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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from this space and version 2023.1


The Contact Import allows Users to Import records into the Workers / Contacts Grid. When an existing Contact record is included in the Import File, and no changes are present, that line of the file will be skipped.

Matches On

The Contact first attempts to match the Customer Number then the Email Address. If there is no match, the record from the Import will INSERT. If there is a match, the remaining fields can UPDATE.


Datatype is String.


Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to False [0].

Permitted Values are 1, Yes, True, and Active

Permitted Values sets the Directory to True [1] (Yes).

All other values enter as False [0].

Contact Type

Datatype is String.


The Contact Type can be provided as an array in the Conditional Logic to allow assigning multiple values.

These values can be hard coded hardcoded into the Conditional Logic, or they can come from multiple fields in the input file.

See the Contact Type Notes section below for some examples.

If any Contact Type value is provided, it always replaces any existing value.


Allow Coordinator Bill Email

Datatype is Boolean.

Default value is False.

If the Contact Type is Customer, the following fields are available.


Dept. Hierarchy

Datatype is Hierarchical String.Permitted values must be the full Dept. Hierarchy Path and Code values not the Department Hierarchy Name field or String.

This Import expects the Department Hierarchy code, not the Name.

The value for this field can be the full Hierarachial Path, or it can be just the last part of the Path. If you provide only the last part, then there is a chance that there could be duplicate values in the database. If duplicate values are found, then you will get an error.

Default GLA

Datatype is Hierarchical String.

Default SLA

Datatype is Hierarchical String.

Default Incident SLA

Datatype is Hierarchical String.

If the Contact Type is User, the following fields are available.

Approval GLA

Datatype is Hierarchical String.

GLA values append to the list of existing GLA Approvals.

Each GLA value must be on a separate line of Import File.

"NONE" removes all GLA entries from the Approval GLAs.

Permitted values are NONE or any valid GLA.

Minimum Amount

Datatype is String.


If any Address field holds a value, all except for the Address2 field becomes Required.


Datatype is String.


Default value: "United States"

Datatype is String.


Datatype is String.


Datatype is String.

Permitted values must be the 2 letter, all caps abbreviation (MI) or the full state name with an uppercase first letter (Michigan).

All other values are ignoredStates/Provinces use standard 2 Letter Abbreviations for US/Canada and 3 Letter Abbreviations for Mexico.

Zip Code

Datatype is String.


Email Addresses never get updated or removed. If a new Email Address is provided for an existing Contact, it will get appended to the list of Email Addresses, and the new value will be marked as 'Primary'.

Permitted GLA

Datatype is Hierarchical String.

Defaults to NONE.

Permitted Values are NONE, ALL, or any valid GLA. NONE removes all entries in the list and add the Permit None record.

ALL removes all entries in the list and allow any GLA to be used.Values append

to the existing list of GLA Permissions.For the first occurrence of a Contact in the import file, if a GLA Permission value is provided, this will replace the entire list of existing GLA Permissions for this Contact. Successive lines in the import file will append GLA Permissions. There is no way to just append individual values. The entire list will get replaced by the import.

Adding any valid GLA to the list removes the Permit None record.

To add multiple Permitted GLAs, each must be on a separate line of the Import File.


Datatype is String.

By default, this option allows numbers in these formats: "(123) 456-7890" or "456-7890" or "4567890".

Multiple Primary Phone Numbers cause an error.

The format of the Phone field is validated against the configuration option. If the value does not match one of the default formats, it will cause a warning and the phone number will not be added.


Datatype is String.


Flags / Conditional Logic


Datatype is String.
Allowed Values are "APPEND" and "CLEAR".

This flag controls how GLAs are added to the GLA Permissions tab.

  • If you set APPEND, the import will append values.
  • If you set CLEAR, the import will clear all existing values before adding any. You can send the CLEAR value to just clear the list without providing a new value.
  • If you don't provide this flag, then the default behavior is to clear the list before adding the first value in the input file, then append any additional values that are in the same input file.


Default Value is True.


  1. The value provided from another table was not found within the Database

    Toggle cloak

    • Warning : Could not find the Permission GLA for <GLA>
    • Warning : Could not find the Dept Hierarchy '<Dept Hierarchy>' for Contact '<contactId>'
    • Warning : Could not find Default SLA '<Default SLA Catalog>' for Contact '<contactId>'
    • Warning : Could not find Default Incident SLA '<Default Incident SLA Catalog>' for Contact '<contactId>'
    • Warning : Could not find Default GLA '<Default GLA>' for Contact '<contactId>'
    • Warning : Could not find Billing Group '<Billing Group>' for Contact '<contactId>'
    • Warning : Could not find Approval GLA '<Approval GLA>' for Contact '<contactId>'

  2. The value provided from another table has multiple possible values

    Toggle cloak

    • Error : Found multiple duplicate customer numbers and emails in existing records for Customer Number <customerNumber>
    • Error : Found multiple duplicate names in existing records for Name <firstName> <lastName>

  3. A blank value was provided, for a field with a required value

    Toggle cloak

    • Error : Billing group is required for new Customer contacts for Contact '<contactId>'
    • Error : No Contact Number or Name or Email specified

  4. The value provided is not acceptable for the record type being created

    Toggle cloak

    • Warning : Minimum Amount is greater than Maximum Amount for Approval GLA '<Approval GLA>' for Contact '<contactId>'
    • Warning : Contact '<contactId>' is not type User, so cannot have Approval GLAs"; "Error adding email, email belongs to someone else
    • Error : FLAGS.NEW_CONTACT_DEFAULT_CONTACT_TYPE value '<defaultContactType>' is invalid

  5. The System was unable to save the record

    Toggle cloak

    • Error adding email
    • Error adding phone number
    • Error : Failed to save Address record <database error Message>
    • Error : Failed to Add Contact Address record; <database error Message>
    • Error : Failed to Save null GLARestrict record; <database error Message>
    • Error : Failed to Save GLA Restrict record; <database error Message>
    • Error : Failed to Save GLA Approval record; <database error Message>
    • Error : Failed to Save Contact Type record; <database error Message>
    • Error : Failed to save Contact record <database error Message>

    If you experience any of these Errors, without another accompanying Message about what might have caused the Save Failure, please submit a Ticket to PCR.

Contact Type Notes

Often you will need to specify multiple values for the Contact Type. Sometimes it is required. For example, in order for a Contact to be a Coordinator, it must also be a Customer.

To specify multiple Contact Types, you must use Conditional Logic to set the Contact Type to an array of values.

Example 1: You can hard code multiple values. These will apply to every Contact in the input file.

[CONTACTS_TYPES.CONTACT_TYPE] = array('Customer', 'Coordinator');

Example 2: Contact type(s) are in columns 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the input file, one value per column. This method limits the number of Contact Types per Contact by the number of columns you want to use in the file layout. The import will ignore any blank values that get put into the array.

[CONTACTS_TYPES.CONTACT_TYPE] = array([5], [6], [7], [8]);

Example 3: Contact type(s) are all in column 5, with commas separating the values. We can use the PHP explode function to convert the comma-separated list into an array. The function will also work correctly if only one value is specified. If the separator is something else, just change it in the first argument of the explode function.

[CONTACTS_TYPES.CONTACT_TYPE] = explode(",", [5]);

UDF Associations

User Defined Fields on any given Import are all handled the same way with Conditional Logic. For more information about adding a UDF to the Import, see the User Defined Fields section of the Imports main page.
