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(v1) .Equipment Imports v2018.1


The Equipment Import allows the User to INSERT new records and UPDATE existing Equipment records if a match is found.

Note: The Equipment import cannot assign an Equipment to a Service. To do this task, the Equipment must be created first, and then the Service import can be used to make the assignment.

Matches On

Asset Tag

The Equipment Import first attempts to match on the Asset Tag.

Equipment ID

If there is not an Asset Tag match, the Import attempts to match on the Equipment ID field.

If there are multiple matches by the Equipment ID, the Import attempts matching both the Equipment ID and Location together.


Asset Tag

Conditionally Required if the Equipment status is set to Installed AND the Asset Flag is set on the Equipment Catalog .

Datatype is String.

Equipment ID

Conditionally Required if the Equipment status is set to Installed.

Datatype is String.

Equipment Status

Conditionally Required if the Import is doing an INSERT.

Datatype is String.

NOT Required if the Import is doing an UPDATE.

Permitted values are one of the following (v1) List Values of type EQP_STATUS: Unassigned, Assigned, Retired, Broken, Lost, or Installed.

No other values are permitted for the Import.

If the Equipment's Status is Unassigned, it MUST be assigned to a Location that has the (v1) Warehouse flag set or have a blank (Null) Location value.

Part Number

Conditionally Required if the Import is doing an INSERT.

Datatype is String.

The Part Number field come from Equipment Catalog field not the full Catalog Path.


Conditionally Required if the Has Units flag is set on the Equipment Catalog .

Datatype is String.

New Equipment ID

Datatype is String.

If a New Equipment ID value is provided, it is used to UPDATE the Equipment ID field.


Datatype is Boolean

Default Value = False

Permitted values of True, 1, or Yes set the flag to True [1].

All other values is considered False [0].


Datatype is Boolean

Only used if the Configuration Option SHOW_CONSUMED is set to True [1].

Default Value = False

Permitted values of True, 1, or Yes set the flag to True [1].

All other values are considered False [0].

Cabling Eqp Type

Datatype is String.

The value must be one of the following (v1) List Values of type CABLING_EQP_TYPE: Switch, Router, Jack, IDF, MDF, or BDF.

User entered values to the CABLING_EQP_TYPE list may also be used.

Parent Equipment

Datatype is String.

Should match an existing Equipment ID.

Look up is based on the Match On values for Equipment records.


Data type is Boolean.

Default value is false.

Card Number

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.


At least one Owner (either Customer Number, Dept Hierarchy Code, or Dept Hierarchy Name) may be Required IF the following conditions are met:

The Import is attempting to INSERT the Equipment record and the Equipment Status is Assigned.

Otherwise, the Owner field is NOT required.

Customer Number

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Dept Hierarchy Code

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Dept Hierarchy Name

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Eqp Condition

Default value is blank.

Allowed values are from the EQP_CONDITION List Type values.

Common values are: New, Used, and Refurbished but may vary for your organization.

Host Name

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

IPv4 Address

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

IPv4 Gateway

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

IPv4 Gateway Address

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

IPv4 Subnet Mask

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

IPv6 Address

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

IPv6 Gateway

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

IPv6 Gateway Address

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

IPv6 Subnet Mask

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

LAN Name

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

MAC Address

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Billed Date

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Ordered Date

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Received Date

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Warranty End Date

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Purchase Price

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Parent Equipment

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

The value must be a unique Equipment ID if provided.

Serial Number

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.

Serial Number Barcode

Data type is String.

Default value is blank.


Data type is Boolean.

Default value is false.


Conditionally Required if the Equipment Catalog is doing an INSERT.

Datatype is String.

Location Type

Conditionally Required if the provided Location Name exists with multiple Types.

Datatype is String.

Used for the Location lookup if provided.

Permitted values are from List Values of type LOCATION_TYPE: Site, Building, Floor, Room, Cube, Truck, Closet, Rack, Elevation, Manhole, or Warehouse.

User entered values to the LOCATION_TYPE list may also be used.


These errors display if the record save fails:

  • Error : Trying to use Inactive Charge Catalog <PART_NUMBER>
  • Error : Missing or Invalid Units, and Charge Catalog specifies Units are required
  • Error : Missing or blank Location and Charge Catalog specifies Location is required
  • Error : Invalid Part Number '<PART_NUMBER>'
  • Error : Missing Part Number
  • Error : Invalid Location '<LOCATION>'
  • Error : Invalid Location Type '<LOCATION_TYPE>'
  • Error : Found multiple existing Equipment for Equipment ID '
  • Error : Missing Status for new Equipment'
  • Error : Equipment status is Unassigned but Location '<LOCATION>' is not a Warehouse
  • Error : Invalid Contact '<CUSTOMER_NUMBER>'
  • Error : Invalid Dept Hierarchy Name '<DEPT_HIERARCHY_NAME>'
  • Error : Invalid Dept Hierarchy Code '<DEPT_HIERARCHY_CODE>'
  • Error : Invalid Parent Equipment ID '<PARENT_EQUIPMENT>'
  • Error : Failed to save Equipment record <errorMessage>


  • If attempting to UPDATE existing Equipment, none of these Required fields except the Match On fields are needed.
    For updates, it is assumed that the Required values are already entered. For updates, you only need to provide enough values to successfully find the Equipment record you are trying to update (Asset Tag or Equipment ID, and maybe Location).
  • If the Equipment Catalog has the 'Has Units' flag set, a Units value must be provided or an error happens.
    Units must be a positive integer or a zero. Null and negative values are not allowed. If the Equipment Catalog does not have the Has Units flag set to True [1], any provided Units value is ignored with no error or warning.
  • The Equipment import cannot associate Equipment to a Service. See the Service Import for a way to do this.

UDF Associations

User Defined fields on any given Import are all handled the same way with Conditional Logic.

For more information about adding a UDF to the Import, see the (v1) User Defined Fields section of the Imports main page.

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