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Service Catalogs

Service Catalog Grid Example
Service Catalog Grid Example

The Services Catalog lists any Service the User's organization could provide to Customers or other Users. If a User deems a specific type of Service necessary to fulfill an item from the Service Desk, the User can order the appropriate Service from the Services Catalog. Catalog Services can also be designated available to Customers through the PCR-360 CustomerCenter.

Adding a Service

Add New Service Catalog Example
Add New Service Catalog Example

Adding new Service

To add a new Service, click the "Add" button in the top toolbar of the main Services grid. In the appearing form, you will notice that three required fields are the minimum requirements for creating a Service: 'Name,' 'Type,' and 'GLA.' All other fields are optional.

Form Fields

Field Name


Field Description

Field Name


Field Description



The name of the Service.



A brief description of the Service. A more detailed description can be provided under the "Catalog" tab.



The type of the Service.



Format mask for the Service ID.

Aging (days)


A non-negative (including zero) number of days after the Service becomes inactive that it is eligible for automatic Service Aging .
When a new Catalog is created as a child of an existing Catalog, the new Catalog will inherit the Aging value of its parent.
The value may be cleared to force Services of that Catalog to use the Tenant's Service Aging Days setting, or changed to another value as desired.

GLA (Revenue)


The GLA that this Service uses for Billing purposes.

Object Code


The Object Code that this Service uses.

Install Time (hours)


The default amount of time that this Service requires for installation.

Remove Time (hours)


The default amount of time that this Service requires to be removed from Service.


The 'Format' field will set a mask for the Service. For example, Phone number formatting would be entered into this field as: "(999) 999-9999". This will make it so the phone number will display with the correct parenthesis, spacing, and hyphens, as well as control the length of the phone number. This allows the User to search or add "6165551212" and get a result of "(616) 555-1212". To set five-digit dialing, another example might be "9-9999" which in turn would convert "12345" into "1-2345" when searching for the Phone Number.

The Format mask also controls the length of the Auth Code. To set an Auth Code length of 7 digits, use seven consecutive 9's like "9999999". Create separate Service Catalogs for each required Auth Code length to create multiple Auth Codes with different lengths. The length of the Auth Code can be allowed to have a variable length. To add a variable length to the Auth Code, insert a single "?" into the normal Format string. For example, to make an Auth Code that can be 6 or 7 digits long, write a Format: "9999?9". The digit replaced with the "?" will determine the minimum number of digits the Auth Code can have.

9 is a placeholder used when the Format mask needs to be set as a number.

* is any Alpha-Numeric Character [A-Za-z0-9].

Note: changing a Service Catalog Format when existing Services exist can cause unexpected behaviors. Please get in touch with PCR for assistance if a change is desired before changing a Service Catalog Format.

Child Record's Format

As long as a Child Service record shares the same type as its Parent Service record, the Child will inherit the format from the Parent record unless a separate format is explicitly created on the Child record. When a Service Catalog Format is inherited, the text is greyed and italicized. This indicates the Format is acting as a placeholder for the parent's format, which is being enforced on the Child record. 

Service Types

When setting the Service Type, the type will determine which Service grid the Catalog will display on. Phones to Phones, Data to Data, and so on. The only exception is the 'Task' Type, which will never go to a grid. Task Service Catalogs will not save data to a Service when added to a Service Desk Action. Task Types are useful for creating one-time Actions that should not be tracked long-term. For this reason, Task Catalogs will not be able to save Monthly-Recurring Charges like Orders. For details on using Task Types, see our separate wiki article.

Form Field Rules


  • If a Service is a 'Category', it cannot be Assignable.

  • Category Service Catalogs can contain child nodes and have Permissions that the child nodes will receive.


  • If a Service is 'Assignable,' it cannot be a Category.

  • Assignable Service Catalogs will become assignable within the Service Desk module.


  • The 'Prorate' flag will allow the Service to be prorated when it is added to be billed.

  • The Billable flag MUST be set for the Prorate flag to be set.


  • This will make the Service 'Billable' when added to the Action by default.

Location Required

  • When the Service is created, the 'Location' will be required.

  • If checked, this Service must be assigned to a Location.


  • If a Service is 'Orderable,' it will show in the CustomerCenter.

  • The Orderable flag will make the Catalog tab visible. The information on the Catalog tab is what will appear on the CustomerCenter.

Report 911

  • The Report 911 flag will default set the Service's Report 911 flag.

  • This Service's data will be included in the 911 data feed if checked.

  • Only 'Phones' can have the 'Report 911' flag.







Provide a catalog description and images.

Expense Object Codes

Add any applicable Expense Object Codes.

Default Charges

Add any default Charges that correspond to this Service.

Location Permissions

Provide any Location specific Permissions that apply to this Service. It can also inherit Permissions from its parent, if applicable.

Service Host Permissions

Provide a default Service Host and any supplemental Service Hosts.

Equipment Permissions

Provide specific Equipment that can be used with this Service. It can also inherit Permissions from its parent, if applicable.

Billing Group Permissions

Provide which Billing Groups apply to this Service.


Provide any file attachments that should accompany this Service.

Incident Codes

Provide specific Incident Codes that pertain to this Service.

User Defined Fields

Provide any custom form fields that are needed in general.

Arranging the Hierarchy

Please see the main Catalog page to arrange the hierarchy (parent-child relationships).