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Escalation Criteria

Escalation Criteria

In addition to specifying a series of actions for an Escalation, Users want to restrict the conditions under which those actions are executed. Criteria act as a filter (think of the Grid's Search and Filter mechanisms) that prevents an Escalation from the beginning unless the data provided matches its conditions.

On the Escalation form, click the Criteria tab, and click the Add button. On the Criteria form, set a single condition using a piece of Data (that is provided to the Event info) to match against, a Comparison operator, and the Value the data must match to pass and begin the Escalation. Based on the Data field, the Value may be an arbitrary text value, a Picker item, an option from a drop-down, etc.

If adding multiple Criteria rows, they are treated with an "AND" connection, meaning all the Criteria must match against the Start Event's data for the Escalation to begin. Be careful constructing Criteria so that they don't end up matching on "nothing" and the Escalation never starts.

Note: If an Escalation is already in progress and the Criteria is altered ( add/change/delete), the changes do not affect the progression of the current instance of the Escalation. Criteria are only tested for starting the Escalation.

Adding Criteria to an Escalation

  1. On the Escalation form, click the Criteria tab, and click the Add button.
  2. On the Criteria form, set a single condition.
    Add New Escalation Criteria form example
    • Data: This is dependent on the type of Start Event the Escalation is a part of.
    • Comparison: Available operators are: Equal, Not Equal, Empty, or Not Empty.
    • Value: This is dependent on the Data selected.
  3. Click the Save New button to save the Criteria.

Example type of Escalation Criteria

Start Event: Service Desk Workflow Assigned


Purpose: This allows for Workflow Escalations to have Criteria based on when the Workflow was initialy created or is a pre-existing Workflow.

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