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(2024.2) Install PHP

Note: For customers running PCR-360 Versions 2018.1 through 2020.2, PHP 7.2 is required.  For customers running PCR-360 Versions 2020.3 through 2020.4, PHP 7.2 or PHP 7.4 may be installed. For customers running PCR-360 Versions 2021.1 or later, PHP 7.4 is required

  1. Install PHP 7.2 (PCR-360 Versions 2018.1 through 2020.2), Or PHP 7.4 (Versions 2020.3 and later)

    yum remove php* # CentOS 7 yum install yum-utils # CentOS 8 yum install yum-utils # <= 2020.2 # CentOS 8 yum module enable php:remi-7.2 yum module install php:remi-7.2 # CentOS 7 yum-config-manager --enable remi-php72 # 2020.3+ # CentOS 8 yum module enable php:remi-7.4 yum module install php:remi-7.4 # CentOS 7 yum-config-manager --enable remi-php74 yum install php

  2. Update the PHP INI

    vim /etc/php.ini # Update each line as specified # Set max memory to 1 Gb memory_limit = 1024M # Set the max file upload size to 10 Megabytes upload_max_filesize = 10M # This would need to be set to the timezone in which the Server is located date.timezone = America/Detroit

  3. Install require PHP mods

    yum install php-process php-xml php-pecl-apcu php-gd php-intl php-mbstring php-pdo php-soap php-pecl-zip php-fpm # If required install the ldap mod yum install php-ldap # If required install the MySQL mod yum install php-mysqlnd # If required install the OCI8 (Oracle) mod yum install php-oci8

  4. Restart Apache