Purchase Orders
The Purchase Order screen allows the User to create and manage Inventory. Purchase Orders require a Vendor and a Warehouse. Equipment set up to be purchased from the Vendor can then be added to the Purchase Order. The Purchase Order number will be automatically generated unless ALLOW_CUSTOM_PO_NUMBER setting is TRUE.
The Basics
- Required Fields:
- Status - The status of the Purchase Order will allow Inventory Managers to sort Purchase Orders more easily. The Workflow Rules will give the User some more insight into how the Statuses control the Purchase Order process.
- Pending - The Pending status is meant to be used when you are building a Purchase Order, but before you have sent it to the Vendor. This status allows for internal processes like approvals from internal organizational business practices to go through. If the Purchase Order or Equipment on it is declined at any point before the Purchase Order is sent to the Vendor, they can be edited by the Inventory Manager.
- Open - The Open status is meant to be used once the Purchase Order has been sent to a Vendor and you are waiting on the Equipment to be shipped. Once the Equipment is received it can be brought into Inventory from the Purchase Order.
- Closed - The Closed status can only be set once all the Inventory is received on the Purchase Order. This status lets Users know that the Purchase Order has been addressed and all the Inventory is received.
- Created Date - The Created Date field will let Users know when the Purchase Order is created.
- Warehouse - The Warehouse field will auto populate with the Master Default Warehouse . Once the Purchase Order is created this field becomes read only.
- Vendor - The Vendor is required because the Purchase Order will be limited to only valid Equipment Catalogs associated with the Vendor.
- Status - The status of the Purchase Order will allow Inventory Managers to sort Purchase Orders more easily. The Workflow Rules will give the User some more insight into how the Statuses control the Purchase Order process.
Add to Order
To use the 'Pending' Status.
Purchase Order must be at a- Click the .
- This will open the 'Add New Purchase Order Equipment' form.
3. Select the 'Equipment Catalog' to be purchased, the 'Ordered Date', input the 'Quantity' of the Equipment and 'Price Per Quantity.'
Note: In the figure above, note the Units and Price Per Quantity fields (indicated with arrows). The Equipment grid will group similar selections together as much as possible. If the Equipment is a "Has Units" item, the Units field will show and that field can be used to set the Unit count. The Quantity is how many each of that Unit count that is being ordered. For example, the User can order 10 boxes of pencils, but how many are in each box: 25, 50, 100? Quantity is the 10, Units is the 25/50/100. When a Units value on a Purchase Order that is different from another record of the same Equipment is set, this tells the system the User wants some boxes of 25 pencils and some other boxes of 50 pencils. This generates separate line items for "boxes of pencils".
As with Units, Price Per Quantity acts the same way. Maybe the Vendor only has 15 boxes of pencils in stock at their normal price, but can special order the additional 30 that is needed, at a different price. The User can enter the 15 at one price, and create another line item for the other 30 at the other price, which results in separate line items.
4. Click the
.The Equipment will now be added to the grid on the Equipment tab. The Purchase Order can be advanced when all Equipment has been added.
Edit Line
To use the 'Pending' or 'Open' Status and there must already be some Equipment in the grid.
Purchase Order must be at a- Single-click to select the Equipment to edit, and click the or double click the Equipment to edit.
- This will open the 'Manage Purchase Order Equipment' form.
3. The Manage Purchase Order Equipment dialog will open and the User can edit three fields. , , and .
Note: The 'Equipment Catalog' field will be greyed out.
4. Make the necessary modifications in the appropriate fields. Please note that following changes to the line item management form, the form will add additional quantity to all matching lines, it does not adjust the quantity.
5. Click on the
.The Equipment Catalog will now be updated with the information that was selected.
To use the 'Pending' Status and there must already be some Equipment in the grid.
Purchase order must be at a- Select the Equipment from the grid to remove from the order.
- Click the .
- This will open the 'Confirm Delete' dialog.
4. Click the
to confirm.5. The 'Equipment Catalog' item is deleted from the order.
Receive Item(s)
To use the 'Open' Status and there must already be some Equipment in the grid in the 'Pending' Column.
the Purchase Order must be at an- Select the Equipment from the grid to receive on the Purchase Order.
- Click the .
- This will open the 'Receive Purchase Order Equipment' form.
4. Select the 'Warehouse' to receive the Equipment to, the 'Received Date' to receive the Equipment and the 'Quantity' of the Equipment that is to be received.
Note: If the amount in the Quantity field is greater than the amount in the Pending Quantity field, when the User clicks the the User will get an error window stating: "The received quantity X is more than x still Pending for this item."
5. Click the
.The Equipment will now be added to the Warehouse the User selected at the Date and at the Quantity the User selected.
When a new piece of Equipment is saved, PCR-360 will populate the Warranty Date based on the Warranty period defined in the Equipment Catalog and the date the Equipment was added into the System.
Cancel Items(s)
To use the the Purchase Order but be at an 'Open' Status and there must already be some Equipment in the grid in the 'Pending'Column
- Select the Equipment from the grid to cancel on the Purchase Order.
- Click the .
- This will open the 'Cancel Purchase Order Equipment' form.
4. Fill in the 'Cancel Qty' for the number of items to canceled and select the 'Cancelled Date' for the date be used to cancel the items.
5. Click the
.The Equipment will be removed from the Purchase Order based on the number of items that were selected. The number of items in the Pending Column will be reduced by the number of items that were selected and the Canceled Column will be increased by the number of items that were selected.
Return Orders
The Return Order screen allows the User to create and manage Inventory Return Orders. Return Orders require a Vendor and a Warehouse, Equipment from the Warehouse can then be added to the Return Order. A Return authorization number for the Order may be specified.
The Basics
- Required Fields:
- Status - The status of the Return Order will allow Inventory Managers to sort Return Orders more easily.
- Pending - The Pending status is meant to be used when you are building a Return Order, but before you have sent it to the Vendor. This status allows for internal processes like approvals from internal organizational business practices to go through. If the Return Order or Equipment on it is declined at any point before the Return Order is sent to the Vendor, they can be edited by the Inventory Manager.
- Open - The Open status is meant to be used to Process Inventory on the Return Order and assign an Action to the Equipment depending on how the User wants the Equipment to be returned. When you click the button, you can choose to Edit, Repair, Replace, or One Way the selected line of Equipment.
- Closed - The Closed status can only be set once all the Inventory is Repaired, Replaced, or One Way on the Return Order. This status lets Users know that the Return Order has been addressed and all the Inventory has been Processed.
- Created Date - The Created Date field will let Users know when the Return Order is created.
- Warehouse - The Warehouse on the Return Order Form Header is only a placeholder, a default value. It is used for the Warehouse Picker on the Return Order Process form (when you decide to Repair/Replace/One-Way the line item). You can change that Warehouse selection to an alternate and the Repair/Replace Equipment will be stored to that Warehouse. There is no additional logic behind this field.
- Vendor - The Vendor selection filters which Equipment Catalogs can be added to the Return Order. It is not possible to return something to a vendor that can't be ordered from that vendor.
- Status - The status of the Return Order will allow Inventory Managers to sort Return Orders more easily.
Add to Order
To use the button the Return Order must be at a 'Pending' Status.
- Click the button.
- This will open the 'Add New Existing Equipment' form.
- Select the Equipment from the grid to be Returned.
- Click the button.
The Equipment will now be added to the grid on the Equipment tab. The Return Order can be advanced when all Equipment has been added.
Remove from Order
To use the button the Return Order must be at a 'Pending' Status and there must already be some Equipment in the grid.
- Select the Equipment from the grid to remove from the order.
- Click the button.
Note: This will only remove the association of the Equipment from the Return Order and will not delete the Equipment or the Return Order.
Process Items(s)
To use the button the Return Order must be at an 'Open' Status.
- Select the Equipment to be processed.
- Click the button.
- This will open the 'Manage Return Order Equipment Processing' form.
From this form, the User can adjust some key options before receiving an item for tracking reasons. The User can assign incoming repaired/replaced Equipment to any Warehouse. If an item was received on a different date then the current date, the User can edit the 'Received Date' here as well. Selected items from the Order cannot be processed here with individual Warehouse and Date assignment. All items selected for this form will be processed with the set values. To set different Warehouses or Dates, select appropriate items separately.
Edit Selected
The User can modify the 'Action', 'Asset Tag', 'Serial Number', 'Equipment ID', and 'Condition' by following these steps:
- Click the button.
- This will open the 'Manage Return Order Equipment Received' sub-form.
- Select the Action using the drop-down, either Repair or Replace. The difference is explained on the Return Order wiki.
- If desired change the Asset Tag, Serial Number, and Equipment ID.
- Select the 'Condition' with the drop-down, either 'New', 'Used', or 'Refurbished'.
- Click the button.
When the User clicks the button, it processes the Equipment as the same physical inventory, updating the record to reflect that the Inventory was edited.
The User can add the 'Repair' option to the 'Process As' Field by following these steps:
- Click the button.
- This will insert 'Repair' into the 'Processed As' Column.
3. When the button is selected this states that the same Equipment must come back after the Equipment it has been returned.
When the User clicks the button, PCR-360 generates a NEW Equipment record whereas Repair updates the original Equipment record.
The User can add the 'Replace' option to the 'Process As" Field by following these steps:
- Click the button.
- This will insert 'Replace' into the 'Processed As' Column.
- When the button is selected this states that different Equipment is expected back after the original Equipment has been returned.
In the data sample below, one item was Replaced while the other Repaired. The Return Order keeps track of all outgoing and incoming Equipment records related to that particular Order, so replacements are also listed on the Order.
One Way
The button appears on the Return Order form. Processing a Return Order item as One Way tells PCR-360 that an item is being returned completely and there is no expectation of that item being placed back into Inventory. This sets the Equipment record to Returned.
The User can add the 'One Way' option to the 'Process As" Field by following these steps:
- Click the button.
- This will insert 'One Way' into the 'Processed As' Column.
- When the button is selected this states that no Equipment is expected back after the Equipment has been returned.
When finished click the button. Confirm this is the action desired at the prompt. Once the Equipment is 'Processed' the status will be set to 'Unassigned'. When all the Equipment has been Processed, the Status of the Return Order
can be set to 'Closed'.