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.Locations Imports v2019.1


The Locations Import allows the User to INSERT new Locations into Location Catalogs or UPDATE existing ones if a match is found.

The Import will notice if any 'Location' already exists in a 'Hidden' state. The process will locate that hidden Location record and update it to 'Not Hidden'. It will also blank out any old information on the Location from before it was hidden, so it will seem like a fresh new record. The remainder if the process will treat the record like a new record, and fill in values as normal. The 'Imported Records' Grid will display a line showing a new Location record added.

A consequence of this is that if there were any old 'Service Orders' that referenced this Location, then any details of the location that were displayed on the Service Order will now show the new Location values instead of the original values. This problem will eventually be solved by "Service Order Archiving", when the ability to hide Locations will be removed.

Matches On

The Import attempts to match the Full Location.

Parent Locations MUST exist before attempting to INSERT child Locations or the Import errors.

  • For example, if the Full Location 'X > Y > Z' is desired, the User must first Import 'X' and 'X > Y' before the Import can INSERT 'X > Y > Z'.


Full Location


Datatype is String.


The full Location hierarchy in a single string with individual parts of the Location Hierarchy separated by the HIERARCHYPATH_CONCATENATOR.

Multiple levels of a hierarchy "path" (like Locations, GLAs, and Catalogs) are connected by the HIERARCHYPATH_SEPARATOR string.

The default value for this string is right angle-brace (>) with a space on either side: " > ".

When importing nested Locations, the separator you use for each level of the hierarchy must match the concatenator string.

For example, Site A > Building B > Room C.

If an existing Full Location field is not found or the Location string exists with multiple Types, the Import generates an error.

Parent Location Type

Conditionally Required if the provided Parent Location exists with multiple Types.

Datatype is String.

Permitted values are from the LOCATION_TYPE List Values.

This field is used for the Parent Location lookup if provided.

The Parent Location is all of the parts of the Full Location string except for the last part.

Location Type

Datatype is String.

Conditionally Required if the Import is attempting to INSERT the Location.

Permitted values must be one of List Values of type LOCATION_TYPE: Site, Building, Floor, Room, Cube, Truck, Closet, Rack, Elevation, or Manhole.

User entered values to the LOCATION_TYPE list may also be used.

If a Location Type is provided, the Import uses that Location Type to see if an existing record exists for UPDATE.

If the Location Type is not in the List Values, the Import errors.

If a record exists with the same Name but a different Location Type, the Import process does INSERT a new record.

If Location Type is not provided, the record is assumed to be an UPDATE of an existing Location.


Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to Inactive [0].

Permitted Values are 1, True, Yes, Active and will set the Flag to True [1].

All other values enter as False [0].


Datatype is String.


Datatype is String.

Warehouse Flag

Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to False [0].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes and will set the Flag to True [1].

All other values enter as False [0].

Report 911 Flag

Datatype is Boolean.

Defaults to False [0].

Permitted Values are 1, True, or Yes set the Flag to True [1].

All other values enter as False [0].

If the Location Type is Building, the Report 911 flag must be either True or False.

If the Location Type is not a Building Type, the Report 911 flag is not used, and any provided value is ignored by the Import.

Default Warehouse

Datatype is String.

Sets the Default Warehouse for the Location to use.

Default Warehouse Type

Conditionally Required if the provided Default Warehouse Name exists with multiple Types.

Datatype is String.

Permitted values are from the LOCATION_TYPE List Values.

This field is used for the Default Warehouse lookup if provided.

Default Return Warehouse

Datatype is String.

Default value is blank.

Sets the Default Warehouse for the Location to use.

Default Return Warehouse Type

Conditionally Required if the provided Default Return Warehouse Name exists with multiple Types.

Datatype is String.

Permitted values are from the LOCATION_TYPE List Values.

This field is used for the Default Return Warehouse lookup if provided.

Child Records

Servicing Equipment

By default, any existing Equipment is removed from the Servicing Equipment list. The Equipment is added, and it is the only Servicing Equipment on that Location. This behavior can be overridden in the Conditional Logic.

Equipment ID

Datatype is String.

If an Equipment ID is provided, the Import adds that Equipment to the Servicing Equipment tab of the Location.

Equipment Location

Datatype is String.

Equipment Location is used by the Import to look up existing Equipment.

The Import does not INSERT or UPDATE this field.

The Equipment Location is only needed if the Equipment ID is not unique.

Equipment Location Type

Conditionally Required if the provided Equipment Location exists with multiple Types.

Datatype is String.

Permitted values are from the LOCATION_TYPE List Values.

This field is used for the Equipment Location lookup if provided.

Equipment Service Catalog

Datatype is String.

This is only used if an Equipment ID is also provided.

Building Address

The LOCATION_TYPE must be a Building to add an Address.

Building Number

Datatype is String.

Community Name

Datatype is String.

Street Address

Datatype is String.

If any of the Address fields are filled, they all become Required except for the Address2 field.


Datatype is String.


Datatype is String.


Datatype is String.

Permitted values must be the 2 letter, all caps (MI) or full state name with the first letter capitalized (Michigan).

Zip Code

Datatype is String.

Flags / Conditional Logic


Default Value = False.

  • True: Any existing Equipment is unchanged, and new Equipment is appended to the Servicing Equipment associations.
  • False: Any existing Equipment is removed from the Servicing Equipment list, and the new Equipment is added.
    Note: This means the Import only leaves the LAST Equipment record from the Import File associated on as the Servicing Equipment on that Location.


The following is a listing of the Errors and Warning that are generated by the Locations Import.

The following errors are displayed if the Location INSERT or UPDATE fails:

  • Error : Missing Location
  • Error : Missing or Blank Location Type for new Location <FULL_LOCATION>
  • Error : Invalid Parent Location '<parentLocation>'
  • Error : Invalid Equipment Location <EQUIPMENT_LOCATION> for Equipment ID <EQUIPMENT_ID>
  • Error : Invalid Equipment for Equipment ID <EQUIPMENT_ID> in Location <EQUIPMENT_LOCATION>
  • Error : Missing Service Catalog <SERVICE_CATALOG> for Equipment ID <EQUIPMENT_ID>
  • Error : Failed to save Address record; <errorMessage>
  • Error : Failed to save Location record; <errorMessage>
  • Error : Invalid Parent Location Type '<LOCATION_TYPE>'
  • Error : Invalid Default Warehouse Type '<LOCATION_TYPE>'
  • Error : Invalid Default Return Warehouse Type '<LOCATION_TYPE>'
  • Error : Equipment Location Type '<LOCATION_TYPE>'

These do NOT cause the Location INSERT or UPDATE to fail. They are non-essential for the Location or they happen after the Location save.

  • Warning : Invalid Default Warehouse '<DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE>'
  • Error : Failed to save LocationsSvcEquipment record; <errorMessage>

UDF Associations

User Defined Fields on any given Import are all handled the same way with Conditional Logic. For more information about adding a UDF to the Import see the User Defined Fields section of the Imports main page.

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