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Table of Contents


User Defined Fields (UDFs) allow an Admin to add fields to a large number of the forms available in PCR-360 if there are fields that are desired that PCR does not already provide. To access UDFs, navigate to Admin > User Defined Fields > User Defined Fields to open the User Defined Fields grid as seen below.

User Defined Fields GridImage Modified

Adding UDFs

To add a new User Defined Field (UDF), click the Add button. This opens the 'Add New User Defined Field' form.
Add New User Defined Field Form ExampleImage Modified

On this form, there are three four Required fields:

  • UDF Identifier - This is the Identifier that PCR-360 uses for the UDF being defined. This label MUST be unique or it cannot be saved.
    • This field is set to read-only and cannot be changed once the User clicks the Save New button. 
  • Label - This is the label for the defined UDF.
  • Field Type - This determines the type of input associated with the UDF.
    • This field is set to read-only and cannot be changed once the User clicks the Save New button. 
    • There are a number of different Types that can be selected. See the Type Definitions section for complete descriptions of the types.
  • Required - Requires that the UDF has data before the form can be saved.
  • Verify Field Data - Creates a blue tool-tip for the UDF when the User attempts to Save the record, This helps to encourage the User to verify the record is valid.


  1. Click the Add button. 
  2. The 'Add New Field Association' form opens.
    Add New Field Association form
  3. The input here is kept relatively simple. Select an Item from the 'Association Table' drop-down.
  4. Some inputs open additional drop-downs. Those additional drop-downs are listed here:
    • Cables - UDF applies to all Cables.
      • Cable Type - UDF ONLY applies to selected Cable Type.
    • GLA - UDF applies to all GLAs.
      • Format - UDF ONLY applies to selected GLA Format.
    • Location - UDF applies to all Locations.
      • Location Type - UDF ONLY applies to selected Location Type.
    • Service Desk - UDF applies to all Service Desk items.
      • SD Type - UDF ONLY applies to the selected SD Type.
    • Service Desk Actions - UDF applies to all Service Desk Actions

      • SD Action type (not SD Type)
      • Service Catalog
    • Service Desk Quick Ticks - UDF applies to all Quick Ticks.
      • Tick Type - UDF ONLY applies to selected Tick Type.
    • Equipment - UDF applies to all Equipment.
      • Equipment Catalog - The UDF is associated with the specific Equipment selected from the Catalog.
    • Service - UDF applies to all Services.
      • Service Catalog - The UDF is associated with the specific Service selected from the Catalog.
  5. Cust Center
    Cust Center
    Cust Center
    - This flag allows the UDF for the Service or Equipment to appear on the CustomerCenter.
    • When the Cust Center flag is set to true, the associated UDF associated with the Service Catalog will be displayed will display on the Request in the Cart.
      • Service UDFs appear on new Service Requests and on all Change Actions in the cart.
      • Service Order associated UDFs will appear on the Service Request in the Cart.
      • Incident UDFs will appear on Incident Requests.
      • Action UDFs will appear on Service Request Actionsin the Cart.
      • Incident UDFs have two types of UDFs that appear on Incident Requests. Incident UDFs are under the heading "Additional Information", stay on the Incident, and are included to add more information about the ticket.
        • Item UDFs are under the heading "Information for <item name>". Item UDF values get updated on the Item record and are used to add more information to a specific Service, Equipment, or Package. 
      • Action UDFs will appear on the action type the UDF is associated with. This can be a specific type or all Actions, in the Cart, or in addition to the Service-specific UDFs.
        • Note: Using text or text area Action UDFs will allow you to create Custom Questions for the customer to answer in the Cart.
    • The UDF set in the CustomerCenter will remain for the entire Service Desk Life Cycle.
  6. Aging Persist - This flag allows the UDF to remain through the Aging process if it is set.
    Add New Field Association form example

Service Catalog and Equipment Catalog, when defined as the 'Association Table', saves the UDF ONLY to the Catalog itself.



: This is separate from the Service/Equipment 'Association Table(s)' having a specific Service/Equipment Catalog defined.

There is no inheritance of UDFs on 'Association Tables'. A given UDF MUST be added to the UDF Association grid for the UDF to appear on a given item. Default Values can be added to the Association once the User has saved the Association record. Check out the Default Values section for more information on adding Default Values for UDFs.


  • Amount of Time - The UDF is formatted as a Time tracking field which records time in hours by default.
  • Checkbox - The UDF is a simple checkbox that can be selected or not.
  • Currency - The UDF text box is formatted as money in USD $ and only accepts numbers to two decimals.
  • Date - The UDF is a Date field with a calendar selector button.
    Example Date field
  • Decimal Number - The UDF allows only whole numbers or decimal numbers to five decimal places.
  • Dropdown - This creates a drop-down UDF. When a UDF is a drop-down, a tab is added with a label of Drop-down Options. Click Here for more detail on 'Drop-down' types.
  • Number - The UDF only allows whole numbers.
  • Picker - The UDF is a Picker that ties into any of the existing Pickers in PCR-360. Click Here for a full listing of available pickers.
  • Table - Creates an editable table of information as a UDF. Click Here for a complete description of using Table UDFs.
  • Text - A text box that limits the number of Characters a given User can enter based on the Admin's setting.
  • Textarea - A large text area for larger text inputs than the smaller text type allows for. Can It can be vertically and horizontally sized.



Dropdown Options Tab Example

There are two Lists that a User can select from a dropdown. A 'System Defined List' or a 'User Defined List'.

  • System Defined List - If the drop-down options are 'System Defined', the drop-down values are populated from the List Values grid. The Admin only needs to use the provided 'List Type' Picker to select the list.
    Example of List Type Picker field
  • User Defined List - If the drop-down options are 'User Defined', the Admin needs to define each drop-down option individually. This is done through the following steps:


The Toggle Status button sets the status of an individual dropdown drop-down value to 'Inactive', removes it from the displayed dropdownsdrop-downs, and does not remove it from PCR-360. This is useful for disabling the use of a retired option that cannot be deleted because it still exists on older records.


  • Fit Width - Set whether or not this table will fill the width of the form.

Example of a Table Definition

  • Name - Required; Defines the column name / identifier used.
  • Type - Required; Defines the type of data stored in this column.
    • Standard Types include:
      • autoincrement: Will increment by one from the previous row.
      • select: A drop-down box filled with values from the options field (Defined Below).
      • text: A simple text field.
      • checkbox: A toggle-able checkbox.
      • date: Brings up a calendar view for date selection.
      • formattedtext: This is text but with limited formatting options. Use 'a' for alpha, '9' for number, and '*' for alpha or number. For a sample usage see Format.
      • number: The field will only accept digits.
      • rownumber: The current row's position in the table. Setting a default value will alter the "rownumber" value.
  • Width - Required; Defines the column width (pixels).
  • Label - Defines the label for the column displayed in the header row. If left blank, the Column Name will be used instead.
  • Options -


When creating or editing a UDF sometimes an Administrator wants to make the UDF required Required or not. This can be set for the UDF as a whole with the Required flag.  UDF's are incomplete without a UDF Association record(s) assigned as a child record to the UDF.

On UDF Association records there is an additional Required state drop-down.  There are three possible states that a UDF Association can have with regards to 'Required':

  • Inherited Value - Whatever the parent UDF is set to, whether Required or Not Required determines if the child UDF Association is Required or not.
  • Required - Requires the child UDF Association regardless of the parent UDF's Required state.
  • Not Required - Makes the child UDF Association not required Required regardless of the parent UDF's Required state.

This allows any given UDF Association more granular control by the Administrator. For example, Users may wish to make a UDF required Required on some Services but not others.


From the main User Defined Fields grid, the User can toggle the 'Required' flag for a given UDF. Simply select the UDF to toggle from the grid and click the Toggle Required button.



: This ONLY sets the Required flag of the UDF and only affects the Required state on any given UDF Association when the Association's Required state is set to Inherited Value.

Default UDF Values


In order to create an AdHoc Query, Users will need to access the AdHoc Query BuilderTo build a new query click theAdHoc Query Builder button. This button is located in the bottom left corner of the Grid.

The UDF Identifier can be obtained by opening the UDF Grid at Admin > User Defined Fields > User Defined Fields.

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