(v1) .Service Desk Action API Calls v2018.1
Read Call
All GET requests for retrieving data will be done via the SQL endpoint. Please see the SQL for more information on how to create a request. Please see the Data Dictionary for comprehensive detail of available Tables and Data.
In an effort to make the PCR-360 API more flexible, PCR has made the decision to no longer create individual endpoints for all the different data types. Instead, PCR is encouraging Users to use the SQL endpoint with a structured SELECT statement to retrieve exactly the data you want. Please see the SQL endpoint documentation for more information.
An example query to retrieve basic Service Desk Action data is as follows:
If readable values are desired for data such as “SD Action”, “Service Catalog”, etc., then JOINS will need to be made to the appropriate tables. The below query will retrieve the same data as above, but with readable values for “SD Action” and “Service Catalog” (if the data exists).
NOTE : _In both examples above,_ {SERVICE_DESK_RECID} needs to be replaced with the actual RECID of the Service Desk Item.
HINT : The PCR-360 database makes use of the “LISTS” table for many types of data from many different Tables. The convention that we use is that any column that ends with “_LISTS_RECID” can be joined to the “LISTS” table to retrieve the readable value.
Write Call
As of PCR-360 version 2.1.4, Service Desk Actions can be created via the API. Currently, the API can only create Pending Actions and cannot modify the status.
Currently available Action types:
- Add
- Move
- Upgrade/Downgrade
- Remove
- Miscellaneous
Available Fields
Field | Required for INSERT | Required for UPDATE | Required for Action Type | Data Type | Options | Notes |
type | Yes | Yes | String | ACTION | Required for ALL Service Desk Action Requests | |
RECID / sda_number | No | Yes* | Integer | *Either “RECID” or “sda_number” are required when attempting to UPDATE, but not both | ||
sd_recid / sd_number | Yes* | No | Integer / String | *Either “sd_recid” or “sd_number” are required when attempting to INSERT, but not both | ||
sd_action | Yes | No | String | ADD, CHG_MOVE, CHG_UPDOWN, CHG_MISC, REMOVE | The type of Service Desk Action to be created | |
location | No* | No* | Integer | RECID of Location / *Some Services can make the Location required | ||
moveto_location | No | No | Integer | RECID of Location | ||
catalog | Yes | No | ADD, CHG_UPDOWN | Integer | RECID of Service Catalog | |
service / service_id | Yes | No | CHG_UPDOWN, CHG_MOVE, CHG_MISC, REMOVE | Integer | *Either RECID of Service or SERVICE_ID of Service needs to be provided | |
sla | No | No | Integer | RECID of SLA | ||
due_date | No | No | String | Format “YYYY/MM/DD” | ||
service_host / service_host_name | No* | No* | Integer / String | RECID of Service Host / Name of Service Host / Either RECID or Name should be provided / *Some Services require Service Host | ||
reference | No | No | String | |||
owner_contact | No | No | Integer | RECID of Contact. Only a Contact or Department can be Owner, not both. | ||
owner_department | No | No | Integer | RECID of Department. Only a Contact or Department can be Owner, not both. | ||
urgency | No | No | Integer / String | Can be RECID or VALUE | ||
start_date | No | No | String | Format: “YYYY/MM/DD” | ||
gla | No | No | Integer | Multiple are sent comma delimited. Example: gla1,gla2,gla3 | ||
gla_type | Only if gla is sent | Only if gla is sent | String | Options: Default, Usage, Equipment and Labor | Multiple are sent comma delimited. Example: type1,type2,type3. | |
gla_percent | Only if gla is sent | Only if gla is sent | Integer | The total of all percentages for a single type must be 100 | Mutliple are sent comma delimited. Example: percent1,percent2,percent3. | |
udf_IDENTIFIER | No | No | Mixed | IDENTIFIER is the unique identifier string given to each UDF |
If the request is successful, the RECID of the Action will be returned as follows:
{ "status": "success", "page": "1", "count": 1, "total_count": 0, "servicedesk": 22184 }
Service Desk Action UDFs
User Defined Fields can be easily set for a Service Desk Action. When Service Desk Upgrade/Downgrade Actions are created by the API, the "old" UDF values from the selected Service are stored on the Action record.
Below is the proper format for making a UDF request. Note "type=UDFS" to indicate that this is to add UDFs to an Action.
POST http://DOMAIN/api/API_KEY/servicedesk.OUTPUT?field1=value1 ...
Available Fields
Field | Required | Data Type | Options | Default | Notes |
type | yes | String | UDFS | type=UDFS is required | |
sd_recid | yes* | Integer | The RECID of the Service Desk item that the UDF is for. _*See NOTE below_ | ||
sda_recid | yes* | Integer | The RECID of the Action. _*See NOTE below_ | ||
sd_number | yes* | String | The Number of the Service Desk item that the UDF is for. _*See NOTE below_ | ||
sda_number | yes* | Integer | The Number of the Action that the UDF is for. _*See NOTE below_ | ||
udf_IDENTIFIER | yes | Mixed | IDENTIFIER is the unique Identifier of the UDF to assign the value to. Example: udf_LEGACYNUM=value |
- Either "sd_recid" or "sd_number" need to be provided, but not both
- Either "sda_number" or "sda_recid" is required, but not both
- "sd_recid", "sd_number" and "sda_number" can be omitted if "sda_recid" is provided
Correct Examples
- "sd_recid=123&sda_number=001"
- "sd_number=SO12345&sda_number=002"
- "sda_recid=345"
Incorrect Examples:
- "sd_recid=123"
- "sda_number=001"
If the request is successful, the RECID(s) of the new Service Desk Action UDF records will be returned in the same order as provided:
<servicedesk> <status>success</status> <page>1</page> <count>1</count> <total_count>1</total_count> <servicedesk> <item>5434</item> <item>5435</item> </servicedesk> </servicedesk>
Service Desk Action GLAs
GLAs can be easily set for a Service Desk Action.
Below is the proper format for making a UDF request. Note "type=GLA" to indicate that this is to add GLAs to an Action.
POST http://DOMAIN/api/API_KEY/servicedesk.OUTPUT?field1=value1 ...
Available Fields
Field | Required | Data Type | Options | Default | Notes |
type | yes | String | GLA | type=GLA is required | |
sd_recid | yes* | Integer | The RECID of the Service Desk item that the UDF is for. _*See NOTE below_ | ||
sda_recid | yes* | Integer | The RECID of the Action. _*See NOTE below_ | ||
sd_number | yes* | String | The Number of the Service Desk item that the UDF is for. _*See NOTE below_ | ||
sda_number | yes* | Integer | The Number of the Action that the UDF is for. _*See NOTE below_ | ||
gla | yes | Mixed | A single GLA RECID or comma-separated GLA RECIDs | ||
gla_type | yes | String | A single GLA type or comma-separated GLA types. Example: "Default" or "Usage" | ||
gla_percent | yes | Mixed | A single number of "100" or comma-separated numbers that equal 100. Example: "50,50" |
- Either "sd_recid" or "sd_number" need to be provided, but not both
- Either "sda_number" or "sda_recid" is required, but not both
- "sd_recid", "sd_number" and "sda_number" can be omitted if "sda_recid" is provided
Correct Examples
- "sd_recid=123&sda_number=001"
- "sd_number=SO12345&sda_number=002"
- "sda_recid=345"
Incorrect Examples:
- "sd_recid=123"
- "sda_number=001"
If the request is successful, the RECID(s) of the new Service Desk Action GLA records will be returned in the same order as provided:
<servicedesk> <status>success</status> <page>1</page> <count>1</count> <total_count>1</total_count> <servicedesk> <item>5434</item> <item>5435</item> </servicedesk> </servicedesk>
Service Desk Action GLA App Record
Locating Service Desk Action Data
Please see the wiki entry for Service Desk Actions for detailed information about where this data can be found.
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