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Table of Contents
Table of Contents


In either case, the Equipment is accounted for and billed to the Owner. If the functionality was added at Action level, however, it is associated with the specific Service (as well as the Owner), making it easier for the User to delete or change the Service in the future because the associated Equipment always appears with the Service.

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Activity / Remarks

The Activity/Remarks tab provides a detailed history of activity directly related to the Service Order at hand. For example, once an Action is completed, PCR-360 automatically generates an item in the 'Activity/Remarks' Grid detailing its completion. Similarly, if a Service Order is deemed 'Completed', PCR-360 automatically generates an item in the 'Activity/Remarks' Grid notifying Users of the change.


Double-click or select an item in the Grid and click the 'Edit Selected' button  option to open an Activity/Remark from the Grid. If a Remark is selected, the Manage Service Desk Activity form opens and is editable. Otherwise, clicking this button to open any other Type of Activity opens it as read only. It can be viewed but not changed.

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Associated Items

By clicking the 'Add Association' button  located immediately above the 'Associated Items' Grid, the User is presented with a comprehensive list of all the Incidents, Orders, Requests, and Estimates currently in the system. By checking the boxes next to the appropriate Service items, Users can choose to bundle as many items together as desired.


Removing an Association is as simple as selecting the item in the Grid and clicking the 'Delete Association' button.  This removes only the Association and not the Associated item.

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The 'Attachments' tab allows Users to attach files (including .pdf, .jpg, .doc, and more) of interest or relevance to the Service by upload. To attach one or more files, navigate to the 'Attachments' tab and click the 'Upload File(s)' button located immediately above the 'Attachments' Grid. In the following form, select 'Upload File(s)'. The User is prompted to select one or more files from their hard drive to upload. Upon selection of a file, the upload begins automatically.


This removes the file from PCR-360. To delete an item, select it and click the 'Delete Selected' button. 

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The 'Cabling' tab allows Users to add, change, or remove cable paths. This screen can only be edited on Service Order: Actions. The 'Cabling' tab allows Users to manually add, change, remove, and view Cable Paths.

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Adding a Cable Path


The Pairs/Strands and Ports/Pins/Lens for these new Path Legs are marked as 'Pending Connect'. When these Orders are "Completed", the records for the old Cable Path become 'Spare', and the old Cable Path is removed from the Service. At the same time, the records for the new Cable Path become 'Assigned', and the new Cable Path is attached to the Service.

Removing a Cable Path

To remove a Cable Path from a Service, the User should make sure that the Service Desk 'Action' field is set to 'Remove'. The records from the Cable Path that is on the Service is automatically be marked as 'Pending Disconnect'. Once the Order is completed, the records from the Cable Path is marked as 'Spare', and the Cable Path is removed from the Service.

Viewing the Path

The View Path button displays the visual Cable Path report of the Cable Path that is currently on the Service.

More Cabling Options

The 'Auto Assign' button can be used to automatically find a Cable Path leading to a piece of Equipment. Auto Assign requires the Users to define the Origination and Destination for each Pair/Strand record in the system. Therefore, when a User clicks the Auto Assign button, a form appears with a list of all Equipment in the Order's location. If the User selects an Equipment record that has a Pair/Strand attached to it, it automatically works backward to find the Cable Path and insert it into the Grid.


When a Service is riding on a Backbone, the Backbone Service will add as a Add Backbone, or Remove Backbone Action so that the User can better visualize the Cable's Path. These Backbone Actions cannot be edited or modified in any way and are for informational purposes only.

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Service Desk Cabling Form

The data on the Service Desk Cabling Form represents on Path Leg that will added, or altered once the Service Desk Action is completed.

Form Fields

Line Number : The Line Number identifies the Path Leg and differentiates one Leg from another. Accordingly, PCR suggests that Users input Line Numbers in multiples of 100, thereby enabling Users to add supplemental Legs (at 99, 98, etc.) to the Path in the future.
Notes: Will appear on the Path Leg on the Cabling Data of the Service once the Action is completed. The Notes will also appear on the View Path Report (Cabling Diagram)
Origination Equipment: To select a piece of Origination Equipment, click the Search Icon in the appropriate data field and choose a piece of equipment from the Equipment Catalog. Once an Origination Equipment has been selected, the Orig Catalog Description and Orig Eqp Location auto fills as read only items for ease of Identification of the piece of equipment in question. At any point, the User can click the 'Clear' button  to clear out previous entries and start over.
Origination Port/Pin/Len: If there is a Port/Pin/Len to be associated with the piece of origination equipment, it can be selected here.
Cable Name: If there is a Cable Name associated with the Equipment, its can be selected here.
Pair/Strand: If there is a Pair/Strand associated with the Equipment, its can be selected here once the Cable Name is selected
Swap Equipment:Below this selector, there is also the option to swap the Origination and Destination Equipment. All information in each respective field transfers to its counterpart once the User clicks the 'Swap Equipment' button  Note: 'Swap Equipment' text only appears when Users hover over the button
Destination Equipment: To select a piece of Destination Equipment, click the Search Icon in the appropriate data field and choose a piece of equipment from the Equipment Catalog. Once a Destination Equipment has been selected, the Dest Catalog Description and Dest Eqp Location auto fills as read only items for ease of identification of the piece of equipment in question.
Destination Port/Pin/Len: If there is a Port/Pin/Len associated with the piece of equipment, it can be selected here.
Backbone Service: Users can select a backbone service in this field associated with the Path Leg.

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Service Desk Cabling Actions

Service Desk Cabling allows the user to make changes to Cabling Data on a Service from a Service Order or an Incident. Cabling data, as defined in the Cabling Module is: both text and visual representations of the User organization's data and voice network to provide users with a virtual roadmap of the many wires, cables, switches, and servers that support the User's organization. For more information about Cabling, it's purpose, and how it works, please see the documentation on the Cabling Module.

Service Orders

Add Actions

When creating a new Service via a Service Desk Add Action, new Cabling data can also be created.


  1. Open the Cabling tab and Click the Add button.
  2. Fill in the Desired cabling Data and save the form to create a new Path Leg.
    1. The Save New button will save the Cabling data and leave the form open. 

    2. After saving, the Clear Button will open new empty form and the Delete button will remove the Path Leg
    3. The Save and Continue button will save the form, open a new form, and move the Destination Equipment over to the Origination Equipment

    4. Continue adding Path Legs until the Cable Path is complete.
    5. All Ports/Pins/Lens and Pairs/Strands will be set to a Pending Connect Status until the order is completed. 

    6. The Service and Cable Path will not be created until the orders completed.
    7. Now that the path is built, the View Path (Cabling Diagram) for the pending order will be available. To view it click the SD button at the top of the Cabling grid.

    8. For more information on Reading Cabling Diagrams, please see the Cable Paths wiki page.
    9. When the action is completed, The new Service will be created with the new Cabling Data and all Pending Connect Ports and Pairs will be set to Assigned


  1. Most other actions types allow Editing of the Cabling Data
  2. While a Miscellaneous Action is Pending the Ports and Pairs may be in one of the following Pending statuses
    1. PDPC: (Pending Connect Pending Disconnect) The Port or Pair will be disconnected and reconnected
    2. Pending Disconnect: The Port or Pair will be disconnected on Action completion
    3. Pending Connect: The Port or Pair will be connected on Action completion
  3. When the action is completed:
    1. The Pending Connect and PDPC Ports and Pairs will be set to Assigned
    2. The Pending Disconnect and PDPC Ports and Pairs will be set to Spare
  4. In the Example Below:
    1. Path Leg 400 is being moved from Jack 1 (J/01) to Jack 2 (J/02) on the Phone Jack Outlet.
    2. This will also affect the Port/Pin/Len (F/01) on the Phone Switch and the Pair/Strand (1)
    3. The Port/Pin/Len (F/01) on the Phone Switch, the Pair/Strand (1) on the Cable, and the Port (J/01) on the Jack are all being disconnected as shown by the Pending Disconnect on the Out action for Path Leg 400.
    4. The new Port/Pin/Len (F/02) on the Phone Switch, the new Pair/Strand (2) on the Cable, and the new Port (*J/02) on the Jack are all being connected as shown by the Pending Connect on the In action for Path Leg 400. 

  5. When the action is completed:
    1. The Pending Connect and PDPC Ports and Pairs will be set to Assigned
    2. The Pending Disconnect and PDPC Ports and Pairs will be set to Spare

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Service Desk Incident

From a Service Desk incident, the Cable Path may be edited in real time. This is the same as editing the Cable Path directly from Cabling tab on the Service.

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The 'Charges' tab keeps track of expenses that accumulate over the course of the service process. The Charges tab provides the User access to manually control how each Service is billed. When the configuration option MODIFY_CHARGES_WITHOUT_SERVICE_DESK is enabled, this tab allows for adding and editing Recurring and Non-Recurring Charges associated with each Service.

Insert excerpt
Service Orders
Service Orders


To add a Charge to a Service Order, select the 'Charges' tab and click the 'Add' button located on the Grid Toolbar above the Charges Grid. After clicking the Add button,  the 'Add New Service Desk Charges' form opens. From here, the User can select the Charge Catalog and the Override GLA. The charge amount auto fills based on the charge for the given Catalog. These Charges can come from any number of sources including equipment, labor, or a service, only non-recurring charges may be added directly to a Service Order. Any monthly recurring charges must be added to a service on an action. The user must then define the charge's specific amount for the charge to be applied. Users can also identify the charge as Prorated by checking the 'Prorate' box beside the 'Description' box above. Sometimes there is an option for a Charge Override Amount based on the Charge Catalog. A description is highly recommended for tracking. The user can select to prorate the charges or not based on billing needs.


Select the Contact that is desired to remove from the Service Desk item. Click the Delete Selected' button  . It is important to note that Deleting a Contact from this Grid does not delete the Contact entry, it merely removes the association from this Grid.

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Email Thread

The Email Thread tab provides Users with a history of email correspondences between the Requestor and the User's organization. Clicking the 'New Message' button  opens the 'Add New Message' form. From here, the User can craft an email and select a recipient.


This new User-friendly display brings the Email Thread preview pane into a familiar display style that mimics other email software. Additionally, any emails created or replied to through the Service Desk automatically includes the SD item number in the Subject: line of the email. In the above example, this number is SO201709824. Using the SD number in the Email Thread assists PCR-360 in identifying the SD item's Email Thread. This allows a given email to be appended when Users respond to sent emails with a Reply: or Reply All: in their email.

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The Estimate tab allows a User to create a listing of all the Equipment, Labor, and Charges that might be needed. The Estimates are crafted using the Charges associated with an item in its Charge Catalog . Labor is the exception to this because Hours and the relevant Hourly rate need to be entered manually.


To add Charges to the Estimate, click the Add Equipment button.  On the form, choose the Charge catalog and enter the quantity and charge amount. Optionally, you may also enter a description for the estimated Labor. Click "Save New" to save the charge to the Estimate. To edit existing Charges, select the Charge and click the Edit Selected button  or double-click the Charge record in the Grid to open the Charge form.

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Anytime a User wants to add a piece of Equipment to a Service Desk item, the User can do so on the Equipment tab. The first thing the User sees here is any Equipment that has already been added by an SDC if one has been applied.


The 'Inventory' tab is a record of the Equipment as it moves from Pending to Staged. When Equipment is Staged/Picked Up/Completed, the Location the Equipment was pulled from is shown as a record on this tab. This record assists with tracking where Equipment originated from. Reports can be generated from this tab for a full accounting of all of the Equipment records.

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This tab is of particular importance to the User organization's financial team in that it allows Users to set GLAs for new Service Desk items and edit those of existing Service Desk items.


The Grid updates and the GLA is removed.

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The 'Labor' tab keeps track of specific types of Labor that are already completed on behalf of a Service Order. Though a User can 'Add' a labor item at any point in the Service process, the User must define specific dates, times, and hours worked in order to save the Labor item in the Grid history (see "Service Desk Labor Form" image below).


When a Worker has a Rate assigned for a Workgroup, and the Rate is set to $0, selecting that Labor Type will cause the Labor Type to default to using the Workgroup Rate.

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Original Inquiry

The 'Original Inquiry' tab shows the contents of a Request in the form that it first hits the PCR-360 application. This can be useful for reviewing the Request at a later date. From here, the User can choose to either Block Email or Add to Existing Item.


The association is created and accessible on the Grid.

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Reported Problem

In the Grid within this tab, the User can see each piece of Equipment or Service currently owned or in-use by the specified Owner/Contact. This allows Users to identify the scope of the Incident and consider how it might affect the other Services and Equipment being used by the Owner/Contact.


If the Incident has already been resolved, the User can select a 'Resolution Code' from a default list of possible Incident resolutions generated by the User's organization. Accordingly, 'Resolution Details' allows the User to provide an in-depth explanation of the Resolution.

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Service Details

The 'Service Details' tab is a special tab on Actions that only appears if the selected Service is either an Auth Code or Backbone type. This tab has information on it that specific to the relevant Service. For example, the Backbone has the Bandwidth drop down on it to allow a User to specify the Bandwidth of the Service.


User Defined Fields on Service Desk can be specified by the System Administrator in the Admin portion of the application under Admin > Service Desk > User Defined Fields. The PCR-360 application does not apply User-Defined Fields (UDFs) by default.

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Workflow is the tracking of any Worker or Workgroup associated with a given task in PCR-360. This tracking can assist a supervisor in following what work needs to be done, what is complete, and what is falling behind. There are many uses for Workflow that relate to Workers, Workgroups, and organizational efficiency. A more complete guide can be found on the Workflow


'Consolidate'  - This allows all Workflow from the Actions attached to a Service Order to be consolidated. They are removed from their original Actions, combined with matching entries, and added to the Workflow tab on the Service Order itself. It is important to note that once this is done it cannot be automatically undone. Once completed, you'll note that all of the Workflow entries have 000 for their Action, meaning they are assigned to the Service Order as a whole and not to any individual Action.

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Child pages (Children Display)