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(2024.1) Payment Batches

'Payment Batches' are collections of Payments grouped together so they can be processed together.


The 'Payment Batches' grid can be found at Admin > Billing > Payment Batches. This grid allows Users to search and sort and report on any Payment Batches and to process Batches from the grid.

The 'Process Selected' button is a single selection button that allows processing a group of Payments. Batch processing is done in a background Event.

The Batches grid also provides a count of the number of Payments on a Batch and the total of all associated Payments.


The 'Payment Batch' form allows the User to create, edit, and delete Batches and attach these Payments to the Batch.

Batch Number

The 'Batch Number' is assigned automatically in sequence. The format is always five digits padded with zeros.


The 'Description' is a 200-character field used for informational purposes.


The current state of the Batch. There are three statuses.

Pending: The Pending status is applied to newly created Batches. Pending Batches can either be processed and made Complete or deleted. Only Pending Batches can be edited.

Complete: Once all Payments on a Batch are processed, the Batch is marked Complete. This is done automatically as part of Batch Processing.

Partial:  During Batch Processing if any of the associated Payments fail to process, the Batch is marked as Partial. If successful, attempting to reprocess the Batch marks it as Complete.

Created Date

The 'Created Date' used for reporting purposes.

Completed Date

The 'Completed Date' used for reporting purposes. This field is always read-only on the Batch form. It is set automatically when the Batch is processed.


The 'Payments' grid on the Batch form allows the User to associate Payments to a Batch. Payments can only be associated to one Batch.  If a Payment is associated to a Batch, it is not available when selecting Payments.

User Defined Fields

Any other information required on a Payment can be entered using a User Defined Field.

Batch Processing

The 'Processed Selected'  button on the Payment Batches grid triggers Payment Batch processing Event. This Event collects all Payments associated with the Batch and feeds them into the Payment Processing logic. At the end of the Event, the User receives an application message when Batch processing is complete detailing the outcome of the Batch process.

Payment Batch Complete Event

This event is triggered at the end of Batch Processing. This Event provides hooks for Escalations and Notifications.

  • Available Data:

    • RECID






    • SUCCEEDED (count)

    • FAILED (count)

    • ERRORS (error text)