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(2024.2) Service Desk Bulk Update

Service Desk Bulk Update Grid Example
Service Desk Bulk Update Grid Example

The Service Desk Bulk Update screen allows updating multiple Service Desk items at once. Existing User Defined Field values are deleted if the type is changed, and the process runs in the background as an Event. Admins receive a message when the Bulk Update finishes updating the items with a summary of those that are successful and those that fail.

Users may update Service Desk items by selecting them in the grid and clicking the button, or click the  button if the Users wants to "Bulk Update All" items in the grid.

Note: Clicking Bulk Update All changes EVERY item in the grid. Most Users rarely use this option.

Bulk Update Form example
Bulk Update Form example

It is important to note that any attempt to Bulk Update records must follow the business rules of the application. For example, a Service Order cannot be set to an Estimate and an attempt to convert an Order to an Estimate with Bulk Update fails.

When a User attempts to perform a Bulk Update, PCR-360 will prompt the User to confirm the number of records they are going to update.  PCR-360 will not complete the Bulk Update until the number entered by the User matches the number of records that will be updated.

Note: Bulk Updates are limited to 400 records, even though more records can be displayed on the screen. This is an unfortunate technical limitation within PCR-360.

Fields Available

Due Date: Change the Due Date. The Due Date of Orders can only be changed if it is not being set by its children Actions .

SD Type: Convert the items to the selected Service Desk Type. Conversion of the SD Type triggers Events for the selected items and generates errors for invalid Updates.

Status: Changes the Status of the items. Valid statuses are Denied, Hold, and Void.

Service Rep: Change the Service Representative assigned to the items.

Contact Owner: Change the Contact Owner. If the previous Owner was a Department, it is changed to this Contact Owner.

OR Contact Owner is changed to Department Owner. Both cannot be set.

Department Owner: Change the Department Owner. If the previous Owner was a Contact, it is changed to this Department Owner.

Requester: Change the Requester to a selected Contact.

Source: Change the origin of the items.

Assoc. Problem/Project: This removes any current Problem (PB) and/or Project (PR) associations and replaces them with those selected.

Impact: Set a new Impact level for the items.

Urgency: Set a new Urgency level for the items.