(2022.1) How to Limit Form Button Access

(2022.1) How to Limit Form Button Access


There are many Forms and Grids within PCR-360 that your Organization can Permission off. However, your organization may sometimes be required to limit access to executable functionality on a Form or Grid, such as a Delete Selected button, even if the user needs access to view and create records on that Form or Grid. This article will cover how to limit access to these types of buttons PCR-360 Permissioning functionality.

How To

The first and most challenging step is determining which Permission Sets will require this additional Permission work to limit access. Please refer to PCR's recommended Best Practices for building Permission Sets during this time.

Once the desired Permission Sets and functionality to limit have been identified, setting up the proper restrictions is simple.

  1. Go to the Admin > User Management > Permission Sets grid.
  2. Open a desired Permission Set by double-clicking on the record in the grid, or selecting it and clicking on the Edit Selected button in the Grid Header.
  3. Go to the appropriate tab on the Manage Permissions Set form.
    1. If restricting a Grid's button, go to the "Grid" tab. 
    2. If restricting a Form's button, go to the "Form Elements" tab.
  4. This is the part where the actual permission changes occur:
    1. For Grids, PCR-360 already displays all available buttons, so find the desired button and click on the Edit Selected button in the form. The User can use the Manage Grid Permissions form to update the desired Permission for the button.
    2. For Forms, Form Elements are not populated by default as they are for the more complex Grids. The User must click the button in the form and manually set the Form, Element, and Permission associated with the desired button.
      • PCR Form Element button names are not readily available for our customers; if you want details for a specific button, please contact PCR's Help Desk.
  5. Once the Permission change has been saved, Users with that Permission Set will see an applicable change based on the Permission Sets their Roles are assigned to.

Common Form Button Element Names

ButtonElement Name

Save Button example


Save New Button example


Save and Close Button example


Delete Button example


Next Button example


Previous Button example



Restricting a Grid Button

Here is an example of how to set up a Grid Permission to restrict the View Path button from the Main > Cable > Path Legs grid:

Grid Button Restriction Example

Restricting a Form Button

Here is an example of how to set up a Form Element Permission to restrict access to the Reset Password button on the Manage Users Form found at Admin > User Management > Users:

Form Button Restriction Example