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How the Revenue GLA is selected for a Charge

How the Revenue GLA is Selected for a Charge

A Revenue GLA can be specified in a Service Catalog , Equipment Catalog , Charge Catalog , a Charge Catalog’s Billing Group Overrides , and Billing Group*.

*Billing Groups can only have Revenue GLAs if enabled by the Configuration Option USE_CATALOG_REVENUE_GLA . In this case, see the Billing Group Revenue GLA enabled configuration section at the end.

Charges don’t carry Revenue GLAs, only Expense GLAs. The Revenue GLA gets assigned when the Bill runs and uses a selection priority system if there are multiple Revenue GLAs associated with the Charge. Only one Revenue GLA will be associated with each Charge.

Priority Ranking Quick Reference
  1. Revenue GLA on the Service Catalog or Equipment Catalog.

  2. Revenue GLA in the Billing Group Override tab on the Charge Catalog (if it matches the Billing Group of the Owner on the Service or Equipment).

  3. Revenue GLA on the Charge Catalog.

For Charges on a Service or Equipment item

If there is more than one Revenue GLA associated with a Service or Equipment item’s Charge, the Revenue GLA from the Service or Equipment Catalog will override any others.

Add New Service Catalog
Add New Service Catalog

If no revenue GLA is specified on the Service or Equipment catalog, then the Charge Catalog’s Billing Group Override tab will be checked next. If there is a Revenue GLA specified in this tab for the same Billing Group as the Service or Equipment Owner’s, then this will be used. If there are no Billing Group Overrides set on the Charge Catalog that match the Billing Group, then the Revenue GLA on the Charge Catalog will be selected.

Revenue Fields example
Revenue Fields example

If an Equipment item is associated with a Service, it's Charges will show up on the Service record’s Charges grid, but the Revenue GLA on the item’s Equipment Catalog will be used since that is the origin of the Charge (if there is none on the Equipment Catalog, it falls through to the Charge Catalog or Billing Group Overrides). You can toggle to Equipment on the Service record’s Charge tab to see these Charges, and see the Equipment items in the Equipment tab. Then the User can look up the Equipment item records in the Inventory grid, and click on the Catalogs to check for a Revenue GLA. These Charges will show on the Admin -> Billing -> View/Report -> Charges grid as originating from the Equipment, not the Service.

An example of the Equipment Charge that is being displayed on a Service.

Here is the Equipment record that generated the Charge.

Charges coming from Calls and Usage

Follows the same pattern as above. The Service Catalog used for the Service associated with the Calls or Usage will be checked first. If it has no Revenue GLA, then the Billing Group Overrides on the Charge Catalog will be checked. If there are none, then it will use the Revenue GLA from the Charge Catalog.

Billing Group Revenue GLA enabled configuration

If Billing Groups are configured (by setting the Configuration Option USE_CATALOG_REVENUE_GLA to False.) to allow Revenue GLA associations, then the Revenue GLA from the Billing Group will be chosen from these first. If there is none specified on the Billing Group, then it will fall back to the Charge Catalog’s Billing Group Overrides, and then to the Charge Catalog. For this configuration, the Service and Equipment Catalogs are not used at all to assign a Revenue GLA to a Charge.