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(v1) .GLA Charges Imports v2019.4


This Import will allow the User to add or update Charges on GLAs for Billing.

By default this import will always Add new charges, not Update existing charges. Care should be taken, as this can create duplicate charges.

There is an optional UPDATE Flag that can be set to force the import to do Updates instead of Adds.

The import cannot delete existing charges, but it can set an existing MRC charge Stop Date to end the charge.

Matches On

For adds and updates, the import will need the 'GLA Full Codes' to find the GLA record to apply the charge to.

For updates, the import needs to find the charges to update.

At minimum, you must provide the GLA, Charge Catalog and Charge Type. You can also optionally provide the Start Date, Override Amount, and Quantity.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 

If the values you provide match more than one charge, then all of those that match will be updated.

Alternatively, you can provide the GLA Charge RECID, and this will override all other key values to find the exact GLA Charge to update.


GLA Full Codes


Datatype is String.

This is a full sequence of GLA Components separated by the GLA_CONCATENATOR .

The default value for this string is right angle-brace (>) with a space on either side: " > ".

When importing nested GLA's, the separator you use for each level of the hierarchy must match the concatenator string.

Charge Catalog Name


Datatype is String.

Instead of mapping this, the value can be supplied for all records in the Import Record Format.

If the Import Record Format supplies a value and is mapped, the mapped value takes precedence.

The name imports if it is a unique value in the catalog.

Owner Contact Customer Number

Datatype is String.

Owner Contact First Name

Datatype is String.

Passes in the First Name of Contact Owners.

Owner Contact Last Name

Datatype is String.

Passes in the Last Name of Contact Owners.

Owner Dept. Hierarchy

Datatype is String.

Import matched the Department Hierarchy Code, not the Name.

For a multi-level Department Hierarchy the Full Path of the Hierarchy MUST be used.

For example, if the Department, XYZ, is a child to Department, Billing, the Owner Department Hierarchy field should be Billing, XYZ.

Bill Date

Datatype is Date.

The default value is today's date.

The Bill Date can come from a mapping or from the import file selection form.

Mapping takes precedence.

This is the transaction date for NRCs or Start Date for MRCs.

Billing Group

Datatype is String.

This is an override to the charge Owner's Billing Group.


Datatype is String.

This overrides the Charge Catalog Description.

Override Amount

Datatype is Number.

This is only allowed if the Charge Catalog entry allows overrides.


Datatype is Boolean.

Default Value is False.

Permitted Values are 1, Yes, and True.

These set the Prorate flag to True [1].

All other values enter as False [0].


Datatype is Number.

Stop Date

Data type is Date.

Default value is blank.

Used for MRCs only and is ignored for NRCs.

Charge Catalog Full Name

Data type is String.

This can be used in place of the Charge Catalog Name and expects the full catalog Path.

New Override Amount

Data type is Number.

This is only allowed if the Charge Catalog entry allows overrides.

Used for UPDATE only.

New Quantity

Data type is Number.

Used for UPDATE only.


Data type is Number.

Used as a lookup for Charge updates.

Billing Group Override

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

The value must match an existing Billing Group.

This is an override. It should only be provided if an override of the Billing Group is desired from the Department Hierarchy or Contact Owner.

Child Records


GLA Charges are a Child record of (v1) GLA Imports. As such, they can only be added to an existing GLA.

Flags / Conditional Logic


Default Value is NONRECURRING.

This flag is only needed if there are multiple Charges with the same Names that have the different types.

If this is set, it must be set to the code of one of the CHARGE_TYPE List Values from the (v1) List Values grid.



Default Value is UPDATE

If set, this import will UPDATE existing records.

If the import cannot find an existing record to update, it will error. If the UPDATE flag is set, the import only updates existing charges.

This can be used to set Stop Dates on MRCs, change Override Amounts, Quantity, Description, GLA, or Prorate flag.

Effective Date

Data type is String.

Expected values are Backdate and Today.

See theĀ Notes for more details.

Warnings and Errors

The following warnings display if the Service Charge UPDATE fails:

  • Warning: Not updating Prorate flag because new Stop Date is before today
  • Warning: Not updating Amount because new Stop Date is before today
  • Warning: Not updating Override Amount because new Stop Date is before today
  • Warning: Not updating Quantity because new Stop Date is before today
  • Warning: Not updating Billing Group Override because new Stop Date is before today
  • Warning: Not updating Contact Owner because new Stop Date is before today
  • Warning: Not updating Dept Hierarchy Owner because new Stop Date is before today

The following errors are displayed if the GLA Charges INSERT or UPDATE fails:

  • ErrorĀ : Invalid GLA '<gla>'
  • ErrorĀ : GLA '<gla>' is not Billable
  • ErrorĀ : Blank or Missing GLA
  • ErrorĀ : Could not find provided Billing Group <BILLING_GROUP>
  • ErrorĀ : Could not find provided Contact name <fname> <lname>
  • ErrorĀ : Could not find provided Contact number <customerNumber>
  • ErrorĀ : Could not find the Dept Hierarchy for <deptHierarchy>
  • ErrorĀ : No owner provided
  • ErrorĀ : Full Charge Catalog Path <CHRG_CATALOG_FULL_NAME> is Invalid
  • ErrorĀ : Charge Type <CC_CHARGE_TYPE_CODE> is Invalid
  • ErrorĀ : Dept Hierarchy <deptHierarchy has no Billing Group
  • ErrorĀ : Contact <fname> <lname> has no Billing Group
  • ErrorĀ : Missing required Owner or Billing Group
  • ErrorĀ : Trying to use Inactive Charge Catalog <chargeCatalogName>
  • ErrorĀ : Trying to assign amount for Non-Overidable Charge
  • ErrorĀ : Invalid Charge Catalog '<chargeCatalogName>'
  • ErrorĀ : "No Matching Charge Catalog entries for '<chargeCatalogName>'
  • ErrorĀ : "Multiple Matching Charge Catalog entries for '<chargeCatalogName>'
  • ErrorĀ : Missing Charge Catalog"
  • ErrorĀ : Missing Billing Group"
  • ErrorĀ : Unable to convert '<BILL_DATE>' into a valid date
  • ErrorĀ : Unable to convert '<STOP_DATE>' into a valid date
  • ErrorĀ : Failed to save GLA_Charges record; <errorMessage>


  • Any GLA Charge MUST have a valid Owner, either a Contact or a Department Hierarchy.
  • By default the GLA Charges import always adds new charges. It never updates or removes charges. This can create duplicates.
  • If an NRC has been billed, it cannot be updated in any way.
  • If an existing MRC has been billed, it can be updated. Changing the GLA, Amount, Quantity, or Prorate Flag, the new Charge stops the previous Charge and a new Charge record begins with the appropriate changes. The Stop Date becomes the day before the import was run. The Start Date becomes the day the import was run.

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