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.Workers/Contacts Tabs v2020.3

The tabs that appear in the Workers/Contacts form can be used to input as much contact information as the User desires.

If a tab is marked as having a Required field, open that tab enter information in the field.

Once all required fields have been filled, click the Save New button at the bottom of the Workers/Contacts form. The new Worker/Contact appears on the Workers/Contacts Grid and elsewhere in the application when a User is prompted to define a Worker/Contact.

Remarks tab


Manage Contact Form

Add Remark

Remarks are useful for making notes about a Return Order that might need to be recalled in the future. To add a Remark, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add button.
  2. This will open the 'Add New Remark' form.
    Add New Remark
  3. Enter the Remarks desired into the field.
  4. Click the 'Save New'  Save New Button button.

The Remark will be added to the list along with a User ID and time stamp for tracking.

View/Edit Remarks

Double-click or select the Edit Selected button to open the Remark.

  1. The form will open so the User can read all the content of a given Remark.
  2. Click the Save button to commit any changes made to the Remark.

Delete Selected

Clicking the Delete Selected button will delete any existing Remark.

Note: Remember that depending on the system configuration Remarks may not be editable once added.

Use of HTML Tags

Some fields within PCR-360 allow Users to input HTML tags to make displaying that information a richer experience for those that are expected to consume it. For more information on HTML tag usage, please see the wiki entry for it.

Emails tab


Emails tab

The 'Emails' tab will associate an email address to a Contact record. Multiple email addresses can be saved in PCR-360 with the option to set an Email Address as the primary for the Contact. To add an email association, use the following steps:

  1. Click the Add button button.
  2. This will open the 'Add New Contact Email Address' form.
    Add New Contact Email Address form
  3. Enter the Email Address and select if the Email is intended as a Primary contact or as an alternate email.
  4. If the Email Address should show in the Directory select the 'Directory' checkbox.
  5. Click the Save New button button.

The Email Address for the Contact will be added to the grid.

Set as Primary

The Set as Primary button button will allow a User to quickly change the status of the Primary Email Address without having to open a sub form. Simply click the Email Address to set, and click the button. The 'Type' on the selected record should change to Primary and unset on the original record.

Phones Numbers tab

Phone Numbers

Phone Numbers tab

The 'Phone Numbers' tab will allow the association of a Phone Number or numbers with a Contact record. These numbers can be set as primary or allowed to appear in the directory. To add the Phone Number association follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add button button.
  2. This will open the 'Add New Contact Phone Number' form.
    Add New Contact Phone Number form
  3. Enter the 'Phone Number' and select the 'Type' of number that it is; work, home etc.
  4. If the Phone Number is the Primary number for the Contact, click the 'Primary' checkbox.
  5. If the Phone Number should show in the Directory select the 'Directory' checkbox.
  6. Click the Save New button button.

The Phone Number will be added to the grid.

Addresses tab


Addresses tab

The 'Addresses' tab will associate an Address to the Contact record.

  1. Click the Add button button.
  2. This will open the 'Add New Address' form.
    Add New Address form
  3. Enter the 'Street Address', 'Country', 'City', 'State', and 'Zip'. Each of these fields are required.
  4. Select the 'Type' if one is desired.
  5. If the Address should show in the Directory select the 'Directory' checkbox.
  6. Click the Save New button button.

The Address will now reflect in the grid on the Addresses tab.

Customer tab


Customer Tab

When a 'Contact' is set with a 'Type' of 'Customer' the 'Customer' tab will be made available and become required. There are two required fields in the 'Customer' tab, 'Customer Number' and the 'Billing Group'. The Customer Number will import from your Shibboleth or LDAP feed. Additional information related to the Customer can be added here.

The 'Default GLA' can be set to always associate the Customer with a given GLA.

The 'Default SLA for Orders' will automatically set the SLA whenever the Customer makes an Order.

The 'Default SLA for Incidents' will set the SLA for when the Customer reports an Incident.

The 'Allow Coordinator Bill Email' flag allows Coordinators to opt out of the Coordinator emails sent using the Coordinator email processes like on the Bills grid.

Contacts and Billing Groups

When creating a new Contact, Billing Group is not defaulted, however, the Contact will inherit the Billing Group associated Department Billing Group value. When first landing on the Customer Tab of the New Contact Form, Billing Group is marked as Required.

Customer Tab example

Once the Department value is selected, Billing Group no longer becomes required. This indicates no Billing Group needs to be selected, unless a different value is desired. No value is need because the Contact will automatically inherit the Billing Group of the selected Department.

Customer Tab example

Vendor tab


Vendor tab

The 'Vendor' tab is another way to add a Vendor to a Contact and visa versa. When a Vendor is added here, that Vendor becomes associated with the Contact so that the Contact will appear in that Vendors 'Contact' tab.

Add New Vendor

This will add a Vendor to the Vendors grid. To add a Vendor follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add New Vendor button button.
  2. This will open the 'Add New Vendor' form
    Add New Vendor form
  3. Fill in the 'Name' of the Vendor along with the Address.
  4. When all desired information is entered, click Save New button button.

The new Vendor will be added to the Vendor grid and will be able to have 'Vendor Details' entered.

Add Existing Vendor
  1. To use a Vendor that was previously set up, click the Add Existing Vendor button button.
  2. This will open the 'Add Existing Vendor' form.

Manage Existing Vendors form

3. Select the Vendor(s) desired from the form and click the Save and Close button button. The Vendor will have been added.

Delete Selected

To remove a Vendor association from a given Contact just select the Vendor to remove and click the Delete Selected button button. This will only remove the Vendor association and not any Vendors from the Vendors grid.

Worker Workgroup tab

Worker Workgroup

Worker Workgroup tab

The 'Worker Workgroup' tab will be made available when a Contact is assigned a 'Type' of 'Worker'. Adding a Contact here will associate the Worker with the chosen Workgroup. The 'Hourly Rate' here is what the organization will charge for the Worker's labor, not necessarily what the Worker makes. The association will also show up in the Workers & Rates tab. To add follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add button button.
  2. This will open the 'Add New Worker Rates' form.
    Add New Worker Rates form
  3. Set the 'Workgroup' assignment for the Worker.
  4. Enter values for the 'Hourly Rates'. All three fields, 'Regular', 'Overtime', and 'Double Overtime' are required fields.
  5. Click the Save New button button.

The Workgroup will now have the defined Worker associated with the Workgroup.

Worker Schedule tab

Worker Schedule

Worker Schedule tab

The 'Worker Schedule' will allow the User to define the 'Days' and 'Time Range' availability of a Worker. The schedule is used by PCR-360 to 'Auto-ScheduleWorkflow. To add a schedule follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add button button.
  2. This will open the 'Add New Schedule' form.
    Add New Schedule form
  3. Select the 'Days' desired, and add the 'Time Range' of the Worker's availability. Use the regular availability for the Worker here, ignoring breaks in the time like a vacation, holidays, breaks, or lunches. This gives PCR-360 a baseline for scheduling that can then be altered by the User in the Time Entry as needed.
  4. Select the time using the Time Range inputs according to rules in the tool-tip.
  5. Click the Save button button.

The Schedule should be added to the grid. Repeat as necessary for individual days if the Worker has an irregular schedule.

GLA Permissions tab

GLA Permissions

GLA Permissions tab

The 'GLA Permissions' tab will allow a User to limit a Contact to be associated with specific GLAs for greater administrative control. Whatever GLA Permissions are set here are the GLA(s) that the Contact will have access to via the CustomerCenter.

When a Contact is assigned as a Coordinator for a Department the Contact inherits the Department's GLA Permissions.

The Contact GLA Permissions are the ones used, even for Coordinators. If no Contact Permissions are present, then the Coordinator's Departments' GLA Permissions will be used.


To limit a Contact to a GLA(s) follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add button.
  2. This will open the 'Add New GLA Permission' form.
    Add New GLA Permission form
  3. Select the GLA or GLAs that are desired to associate from the grid. Filters and Search can be used to sort to the GLA(s) that are desired.
  4. Click the Save and Closebutton.

The GLA Permissions will be added to the Contact record. Any time Users attempt to assign a GLA through the CustomerCenter for this Contact record, the GLA(s) available will be limited to the ones in this list.

Permit None

If the Contact should never be allowed to be associated with a GLA simply click thePermit None button. Any previously associated GLA(s) will be removed and a message will appear in the grid that says 'No GLA entries may be used with this Contacts entry.' By default, when a new Contact is created the Permit None option is automatically added.

To remove the 'Permit None' restriction, simply select the message in the grid, and then click the Delete Selected button.

Coordinator GLA Permissions Inheritance

Any GLA Permissions that the Coordinaror inherits from their Department will be displayed on the 'GLA Permissions' tab by pressing the Inherited Permissionsbutton.

View Inherited Permissions example

GLA Approval tab

Attachments tab


Attachments tab

The Attachments tab allows Users to attach files (including .pdf, .jpg, .doc, and more) of interest or relevance to the service by upload.

Uploading a File

To attach one or more files, navigate to the 'Attachments' tab and click the Upload File(s) button button located on the Grid Toolbar above the 'Attachments' grid. The User will be prompted to select the file(s) from their hard drive to upload. Upon selection of a file(s), the upload will begin automatically.

Download File

Allows a User to download a file to their local machine. Useful to make modifications to a file, which can then be re-uploaded. To download a file click the Download File button button. The download should begin and allow the User to define where they would like to save the file.

Open File

This will open the file, if possible, for viewing by the User. No modifications of the original file can be made when opened in this manner. To use this functionality select the file to view and click the Open File button button. The file should open for viewing.

Edit Selected

Allows the name of the file to be modified within PCR-360. If a User modifies the name of the file, that is the new name that will be used when downloading the file.

1. Select the file to modify and click the Edit Selected button button.

2. This will open the 'Manage Attachment' form.

Manage Attachment form

From here the filename can be modified as desired.

Note: Care should be taken NOT to change the extension of the file name or unexpected behaviors or lose of the file are possible.

Delete Selected

This will remove the file from PCR-360. Select the file to remove and click the Delete Selected button button. The File will have been removed from PCR-360.

User-Defined Fields tab

User-Defined Fields

The User Defined Fields tab provides access to any extra fields that have been defined for the given grid. See Adding User Defined Fields for more information.

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