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CustomerCenter Customizable Content

Target release2020.1
Released 2020.3 & 2020.4
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Last Updated



  • To provide customers with more options for customizing the PCR-360 CustomerCenter.
  • Eliminate the need to modify CustomerCenter using third-party or customized scripts. 

Background and strategic fit

Many our customers would like the ability to customize CustomerCenter to fit the needs of their customers and adhere to university standards and guidelines for online content and portals.   


#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Custom MenusCustomers require a method of updating the standard menus in CustomerCenter.Must Have
  • The functionality will be restricted to PCR-360 Administrators.
  • Customized menus will obey set permissions in PCR-360.
  • Customers will have the ability to manage the menu to:
    • Rearrange menu items
    • Add items to the menu
    • Delete items from the menu
    • Use custom labeling for items on:
      • The main menu
      • The hamburger menu for change/remove requests.
    • Allow users to set permissions to modify or delete menu items, including the hamburger menu.
2Customizable SectionsUsers need a way to add their own custom content in various areas of the CustomerCenter.Must Have
  • Pages where custom content may be added:
    • Homepage (as widgets)
      • Multiple custom widgets may be added to the homepage.
      • Custom Widgets can be re-arranged (same as system widgets)
    • View Bill (top of page)
    • Order Tracking (top of page)
    • Cart (top and bottom of page)
  • Custom content will be controlled by the CustomerCenter theme.
  • Supported Content:
    • Links
    • Rich text
    • Embedded Images
    • Embedded Video (via a link to an outside source)
3Widget CustomizationCustomers need a way to set a default widget layout for CustomerCenter.Must Have
  • The functionality will be restricted to Administrators.
  • Admins can set global defaults on CustomerCenter to:
    • rearrange widget boxes
    • disable/enable widget boxes
      • If an administrator disables the widget users will not be able to add it to their homepage.
  • Layouts can be based on role, or global for all users.
4User PreferencesUser need a way to saved preferences in CustomerCenterMust Have
  • There will be a new section in the User's CustomerCenter profile for user preferences.
  • Items controlled by the preferences:
    • Widgets
      • hide/show widget boxes
      • rearrange widget boxes
    • Page layout
5Getting Started WidgetUsers would like a way to display the "Getting Started" information in a widget rather than the popup.Must Have
  • The "Getting Started pop-up will be replaced with a "Quick Links" widget.
  • Alerts will be displayed in the header on CustomerCenter, below the menu (similar to how Alerts are displayed in PCR-360).
  • Clicking on an Alert will display a pop-up of additional information.
  • Users can set the color on the Alerts, similar to PCR-360 Application Alerts.
6Custom FontsCustomers require the ability to select custom fonts in CustomerCenter.Nice To Have
  • The functionality will be restricted to Administrators.
  • The font-family and size can be set for all of CustomerCenter as a global setting.
  • The font-size can be set on these items:
    • The menu
    • The Hamburger Menu
    • Field Labels

Custom Questions

Users need the ability to create custom questions to present to the customer on a request.Must Have
  • The functionality will be restricted to Administrators
  • Questions can be global, or unique to a specific Service or Equipment catalog.
  • Questions may be required or optional.
  • Questions will be presented to the user in the cart.
  • Questions and Answers will be stored on the Incident/Service Request.

User interaction and design

Custom Questions in the Cart


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

Should we remove the Getting Started Popup and replace it with a Widget? or do we give customers the option of using the popup or the widget?Yes.  We will replace the pop-up with a widget for the links.  The Alerts in CustomerCenter will be similar to the Alerts in the PCR-360 Application.

How will Questions be presented to the user?

  • Should the questions show up in the cart?
  • Should the questions be a popup when an item is selected on the shopping page?
In the cart.
If an admin hides a Widget globally, will users be able to add it to their homepage?No, if an administrator hides (disables) the widget users will not be able to add it to their homepage.

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