, and click the AddImage Modified button. On the Criteria form, set a single condition using a piece of Data (that is provided to the Event info) to match against, a Comparison operator, and the Value the data must match to pass and begin the Escalation. Based on the Data field, the Value may be an arbitrary text value, a Picker item, an option from a drop-down, etc.


Set it as the Event that generates Notifications. Just as some System Events can automatically generate Notifications (alerting a Worker they have been assigned to a Service Order, sending an Administrator notice when a Purchase Order is approved, etc.), Sequence Events can do the same, utilizing the power of Criteria to generate the Notification to specific conditions. For instance, John Doe requested he not be sent Workflow Assignment emails because he has the Service Desk's "Assigned Workflow" Grid open with an auto-refresh Perspective so he can see new assignments as they come in. Set them as Abort Events on other Escalations. Using System Events to abort an Escalation aborts that Escalation regardless of the situation which is often desirable. However, using Criteria gives control over the conditions under which the Sequence Event is generated so the targeted Escalation only aborts under the defined Criteria. In this use case, the chain of events looks like this:


  • A customer emails the Service Desk, and the Inquiry is converted to an Order. The initial Workflow is assigned to Mary.
    • The assignment begins an Escalation ('Workflow Assignment – Action Required') that sends Mary an email.
    • A second Sequence waits 30 minutes before sending a message to her Workgroup Manager.
      • The Escalation already has "Service Desk Item Viewed" selected as an Abort Event. Once anyone opens the Incident, the Escalation stops, and her manager does not get an email.
  • Ten minutes after the Workflow was assigned, the Requester emails again: Please cancel the original request.
    • The CSR opens the Service Desk item and changes its status to "Void".
    • The actual results:
      1. Mary's manager doesn't get an email because the CSR opened the Incident, not Mary.
      2. The Escalation that would send an email to her Manager should be aborted.
      3. Mary should be notified of the Voided item (but only when it's been VOIDED, not just that its status changed).


  1. Click the Add button to start another new Escalation:
    • Name it "Abort for Assigned Worker Viewed".
    • Select "Service Desk Item Viewed" as the Start Event.
  2. Add a Sequence:
    • Name it "Worker Viewed SD Item".
    • Select Type Esc. Sequence Event.
    • Name it "Assigned Worker Viewed SD Item".
    • Set Time To Wait to 0m to make it trigger as soon as possible.
  3. Save and Close the Sequence form.
  4. Click the Criteria tab the click the AddImage Modified button to start a new Criteria:
    • Give it a Description like "Viewed By Assigned Worker".
    • From the Data list, select the "global" variable "EVENT_CONTACT" – this is the person who initiated the event. In the case of this Escalation, it is the person who viewed the SD Item.
    • Select 'Equals' from the Comparison list.
    • To make this custom Event more reusable, use another Hash Variable for the comparison value rather than specifically picking Mary. Type "##" in the value input and choose "##SDWF_WORKER##". This represents the "Service Desk Workflow Worker" Contact to match the person who viewed the SD Item (EVENT_CONTACT).
  5. Save and Close the Criteria.
  6. Save and Close the Escalation.


Service Host REST Escalations are Specialized Escalation Sequences that can be used to interface with outside data sources. Read more here: Exchanging Data With External Data Stores.

Setting Up Escalations To Utilize The Service Host
Service Host REST Escalation Setup

Add New Escalation form exampleImage RemovedAdd New Escalation form exampleImage Added

This is a sample Escalation that will use the Service Host set up previously. It will execute using the "New Estimate Created" Event. Add a single Sequence and a single Criteria that must match for the Escalation to execute at all.

  1. Go to Admin > Escalations / Notifications > Escalations.
  2. Open a new Escalation.
  3. Select a Start Event before adding Sequences. This is to help the Sequence form know what 'Data Variables' it can use. Select "New Estimate Created" as the Start Event.
  4. Open a new Sequence on the Sequence tab. Set the Sequence # "10", and Time To Wait "0m".
  5. Select "Service Host REST Escalation" from the Type list.
  6. When the form updates, choose the Service Host to use ("Sample REST Host" in the example above).
  7. Set the "Host API Path". This will be the part of the URL that differs from one command to another.
    1. If the API uses a query string (as described above), do not include it in the Host API Path.
    2. If there is no additional path to the API URL, enter "/" as the API Path value.
  8. Set the "Request Type" to match the type of request to make.
    • POST (Create)
    • PATCH (Change)
    • PUT (Replace)
    • DELETE
  9. In the "API Options" use the JSON editor to define the request to be sent to the API. This is a map of field names the API expects with values from PCR-360.
    Compare this sample to the "Add Order" command from our Service Host example:
    Manage Escalation Sequence form exampleImage Modified
    Users can also use items from the "Available Template Data" list to append variable placeholders to the Value to send. These variables (formatted as ##VARIABLE_NAME##) will be replaced with the actual value from the Event when the Sequence is executed. The selected item from the list will always be inserted at the current cursor position in the editor, but can be cut/paste them to other positions in the text as needed.
  10. UDFs are also supported in the Event Variables that can be added to the API Value. When selecting one, there will be a variable name like ##UDF_12345## instead of the label. This ensures the unique UDF ID is used for looking up the correct value to replace the variable with. Should we use a label, and the label changes or contains errant characters, the variable substitution would fail.
  11. Save the Sequence and close the Sequence form. To use this Escalation to perform other tasks, including other calls to the same or other APIs, set up separate Sequences for those actions.
  12. Click the Criteria tab and open a new Criteria. However, notice UDFs that apply to the data object the Start Event is generated from are available in the list of data Criteria to can check before the Escalation begins its work. There are also additional Comparison types to choose from for better refinement of acceptable data conditions.
    Add new Escalation Criteria form exampleImage Modified
  13. Save a Criteria if desired.
  14. Finally, save the new Escalation.

With this sample, when a new Estimate is created in Service Desk, this Escalation will check any Criteria set in place. If ALL of the criteria pass, the Sequence(s) will execute, sending data to the API set up in Service Hosts.

Service Host


SOAP Escalation Setup

Manage Escalation form exampleImage RemovedManage Escalation form exampleImage Added

This is a sample Escalation that will use the Service Host set up previously. It will execute using the "New Service Request Created" Event. Add a single Sequence and a single Criteria that must match for the Escalation to execute at all.

  1. Go to Admin > Escalations / Notifications > Escalations
  2. Open a new Escalation.
  3. Select a Start Event before adding Sequences. This is to help the Sequence form know what data variables it can use. Select "New Service Request Created" as the Start Event.
  4. Open a new Sequence on the Sequence tab. Set the Sequence # "10", and Time To Wait "0m".
  5. Select "Service Host SOAP Escalation" from the Type list.
  6. When the form updates, choose the Service Host to use ("Sample REST Host" in the example above).
  7. Set the "Target Host". This will define the Service Host that is going to be interacting with this Escalation.
  8. Set the "Target Method". This will define what endpoint the Escalation is going to be sent to.  The expected fields to be sent will be automatically populated.
    Add New Escalation Sequence form exampleImage Modified
  9. Fill in the "API Options" to be sent to the endpoint.
  10. Save the Sequence and close the Sequence form. To use this Escalation to perform other tasks, including other calls to the same or other endpoints, set up separate Sequences for those actions.
  11. Click the Criteria tab and open a new Criteria. This operates the same as previous versions. Notice that UDFs which apply to the data object the Start Event is generated from can be found in the list of data Criteria that can be checked before the Escalation begins its work. There are also additional Comparison types to choose from for better refinement of acceptable data conditions.
    Add new Escalation Criteria form exampleImage Modified
  12. Save a Criteria if desired.
  13. Finally, save the new Escalation.

With this sample, when a new Service Request is created in Service Desk, this Escalation will check any Criteria set in place. If ALL of the Criteria pass, the Sequence(s) will execute, sending data to the endpoint set up in Service Hosts.


A User can review the results of all Escalation Sequences here. Double-click a Log item to open it, the result data is laid out as a JSON object with various information about the Sequence execution. For an API Sequence, "curlResponse", "curlInfo", and "curlError" message keys are present. These can help identify problems in the setup of the Service Host or Escalations, or indicate successful execution of sending data to the API. Currently, no processing is done to the response data sent back from the API. It is simply logged here for reference.

Escalation Log exampleImage Modified Include PageCreating an EscalationCreating an Escalation