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Service Desk Thread Received (Response)


This email will notify the sender of an email that their email was received when a response to an Email Thread is received into PCR-360.


The ##FROM_EMAIL## placeholder will insert the email address, from the email that was received, into the To: field and is always included.


The first thing in the email will be the following boilerplate text:
"Your email on SD # ##SD_NUMBER## has been received and logged with the Service Desk item.
We will examine your message and respond shortly.
If you need to add to this item simply respond to this email."

The ##SD_NUMBER## placeholder will insert the number of the Service Desk item into the boilerplate text and subject line of the email. The ##SD_LINK## placeholder will insert the link to the SD Item as a URL with the text of the item's Service Desk number. The ##SUBJECT## placeholder will insert the subject of the original email into the Notification and is always included. The ##MESSAGE## placeholder will insert the message from the original email into the Notification and is always included.

Note: Since the subject and the message of any received email can be blank the ##SUBJECT## and ##MESSAGE## can insert as blank values.

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