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(v1) .Purchase Order Imports v2021.2


The Purchase Order import can create new Purchase Orders, and update existing Purchase Orders. It can Add, Delete, Cancel, Edit, and Receive Equipment items on a Purchase Order.

Matches On

To Update an existing Purchase Order, you need to provide the existing Purchase Order Number.

To do operations on existing Equipment lines, you need to provide the Equipment Catalog path. If there are multiple items that have the same Equipment Catalog path, then you will also need to provide the Price or Units.


PO Number


Datatype is String

There are some keywords for this field that will produce specific behavior.

    • AUTO - This will create a new Purchase Order using the automatic next Purchase Order Number.
    • PREVIOUS - This will update the Purchase Order that was last successfully added or updated by the same import file.

Any other value will be treated as an actual Purchase Order Number. If the Purchase Order Number already exists, then the import will do an update. If the Purchase Order Number does not exist, then either you will get an error, or the value will be used to create a new Purchase Order. The behavior will depend on how the ALLOW_CUSTOM_PO_NUMBER configuration setting is set.

A blank value will act as if you had provided the "PREVIOUS" keyword.

PO Status

Datatype is String

Values can be "Pending", "Open", or "Closed".

Defaults to Pending for new records. New records must be Pending. Pending can update to Open, and Open can update to Closed.

A Purchase Order can not update to Open if it has no Equipment items.

A Purchase Order a not update to Closed if it has any Pending Equipment items.


Datatype is String

Required for new Purchase Orders.

This value must be an existing Location that has the Warehouse flag set.

If a blank value is provided for a new PO, then the Master Default Warehouse is used.

Warehouse Type

Datatype is String

This optional field can be used to specify the right Warehouse Location if you have multiple Locations with the same name and different Location Types.


Datatype is String

Required for new Purchase Orders.

This value must be an existing Vendor.

Attn First Name

Datatype is String

Attn Last Name

Datatype is String

Attn Email

Datatype is String

The Attn fields let you specify a Vendor Contact. The value must be an existing Contact that has the Vendor Contact Type and is listed as a Contact on the Vendor record.

Vendor Order Number

Datatype is String

Note: The following fields relate to the Purchase Order Equipment grid content


Datatype is String

Required for any operations on the Purchase Order Equipment

The value must be one of these options: Add, Edit, Cancel, Delete, Receive.

Equipment Catalog

Datatype is Hierarchical Path

Required for any operations on the Purchase Order Equipment

Ordered Date

Datatype is Date

Default value: Today


Datatype is Number

Required for any operations on the Purchase Order Equipment

Default value: 1 for Adds. For other Actions, you must provide a value.

The number of Equipment items for this Action. In general, you cannot specify the number of items larger than the number of items that are pending.

If you had previously Received items on a Purchase Order, you can undo the Receive by doing another Receive action, and specifying a negative Quantity value.

Price per Quantity

Datatype is Number

Price per Units

Datatype is Number

This is an alternate way to specify Price. This field can only be used if the Equipment Catalog specifies a "Units" type of Equipment.

If you provide both a Price per Quantity and a Price per Unit, if they disagree on the total price it will cause an error.


Datatype is Number

The number of Units in each Quantity.

Please read this article, if you don't know whether Quantity or Units should be used.

Lookup Price

Datatype is Number

Lookup Units

Datatype is Number

The two Lookup values are optional values used to specify which Equipment item you are referring to when you are trying to do some kind of update Action on an Equipment item when there are multiple items that have the same Equipment Catalog.

Canceled Date

Datatype is Date

Default value: Today

Only used for the Cancel Action.

Received Date

Datatype is Date

Default value: Today

Only used for the Receive Action.

Received Warehouse

Datatype is String

Only used for the Receive Action.

This can be used to override the Purchase Order Warehouse during a Receive Action.

Received Warehouse Type

Datatype is String

This optional field can be used to specify the right Warehouse Location if you have multiple Locations with the same name and different Location Types.

Received Equipment ID

Datatype is String

Only used for the Receive Action.

Lets the User set the Equipment ID during a Receive. Will cause an error if a duplicate value is being created.

This value can only be used if the Quantity is 1. If the Quantity is greater than 1, then a value here will cause an error.

Received Asset Tag

Datatype is String

Only used for the Receive Action.

Lets the User set the Asset Tag during a Receive. Will cause an error if a duplicate value is being created.

This value can only be used if the Quantity is 1. If the Quantity is greater than 1, then a value here will cause an error.

Received MAC Address

Datatype is String

Only used for the Receive Action.

Lets the User set the MAC Address during a Receive. Will cause an error if a duplicate value is being created.

This value can only be used if the Quantity is 1. If the Quantity is greater than 1, then a value here will cause an error.

Received Serial Number

Datatype is String

Only used for the Receive Action.

Lets the User set the Serial Number during a Receive.

This value can only be used if the Quantity is 1. If the Quantity is greater than 1, then a value here will cause an error.


Purchase Order Errors

A blank value was provided, for a field with a required value

The value provided is not acceptable for the record type being created

System was unable to save the record

Purchase Order Equipment Errors

A blank value was provided, for a field with a required value

The value provided is not acceptable for the record type being created

System was unable to save the record

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