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(v1) .Services Imports v2019.7


The Service Import allows the User to INSERT and UPDATE Service Records. Child records of the Service is association records only. Each Service type requires its own distinct Service Import. For example, Auth Codes are imported using an Auth Code Service import. This accommodates the service-specific fields used by different Service types. For example, Phone Service uses Service Host as a field choice that is not available for other Service types.

  • When updating the Catalog, the process will maintain the Service Type and the Service ID Format.
  • The Catalog may only be updated for a Service if it's status is Available.

Matches On

The Import attempts to match the Service ID. If there is no match, the record from the Import will INSERT. If there is a match, the remaining fields can UPDATE.


Service ID


Datatype is String.

Service ID will only INSERT if there is not a match in the Import File with an existing Service record based on the Service ID.

Since the Import matches on the Service ID, this field CANNOT UPDATE.

Service Catalog

Datatype is Hierarchical String.

Conditionally Required IF the Import is trying to INSERT a new record.

NOT Required if the Import File is trying to UPDATE an existing record.

Service Catalog can be provided for the whole Import from the Import Record Format definition.

Service Status

Datatype is String.

Conditionally Required IF the Import is trying to INSERT a new record.

NOT Required if the Import File is trying to UPDATE an existing record.

Permitted Values must be one of (v1) List Values of type SERVICE_STATUS: Available, Inactive, Active, Reserved, Order Pending, Suspend, or Retired.

Any values added by a User to the SERVICE_STATUS list can also be used.

Service Host

Datatype is String.

Conditionally Required IF all of the following are true.

The Import is trying to INSERT the record and,

The Status is Active and,

The Service Catalog is of the Phone type.

Service Host is NOT required if the Import is trying to UPDATE.

The provided Service Host must be allowed based on the Service Host Permissions on the Service Catalog or the Service Host will not INSERT or UPDATE.


At least one Owner (either Contact or Dept. Hierarchy) may be conditionally Required IF the following conditions are met:

The Import is attempting to INSERT the Service Record and,

The Service Status is Active.

Otherwise, the Owner field is NOT required.

Contact Owner

Datatype is String.

Import matches on the Customer Number field only.

If the existing Contact is not a Customer type Contact, the record fails to Import.

Dept. Hierarchy Owner

Datatype is Hierarchical String.

This Import expects the Dept. Hierarchy code, not the Description.


Datatype is Hierarchical String.

Conditionally Required if Status is Active AND if the Service Catalog flag Location Required is set.

The full Location Path is expected.

Location Type

Datatype is String.

Conditionally Required if the provided Location Name exists with multiple Types.

Permitted values are from the LOCATION_TYPE List Values.

This field is used for the Location lookup if provided.

Rating Group

Datatype is String.

Conditionally Required if the following two conditions are met:

If the Service is Active AND,

The USE_RATING_GROUP Configuration flag is set to True.

SLA Catalog

Datatype is Hierarchical String.


Datatype is String.

Billing Group Override

Datatype is String.

This is an override of the Owner Billing Group.

Multiple Locations

Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to False [0].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes and set the Flag to True [1].

All other values enter as False [0].


Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to False [0].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes and set the Flag to True [1].

All other values enter as False [0].


Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to False [0].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes and set the Flag to True [1].

All other values enter as False [0].


Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to True [1].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes and set the Flag to True.

All other values enter as False [0].

Report 911

Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to False [0].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes set the Flag to True [1].

All other values enter as False [0].

Company ID

Datatype is String.

Auth Code Type

Datatype is List.

Default is blank.

Permitted values are from the customer defined AUTH_CODE_TYPE (v1) List Values.

Note: This is only available for Auth Code Service Import.

Class of Service

Datatype is String.

Default is blank.

Permitted values must be existing Class of Service Codes from Admin > System Tables > Class of Service.

Note: This is only available for Auth Code Service Import.

Service RECID

Datatype is Number.

Default is blank.

This is used to specify the Service Record for Services that have a blank Service ID.

If this is provided, the provided value must be a valid existing service RECID.

If it is not, it will cause an error.

The only Service Type permitted to have blank Service IDs is Other Services.

Child Records

Charges Tab

Charges are handled with a separate Import file. See the Service Charges Import for details.


GLAs added to a Service with the Service Import ONLY adds an association between the existing GLAs and the selected Service in the Import File. The Service Import cannot INSERT or UPDATE GLA records.


Datatype is Hierarchical String.

GLA Expense Type

Conditionally Required if GLA is provided.

Datatype is String.

Must be one of the following: Default, Usage, Equipment, or Labor.

GLA Split Percent

Conditionally Required if a GLA is provided If a split GLA is desired, the Import File must have one line for each different GLA and its relevant split percentage.

Percentages must be whole integers.

If the percents do not add up to 100%, the Service will still INSERT or UPDATE, but the GLA causes an error and no GLA values change.

If the GLA values do add up to 100%, the GLA for that given GLA Expense Type are replaced with the new values.

Pool Tab

Pool Name

Datatype is String.

Remarks Tab

This adds a Remark through the Import into the Service.


Datatype is String.

Equipment Tab

Equipment added to a Service with the Service Import ONLY adds an association between the existing Equipment and the selected Service in the Import File. The Service Import cannot INSERT or UPDATE Equipment records.

This includes the changing of the Equipment Status from Unassigned to Assigned. So if you want the Equipment Status to change, you will need to also run an Equipment import.

The Equipment fields try to identify an existing Equipment record to add to the Equipment tab of the Service. They are checked in the order of the list below. If a value is blank, it is ignored by the Import process. If the value is filled in, the Import attempts to do the lookup.

An Equipment can only be associated if the Service Status is 'Active' or 'Suspend'. And the existing Equipment Status must be 'Assigned'.

If the Service Location and Equipment Location are different, it will cause an import Warning, but the association will still get created.

By default, Equipment will get appended to any existing Equipment already on the Service. See the Flags below to change this behavior.

Equipment Asset

Datatype is String.

Equipment ID

Datatype is String.

Equipment Location

Datatype is Hierarchical String.

The Equipment Location value is used only with a non-blank Equipment ID. If a non-blank Equipment ID is not provided, then the Location value is ignored. You cannot lookup an Equipment with just a Location.

Equipment Serial Number

Datatype is String.

Equipment Mac Address

Datatype is String.

Equipment Recid

Datatype is Number.

This is the RECID field from the Equipment record. This is usually not visible, but it can be obtained from an export. This method will always provide a unique number. It is useful for Equipment with blank values for all of the other key fields.

If the lookup fails, that import line will output an error message. This error does not affect the Service INSERT or UPDATE, only the Equipment tab association.

Flags / Conditional Logic


Default Value is False

  • True: When the flag is True, all of the Equipment is removed and the Import appends the Import Record item.
  • False: The default behavior is to simply append Equipment associations.


Default Value is False.

  • True: If this is set, the Equipment list gets cleared even if no new Equipment is provided.
  • False: Equipment is not be cleared.


Default Value is False.

  • True: Setting the flag to True appends Pools to matching Service ID Pools and does not clear any existing Pools.
  • False: Setting the flag to False clears existing Pools on matching Service IDs and updates the Pool on the first instance of that Service. Any additional Service ID Pools are appended after the first instance.


When an Import Line fails, it is usually because the Line falls into one of the following categories:

  1. The value provided from another table was not found or multiple matches found within the Database

  2. The value provided from another table is Inactive

  3. A blank value was provided, for a field with a required value

  4. The value provided is not acceptable for the record type being created

  5. The System was unable to save the record


The ability to append Pools to a Service was added. The default behavior for adding Pools is to clear the Pool list for the first instance of a Service ID in the import file. Then, append to the Pool list for every instance of the Service ID after the first. This can be changed with the APPEND_POOLS flag as described in the Flags section.

If a Remarks value is provided, that value is appended as a new record in the Remarks tab of the Service. This happens even if an identical Remark already exists. Care must be taken to avoid unintentional duplicate Remarks if the same file is Imported multiple times.

UDF Associations

User Defined Fields on any given Import are all handled the same way with Conditional Logic. For more information about adding a UDF to the Import, see the (v1) User Defined Fields section of the Imports main page.

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