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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from this space and version 2021.3

Table of Contents

Events GridImage Modified

The Events Grid


Events are organized by Group to make it easier to find specific Events. Event's whose Groups are marked with an asterisk (*) identify that the Event is considered a 'Master Lock Event'. While a Master Lock Event is running other Events will not be allowed to start, Events already being run are not affected by the Master Lock Event beginning.

Manage Event Form exampleImage RemovedManage Event Form exampleImage Added

  • Status: There are 3 Status values for an Event. Pending, Hold, and Error.
    1. Pending: The Event is active and waiting to be run.
    2. Hold: The Event has been suspended so it will not run.
    3. Error: The Event was executed, but encountered an error situation and could not complete in the number of Attempts allowed.
  • Attempts: The number of times the system has executed and it failed to complete successfully. Events are assigned a particular limit of Attempts before they are switched to Error Status and no longer attempted. The limit of Attempts varies between different types of Events.
  • Frequency: This indicates how frequently the Event will run.
    • Blank: This is not a recurring Event, once executed, the Event will be removed from the grid
  • Process Locked: A Red XImage Removed Red XImage Addedmeans the Event is unlocked and waiting to be executed. A Green CheckmarkImage RemovedGreen CheckmarkImage Addedmeans that Event is currently running and is "locked". This prevents separate Event cycles from picking up the same Event. Once it's running, no other cycle will touch it.

Custom Events




New Inquiry Received : a new Inquiry is received.

New ServiceDesk Item Created : a new Service Desk Item is created.

New Service Order Created : a new Service Order is created.

New Estimate Created : a new Estimate is created.

New Service Request Created : a new Service Request is created.

New Incident Created : a new Incident is created.

New Incident Request Created : a new Incident Request is created.

New Project Created : a new Project is created.

New Problem Created : a new Problem is created.

New QuickTick Created : a new QuickTick is created.

ServiceDesk Item Assigned : a Service Desk Item is Assigned for the first time.

ServiceDesk Item Status Changed : the Status of a Service Desk Item is changed.

ServiceDesk Item Completed : a Service Desk Item is completed.

ServiceDesk Item Viewed : a Service Desk Item is opened by a User.

ServiceDesk Item Updated : a Service Desk Item is updated.

ServiceDesk Item Remarks Added : a Remark is added to a Service Desk Item.

ServiceDesk Item Transferred : a Service Desk Item is transferred.

ServiceDesk Service Request Approved : a Service Request is approved.

ServiceDesk Service Request Denied : a Service Request is denied.

ServiceDesk Order Action Added : an Action is added to a Service Order.

ServiceDesk Order Action Updated : an Action on a Service Order is updated.

ServiceDesk Action Status Changed : a Service Desk Action has its Status updated.

ServiceDesk Order Action Removed : a Service Desk Action is removed.

ServiceDesk Action Cisco Provision : a Service Desk Action requested a new provisioning from the Cisco Call Manager. This Event is only setup if the Cisco Interface Module has been purchased.

Service Desk Workflow Added : a Workflow is added to a Service Desk Item.

Service Desk Workflow Deleted : a Workflow is removed from a Service Desk Item.

Service Desk Workflow Assigned : the Worker assigned to a Workflow changes - this Event provides data related to the new Worker, for example to notify the Worker they have been assigned.

Service Desk Workflow Unassigned : the Worker assigned to a Workflow changes - this Event provides data related to the previous Worker, for example to notify the Worker they are no longer assigned.

Service Desk Workflow Not Assigned : a new Workflow has been created, and is not assigned to a Worker.

Service Desk Workflow Status Changed : a Workflow's Status has changed - this Event contains data related to the previous and new Statuses.

Service Desk Workflow Start Date : a Start Date is first set for a Workflow.

Service Desk Workflow Void : a Workflow on a Service Desk Item is Voided.

Service Desk Workflow Update Request : a Status Update for a Workflow is requested.

Service Desk Equipment Added : a piece of Equipment is added to a Service Desk Item.

Service Desk Equipment Updated : a piece of Equipment is updated on a Service Desk Item.

Service Desk Equipment Deleted : a piece of Equipment is removed from a Service Desk Item.

Service Desk Item Converted to Incident : a Service Desk Item is converted into an Incident.

Service Desk Item Converted to Service Order : a Service Desk Item is converted into a Service Order.

Service Desk Item Converted to Project : a Service Desk Item is converted into a Project.

Service Desk Item Converted to Problem : a Service Desk Item is converted into a Problem.

Service Desk Annual Number Reset : runs once a year, reverting incremental count numbering of Service Desk Items to "1".

Service Desk Bulk Update Requested : a Bulk Update request is made on Service Desk Items.

Service Desk Log Approval : a Service Desk Item is approved.

Service Desk Thread Received (CSR) : an Email message has been received on a Service Desk Item where a CSR is Assigned.

Service Desk Thread Received (Response) : an Email message has been received on a Service Desk item.



Service ID Range Generation Requested : a range of Service IDs is requested to be generated.

Phone Service Range Generation Requested : a range of Phone Services is requested to be generated.

Alias Range Generation Requested : a range of Alias is requested to be generated.

Service Bulk Update Requested : a Bulk Update is made on Services.

Process Aging : A built-in Event that processes Inactive Services back to Availability. The customer must opt-in to activate this Event.



Purchase Order Created : a Purchase Order is created.

Purchase Order Updated : a Purchase Order is updated.

Purchase Order Status Open : a Purchase Order has it's Status updated to Open.

Purchase Order Approved : a Purchase Order is approved.

Return Order Created : a Return Order is created.

Return Order Updated : a Return Order is updated.

Equipment Bulk Update Requested : a Bulk Update is made on Equipment.

Warehouse Equipment Bulk Add Requested : a Bulk Add is made for Equipment.

Warehouse Equipment Bulk Transfer Requested : a Bulk Transfer is made for Equipment.



Payment Created : a Payment is created.

Payment Updated : a Payment is updated.

Payment Status Changed : a Payment's Status is updated.

Process Payment Batch : a Payment Batch is requested to be processed.

Payment Batch Complete : a Payment Batch completes processing.



Delete Bill : a Bill is requested to be deleted.

Generate Bill : a Bill is requested to be generated.

Approve Bill : a Bill is marked as approved.

Bill Generation Completed : a Bill completes generation.

Bill Generation Estimate Completed : an Bill Estimate is completed.

Bill Coordinator Email : a Bill is requested to be sent to Coordinators.

Bill Specified Servicedesk Items : a Bill has completed, and Service Desk Items on the Bill need to move from Finalized to Billed.

Unbill Specified Servicedesk Items : a Bill has been deleted, and Service Desk Items on the Bill need to move from Billed to Finalized.

Bill Cache Generation Requested : a Bill has been generated, and the data needs to be cached.

GLA Replacement Requested : a GLA Replace is requested.

Available Charges Bulk Update Requested : a Charge Catalog has been updated, and related Charges on Equipment and Services need to be updated.

GLA Created : a new GLA is created.

GLA Updated : a GLA is updated.

GLA Activated : a GLA is made Active.

GLA Deactivated : a GLA is made Inactive.

GLA AR Account Update : a GLA for Accounts Receivable is updated.



Process Uploaded Import Files : a File is requested to be Imported.

Prepare Uploaded Import Files in Upload Directory for Processing : PCR locates Files in the Upload Directory that need processing.

Check if Import Files in Upload Directory have finished Uploading : This Event triggers every minute to see if Files in the Upload Directory have completed processing.

Reprocess Import File Errors : an Import File that has encountered errors is requested to be reprocessed.

Reprocess Selected Import Files : Import Files are requested to be reprocessed.

Delete Selected Import Files : Import Files are requested to be deleted.

Rerate Calls : Calls are requested to be rerated.

Import File Processed - Number of records Imported, number of Errors : an Import Process completes, and the Import Format definition is set to always notify on completion and an email address was provided.

Import File Processed with Unusual record Volume : an Import Process completes, and the Import Format definition has defined low and high volumes, and the volume processed was outside the expected range and an email address was provided.

Delete old Import Files and Imported Records : Imported Files have been requested to be deleted.

Update Bill Date : a User has manually set an Import File to override the Bill Date (usually for a Calls or Charges Import).

Process Uploaded VH Data Files : VH Data Files need to be processed.

Rate Processed Calls : unrated Calls are requested to be rated.

Rerate Processed Call Errors : Call Errors are requested to be rerated.

Rate Processed Usage : unrated Usages are requested to be rated.

Rerate Processed Usage Errors : Usage Errors are requested to be rerated.

Call Rates Bulk Update Requested : a Bulk Update is made for Call Rates.



Archive Audit Data : Audit Data needs to be archived.

Archive Bill Details Data : Bill Details Data needs to be archived.

Archive Call Details Data : Call Details Data needs to be archived.

Archive Escalation Log Data : Escalation Log Data needs to be archived.

Archive Escalation Sequence Log Data : Escalation Sequence Log Data needs to be archived.

Archive Imports Data : Import Data needs to be archived.

Archive Notification Log Data : Notification Log Data needs to be archived.

Archive SOAP Data : SOAP Data needs to be archived.



Escalation Sequence Result : Event generated following a REST Sequence from an Escalation. Response data from the REST call is given to this Event. Other Escalations and Custom Events can then use this Event to execute other procedures.



System Failed to Process Email : a received email was unable to be processed into PCR-360.

Cron Process Error Occurred : the Event Processing Process has encountered an error.

Dashboard Status Alarm : periodically monitors Dashboard Widgets that are not meeting Warning/Critical Thresholds.

Knowledgebase Article Error : triggers when an error is reported on a Knowledgebase Article, so the Article's status can be updated.

Reset Password Request : a Password Reset is requested.

Scheduled Export Request Executed : a scheduled Export begins.

IP Address Bulk Update Requested : a Bulk Update is made of IP Addresses.

Ports/Pins/Lens Bulk Update Requested : a Bulk Update is made for Ports/Pins/Lens.

Pairs/Strands Bulk Update Requested : a Bulk Update is made for Pairs/Strands.

Threshold for Failed Logins Met : a User fails to login successfully after reaching the threshold.

E-mail Grid Report : a Report is requested to be emailed.

Generate Report Batch : a Batch Report is requested to be generated.

Custom PHP Event : a Custom PHP Event occurs.

System-wide Contact Replacement : a Contact replacement is requested.

System-wide Department Replacement : a Department replacement is requested.

API Request Logs Deleted : API Request Logs are requested to be deleted.



SL100 Auth Code Command Issued : Auth Code changes have been requested of a SL100.


These Events are a part of a separate module of the Application and will not be created on your Organization's install unless the Avaya Interface Module has been purchased.


Avaya Sync : This Event triggers over a set interval for making sure all CORs and Auth Codes are synchronized between the Avaya Call Manager and PCR-360.

Avaya Bulk Update : CORs and Auth Codes need to be updated from the Avaya Call Manager.


These Events are a part of a separate module of the Application and will not be created on your Organization's install unless the Cisco Interface Module has been purchased.


Cisco CM Reconciliation : This Event triggers over a set interval for making sure all CORs and Auth Codes are synchronized between Cisco Call Manager and PCR-360.

Cisco Bulk Update : CORs and Auth Codes need to be updated from the Cisco Call Manager.


Custom Events may be created within PCR-360, however, support for these Events will be limited outside of Professional Services.  For specific questions, please send a message to your Account Manager. Any Errors encountered by the Custom Event, such as Error Details from an exterior API, will be added to the Error Log located at Admin > Error Log Explorer, as well as any related logs for Escalations.

Master Lock Events
Toggle cloak

Only one of these Events may run at any given time to reduce database impact.


Delete Bill

Generate Bill

Process uploaded import files

Prepare uploaded import files in upload directory for processing

Reprocess selected import files

Cleanup Audit Data

Archive Audit data

Archive Bill Details

Archive Call Details data

Archive Call Details Imports dataArchive Imports data

ServiceDesk Item Archive

Events Quick Reference

Insert excerpt
Events Quick Reference
Events Quick Reference