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The Purchase Order screen allows the User user to create and manage Inventory. Purchase Orders require a Vendor and a Warehouse, Equipment from the Warehouse can then be added to the Purchase Order. The Purchase Order number can be configured with the ALLOW_CUSTOM_PO_NUMBER

The Basics

  • Required Fields:
    • Status - The status of the Purchase Order will allow Inventory Managers to sort Purchase Orders more easily. The Workflow Rules will give the User some more insight into how the Statuses control the Purchase Order process.
      • Pending - The Pending status is meant to be used when you are building a when a Purchase Order is being built, but before you have it sent it to the Vendor. This status allows for internal processes like approvals from internal organizational business practices to go through. If the Purchase Order or Equipment on it is declined at any point before the Purchase Order is sent to the Vendor, they can be edited by the Inventory Manager.
      • Open - The Open status is meant to be used once the Purchase Order has been sent to a Vendor and you are waiting the User is waiting on the Equipment to be shipped. Once the Equipment is received it can be brought into Inventory from the Purchase Order.
      • Closed - The Closed status can only be set once all the Inventory is received on the Purchase Order. This status lets Users know that the Purchase Order has been addressed and all the Inventory is received.
    • Created Date - The Created Date field will let Users know when the Purchase Order is created.
    • Warehouse - The Warehouse field will auto populate with the Master Default Warehouse . Once the Purchase Order is created this field becomes read only.
    • Vendor - The Vendor is required because the Purchase Order will be limited to only valid Equipment Catalogs associated with the Vendor.


To create a new Purchase Order click the the Add ButtonImage Modified button on the grid. When the Purchase Order form opens, select the Warehouse where the ordered Equipment will be located and select the Vendor. Before you can continue with adding Equipment, you must save more Equipment can be added, the new Purchase Order must be saved to allow the Equipment grid to grid know which Vendor you've has been chosen and can show you the correct list of Equipment for that Vendor.

Add New Purchase OrderImage Removed

Purchase Order tabs

On the Purchase Order are the following tabs: Equipment , Activity/RemarksAttachmentsand User Defined Fields.

The User can add a Blanket PO# by clicking the Image Removed button.
This will add the Blanket PO number from the Vendor to the Purchase Order into the Vendor Order NumberImage Removed field.

Refer to the data sample below to see how Price & Units affect line items:
Inventory Purchase Order GridImage Removed

However, if you use the Add form and select the same Equipment, Price, and Units (where applicable) as an existing line, the Quantity you enter will increase the matching line item by the Quantity you set. For example, if you already have "10 Boxes of 50 Pencils at $5.25 per box", and you attempt to add a line for "8 Boxes of 50 Pencils at $5.25 per box", the existing line of 10 is increased to 18. To reduce a Quantity, open the line item in Edit mode and change to the specific quantity you want. Note: you cannot change Equipment, Units, or Price in Edit mode. To change these, you'll need to add a new line item with the revised values and delete the original line if desired.

When Equipment is added to a Purchase Order, its status is set as "On Order". In other areas like Service Desk, you'll be able to handle Equipment changes based on the current or ordered inventory. Once Equipment is received through the PO Receive form, its status is set to "Unassigned". This means the Equipment has arrived & is physically present, but is not yet applied to any Service Orders or other demands for it.

You can also use the Equipment sub-grid to observe information about the individual records within a line item:

New Purchase Order FormImage Modified


A Purchase Order (PO) can only be edited while it is in a 'Pending' status. Once the status has been set to 'Open' and approved, the order Purchase Order is locked, and an additional PO will have to be submitted instead of modifying the current one. The steps to edit a PO are as follows:

  1. Locate a PO in the grid with a 'Pending' status that you wish to modify.
  2. Single click to select the PO, and click the Edit Selected buttonImage Modified button. Alternatively, double-click the PO. This will bring up the Manage Purchase Order Dialog. From here the User can select the Equipment to edit, add to the current order, or delete items that were ordered in excess.

Workflow Rules


A brand new Purchase (PO) has a status of "Pending", which means the PO is still under construction, not finalized or ready to send to the Vendor. At this point, Equipment can be added, edited, and removed from the PO. However, you Users cannot yet Receive or Cancel lines because the Vendor hasn't seen the order Purchase Order yet.

  • A "Pending" PO can only be changed to "Open" status. However, the PO can be deleted from the system if you need a User needs to kill the order completely , even if it's been Approved.</li>
  • A "Pending" PO can be Approved, at which point the ability to add/edit/delete Equipment is locked. However, since the order is not yet "Open" (the Vendor hasn't received it yet), you the User can't Receive or Cancel lines, either.*
  • There are a couple of optional settings for "Open" POs that affect how it can be edited. Typically, once a PO is "Open", the ability to Add/Edit/Delete Equipment is locked, and you switch the PO is switched to the Receiving phase where you Users either receive Receive the equipment Equipment or cancel Cancel it. Once "Open", the equipment Equipment can be processed through Receive/Cancel actions.
  • An "Open" PO can only be changed to "Closed". It can no longer be deleted from the system. However, once you Users begin Receiving/Canceling line items, you then they must finish before closing the order. If no such activity has occurred yet, you then Users can close the untouched orderPurchase Order. If you need a User needs to close a partially-complete PO because you won't receive it receives any further equipment Equipment on it, Cancel the remainder of each line before closing the orderPurchase Order.</li>
  • Once a PO is "Closed", no further action can be taken on it. You It can only open the form to review the information on it.

Processing Line Items

On an "Open" PO, use the Receive Item(s)Image Removed button and Cancel Item(s)Image Removed button to either indicate a line item (or partial) has arrived & can be used, or to Cancel lines (or partial) because you no longer expect them to be delivered.

To receive delivered equipment, select a line from the PO and click Receive Item(s).

Receive Purchase Order Equipment Image Removed


Purchase Order Form Buttons

Include Page
Inventory - Equipment - Purchase Order
Inventory - Equipment - Purchase Order

Child pages (Children Display)
