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.Order Details v2020.1

The CustomerCenter 'Order Details' page is where a Customer can input all of the information needed to accurately fulfill a Request once it is submitted. There are a few different sections that need to be filled out. Once all of the sections are filled out the Customer can then click the 'Save Order Details' button to submit the details for a given Cart item. The 'Cancel' button will abort any changes and return the Customer to the Submit Request page.

If there are multiple Cart items Order Details will need to be filled out for each item individually since different Services, Equipment, or Packages might have different details. However, Users do have the option to use the same Order Details for all of the items on the Request. To use the same Order Details for every item first fill out the Order Details on one of the existing items in the Request. At the bottom of the Order Details page is a drop down labeled 'Apply Order Details to all Services and/or Stand-alone Equipment:'. There are two options in this drop down. The default option of 'No' will only apply the Order Details to the specified item from the Submit Request page. The 'Overwrite All Order Details' option will apply the current Order Details the Customer just filled in, to every other item currently in the Cart. This will overwrite any other existing Order Details data.

Set Owner

The 'Set Owner' section has two sections, the Contact and Department sections, which will populate the Owner picker on the Request. The Customer can only select one or the other and the Department option is not available unless the Customer is a Coordinator


The Contact section is selected by default. The First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Phone Number are all fields set automatically based on the Customer that is submitting the Request. This can be overridden using the Owner Action drop down to either create a new Contact, or update the existing Contact's data. First Name and Last Name are always required fields. The Configuration Options CC_EMAIL_REQUIRED and CC_PHONE_REQUIRED control whether their respective fields are required or not. The entire section can be optionally made read-only using Permissions to prevent Customers from updating the Contacts table.

Owner Action


Update is selected by default. The Customer does not have to update any of the four fields, (First Name, Last Name, Email Address, or Phone Number) however, if they do the data will be updated on the existing Contact record.

Create New

If this option is selected PCR-360 will attempt to create a new Contact record to assign as the Owner using the data entered by the Customer.


If the Department section is selected the Coordinator can only select existing Department Hierarchies using the picker.

Order Contacts

The 'Order Contacts' will display the Service Contact for the Request. In many Organizations the Service Contact is the same data as the Contact Owner, and this section is provided for when there might be a different Contact associated with the Service. There are three options in this section, the Service, Primary On-Site, and Alternate On-Site sections. Both the Primary On-Site and Alternate On-Site sections can be optionally hidden with the CC_REQUEST_SHOW_PRIMARY_SECONDARY_CONTACTS Configuration Option. The Service Contact follows the Service through the Order process and will be added to the Service once the Order's status is "Complete". Both the Primary On-Site and Alternate On-Site Contacts will only be on the Order and do not follow the Service through completion.

Billing Details

The 'Billing Details' picker will assign a GLA to the Request. The GLA is always a required field if the Service Catalog for the Service that is selected is "Billable". The 'Location' picker will set the Location of the Request. The Location will be required if the Service Catalog has the "Location Required" flag set. The 'Reference' field is a free form that that will be used to populate the Reference on the Service and is never required.

The 'Cabling Equipment' picker can be optionally turned on or off using the Configuration Option CC_SHOW_CABLING_PICKER and it's label text is controlled with CC_DESTINATION_EQUIPMENT_FORM_LABEL. The Cabling Equipment picker can be used in organizations where the Customers know their Ports/Pins/Lens based on a Port or Jack in the wall to connect devices to.

Optional Information

Any information added to the 'Most Recent Remark' field will be sent to the Remarks tab of the Request for review by the team working the Request. Most Recent Remark is a free form field that can contain any information the Customer feels needs to be included.


Any file less then 10Mb in file size can be attached to the Request for review on the Request.

Additional Information

The 'Additional Information' section will only appear if there are User Defined Fields (UDFs) associated with the Service Catalog or Equipment Catalog being requested that have the "Show in CustomerCenter" flag set to true. Any UDFs that show in CustomerCenter will be required to follow the rules (such as requiring the field) set on the UDF by the Administrator.

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