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(2024.1) Configuring the Gmail API

This feature is only available in version 2024.1.1 and later

This documentation is for a third-party resource that may be subject to change without notice.

The official documentation should be referred to in the event the instructions do not match up.

Activate the Gmail API and Create Credentials


  1. Read the following data for instructions on how to

    1. Create a Project

    2. Enable the Gmail API for the project


  3. Open the API Library:

  4. Open the API Library in the Google API Console.

  5. If prompted, select a project or create a new one.

  6. The API Library lists all available APIs, grouped by product family and popularity. If the API you want to enable isn't visible in the list, search it or click View All in the product family it belongs to.

  7. Enable the GMAIL API

  8. Select the API you want to enable, then click the Enable button.

  9. If prompted, enable billing.

  10. If prompted, read and accept the API's Terms of Service

Creating Access Credentials:

  1. After Enabling the API credentials need to be created

  2. There are two options for credentials


      1. Setting Up OAuth2 Authentication: 


        2. This credential type uses and existing account to log in and requires user authentication

      2. Creating a Service Account


        2. This credential type allows impersonating a user within the domain and does not require authentication

  1. Authorized Domains


    2. The authorized domain is the Customer's PCR-360 application URL

    3. Example

  2. Redirect URL 

    1. The redirect URL is the Customer's PCR-360 application URL

    2. Example

  3. Download the credentials file

Adding OAuth2 credentials to PCR-360

  1. From Admin Menu, selcet Tenant Managment

  2. Open the first Teanat and go to the Emails tab.

  3. Add a new account

    1. Set the Outgoing Server Type to Gmail API

    2. Enter Required Fields

    3. The email address should be valid against the credentials provided by Google.

    4. Save the form

    5. Open the Gmail Configuration tab

    6. You should now be able to upload the credentials

    7. Click the Upload Gmail Credentials button

    8. Upload the credentials file downloaded from Google

    9. Save the form

    10. Click the authenticate button and use the email in the Tenant Emails form to login.

    11. After being redirected back, you should see a success message

Adding Service Account credentials to PCR-360

  1. From Admin Menu, selcet Tenant Managment

  2. Open the first Teanat and go to the Emails tab.

  3. Add a new account.

  4. Set the Outgoing Server Type to Gmail API

  5. Enter Required Fields

  6. The email address should be valid against the credentials provided by Google.

  7. Save the form

  8. Open the Gmail Configuration tab

  9. You should now be able to upload the credentials

  10. Click the Upload Gmail Credentials button

  11. Upload the credentials file downloaded from Google

  12. Save the form

  13. The authenticate button should remain disabled as Service accounts do not require User authentication.

  14. Setup should be completed.