'Accounts Receivable' (AR) will allow Admins to accept and apply payments for Accounts within PCR-360.
The Accounts Receivable module requires a separate license be installed before key parts of the functionality are available. This license is disabled by default. Please contact PCR to obtain a license.
Accounts Receivable Config
An optional Accounts Receivable (AR) flag can be set on each GLA format. This flag activates specific portions of the Accounts Receivable functionality.
Select GLA Format
The GLA grid has a button labeled 'Select GLA Format' . This button opens a list of the available GLA Formats from the application config. If any of the formats are enabled for AR, the list shows '(Accounts Receivable)'.
Expense & Revenue
On a normal GLA, the Expense and Revenue fields are displayed as check boxes on the GLA. However, when using a GLA Format enabled for AR, the Expense and Revenue check boxes are suppressed. These flags are hidden because Accounts Receivable GLAs are ALWAYS Expense and NEVER Revenue. Whenever a new AR GLA is created it automatically sets the Expense flag to true and Revenue flag to false. This is done in the background automatically.
Update Accounts Event
The 'Update Accounts' Event runs at 12:00 am daily. It recalculates monthly account totals for all AR GLAs. This process totals all Billed or Partial Payment Invoices associated with each GLA, adding the 'Current Balance' for each Invoice to the appropriate monthly total based on the Invoice Due Date.
Pre-Loading Account Data
Pre-loading AR Accounts is necessary when activating the Accounts Receivable license. This is done through a one-time event that reads two CSV files placed in the INBOUND directory.
Columns: GLA, Type, Status, and Service Fee (NO HEADER ROW)
- GLA: The full text GLA Code. Format must match PCR-360 GLA format
- Type: The List Code for the AR_TYPE. String
- Status: The List Code for the AR_STATUS. String
- Service Fee: A numeric percentage Service Fee.
Columns: GLA, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Due Date, Billed Amount, and Current Balance (NO HEADER ROW)
- GLA: The full text GLA Code. Format must match PCR-360 GLA format
- Invoice Number: Number for this preloaded Invoice. This will be prepended with “PRE”.
- Invoice Date: The date for this Invoice. Format: mm/dd/yyyy
- Due Date: The due date for the Invoice. This is used to calculate the monthly account balances Format: mm/dd/yyyy
- Billed Amount: Dollar amount billed to this Invoice. Numeric format (no dollar sign or commas)
- Current Balance: Dollar amount left to this Invoice. This is used to calculate the monthly account balances. Numeric format (no dollar sign or commas)
Account Management Report
The 'Account Management Report' can be found in Reporting > Bills/Calls > GLA Account Management. For more information see: GLA Account Management
Invoices are required to use Accounts Receivable. Invoices are controlled the BILL_ENABLE_INVOICES config options. They are stored in the INVOICES table. Generating Invoices is not dependent on the 'Accounts Receivable' (AR) license but Invoices operate slightly differently when the license is active. For more information see: Invoices
PCR-360 allows for reporting and tracking Payment activity against GLA balances. Once entered 'Payments' cannot be deleted only Voided or Reversed. For more information see: Payments
Payment Batches
'Payment Batches' are collections of Payments grouped together so they can be processed together. For more information see: Payment Batches