(v1) Metadata Generation
(v1) Metadata Generation
Service Provider Metadata
- All customers using the Shibboleth module will require metadata generated form the Application installed in their SSO
- If Shibboleth is configured and running the Metadata will be generated by the application
- Shibboleth 2
Metadata is usually generated at the following URLS: - Shibboleth 3 (the metadata handler is deprecated)
- an error suggest usage of shib-metagen
- https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/man1/shib-metagen.1.html
- The utility does not generate the full metadata like the handler does
- So the handler should still be used for now, but commented out after generating the metadata to remove the deprecation error
- After downloading the metadata, open up the file, review the data, and remove the leading comment about not sending out the data un-auditted before sending it to the customer
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