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(2024.1) Packages

Sometimes, it is nice to simply add a group of Services and Equipment that a Customer can select. 'Packages' is the method provided in PCR-360 that lets an Admin define what Services and Equipment should be grouped together. Packages allow a Customer to quickly select a group of related Services and Equipment as a single item to request. Using the Package in this way can simplify the shopping process and allow Admins to group related items together. For example, a Voice Line Service, Phone Equipment, cord, and a blue tooth headset are all related and should be used together.

Using Packages draws on an Admins knowledge of SDCs. For this reason, if an Admin is not comfortable with SDCs, it is recommended to first watch the SDC video series.

Packages on the CustomerCenter

Packages Shopping Page
Packages Shopping Page

Any Customer can access the Packages by opening the Shopping > Packages menu in the CustomerCenter. All of the Packages the Admin has created will show up here. A Customer can select them and Request them through the Shopping Cart. The Package can then have the information like the GLA and submitted to the Requests grid. From there the handling of the Request is administrated like any other Request. Customers are able to review the information just like any other Request on the Request Tracking page.

Note: The link may not say "Shopping" if the menu is customized. All shopping pages can have permissions assigned to them, so it is possible that not everyone will be able to see this page.

Packages will load by default with all of the Packages displayed in a single view. The Customer can select one of the Types to limit the number of Packages that are displayed. Packages will be grouped by their Type when loaded. Click any of the links in the left-hand column to see only the Packages of that Type. At the top of the grid, the Customer can see what Type is selected, in the below example "New Hire" is the Package type selected. To see all the Packages again, click the "breadcrumb" trail link that says "Packages" in the upper left corner.

CustomerCenter Packages
CustomerCenter Packages

Selecting a Package

All of the Packages might not be available for all Locations. Any Package with Location Permissions set, will not be initially shown. The User can open the location picker to select their current location to view all Packages available to that location. If you have a Coordinator Role, the owner's Billing Group could also affect availability. On the Package that is desired click the image-20240625-162131.png button. When the Package loads, click the image-20240625-162143.png button. This will add the Package to the Cart. Now a Customer can select any additional Services, Equipment, Packages or check out in the Cart to submit the Request.

Adding a Package to a new or existing Request

Users can add packages to new or existing Request. Once a User selects the package they want, first click the image-20240625-162133.png button to view the contents of the package.

If this is the correct package, click the image-20240625-162156.png button to activate the pop-up menu. You then have the options to "Create a new Request" or you can select one of your "Saved Requests". If you select an existing request, the package will be added to that request. The Cart will update the number of items in the Cart as well as briefly show the thumbnail (If one is set, otherwise the PCR placeholder image will show) of the most recently added item

If you select "Create New Request", a new Request will be created with the title "Request" followed by a number.